Archives: 2009 Minutes

Minutes: November 17, 2009

Atlanta History Center

President, Maysie Beeson, welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order. Hostesses, Anne Gordon Bonner, Caroline Davis, and Cookie Jones, were acknowledged and thanked for lunch. The beautiful flower arrangement was donated by Dan Martin.

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Minutes: April 28, 2009

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston

Sanford brought the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. She thanked our hostesses:   Catherine Fleetwood, Jane Sterne, Jane Tracy and Nancy Tracy.

Sanford reminded everyone to sign the attendance sheet;

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Minutes: March 24, 2009

At the Allen’s Playhouse

Sanford brought the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. She thanked our hostesses: Liz Crew, Rawson Grobety, Lamar Smith and Jennifer Calhoun, and also thanked Sally Allen and Tricia Allen for graciously opening the Playhouse for today’s meeting.

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