Minutes: August 19, 2009

Maysie welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order. Committee Chairs were introduced.

President -Maysie Beeson
Vice-President – Eileen Millard
2nd Vice-presidents/Speech School – Caroline Davis, Hazel Hillsman, Lois Yates
3rd Vice-presidents/Quarry Garden – Jinny Keough, Caroline Millican
Recording Secretaries – Kendrick Williams, Mary Huntz
Corresponding Secretaries- Jackie Cushman, Leslie Morgan
Treasurers-  Amanda Brady, Elizabeth Morgan,Hardin Powell
Programs – Michele Mitchell, Shelby Neely
Membership – Shelby Drinkard, Catherine, Fleetwood, Nancy Tracy
Historian Parlimentarian –  Sophie Mason
Publicity & Scrapbook- Lisa Hinson
Yearbook- Emily Ferguson, Rawson Grobety
Party Chairman- Terri Alston
Flower Show Chairman – Sophie Mason, Lois Yates, Mary Huntz

Committee Reports:
Teasurer’s Report: – None
Checking Acct:  $1312.
Investment Acct:  $5300.
Party Acct:   $7600.

All members remember to send in their yearly dues of $50. to: Elizabeth Morgan 2112 McKinley Road, Atlanta, GA 30318


The board decided to continue holding three of the monthly meeting at 10:00am; the remaining five monthly meetings will begin at 11:15am.

The Program Committee will be working to make the meetings fun, e.g. gifts, drawings.

There was discussion around the fact that the Atlanta Botanical Garden is now charging to hold meetings at their facility. The Atlanta History Center allows us to hold one meeting for free. There was discussion around being sure that we do not hold meetings at more than once at a location.

Duties of the Hostesses should be explained for each meeting location, e.g. table cloths, center pieces, chair rental—as applicable. There was discussion about including this in the yearbook.

The Yearbook should be ready by the September 22 meeting.

The Committee is assembling a list of the Hostesses for the 2010-2011 season.

New Member Party will be a Luncheon on Wednesday, September 9th at 11:30am.

Location TBA.

Guest List :
2009 Member Elect
2008 Member Elect
2009 Member Elect Sponsors
President and Immediate Past President
Flower Show Committee
Party Chairman

Flower Show:
The new, revised Southeastern Flower Show will be held February 5-7, 2010 at the Cobb Center.

The Flower Show Exhibition Committee will consist of:
22008 Members Elect (Hallie Crawford, Nicole Warren, Sallie Smith) shall be responsible for the exhibit.
2009 Members Elect (Anna Muir, Nancy Powell, Lori Kennedy) shall assist in the creation of the exhibit.
Flower Show Committee (Sophie Mason, Lois Yates, Mary Huntz), Advisors

At the September meeting Mazie will ask Mimosa members to become a “Buddy” to a member of the Flower Show Exhibiting Committee, e.g. assist in design, assist in construction.

Sophie, Lois and Mary have agreed to organize the Amaryllis bulb project again. Last year the project was enjoyed and successful by those members who participated.

Spring Party:
The Party plans are underway. Location and date TBA. Mazie to stress attendance by all members and bring guests.

New Business:

Mimosa has 65 Active members; 111 members including out of town members.

Currently members are asked to act as Hostess every three years. However, with resignations, moving, and deaths, we no longer have enough members to fulfill Hostess obligations at the monthly meetings. Should the class of 2010 have a one time increase of membership to 5?

Maysie would like for us to focus on strengthening, revitalizing, and to be more enthusiastic members of Mimosa. She is planning to re-introduce skits, and to be more inclusive of “fringe members” and the not so active members. We need to remind everyone about the 5 meeting requirement each year.   She asked that board members call a friend to make sure she remembers the meeting, maybe offer to pick her up.   We need to remind all members that each member has an obligation to work at the Quarry Garden for two hours on two separate shifts.

The Board discussed creating a Book about the members of Mimosa. The Rotary Directory was mentioned as a model. Perhaps to include a photo, college, spouse, number of children, grandchildren, hobbies, and work. The Book could be included on a new, informative Mimosa Website, password protected. Updating is a concern. Funds to pay for the creative and management of the site is an issue. Jackie Cushman volunteered to investigate the development of a Mimosa Website.

Everyone enjoyed the Mimosa 80th Birthday Party last spring. Should we consider having a party like this on alternate years from the fund raising spring party? No pressure, just Mimosa members and spouses, just for fun.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Huntz and Kendrick Williams
Recording Secretaries

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