Minutes: March 24, 2009

At the Allen’s Playhouse

Sanford brought the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. She thanked our hostesses: Liz Crew, Rawson Grobety, Lamar Smith and Jennifer Calhoun, and also thanked Sally Allen and Tricia Allen for graciously opening the Playhouse for today’s meeting.

Sanford reminded everyone to sign the attendance sheet; all Actives must attend 5 meetings per year.
OfficialBusiness: The February minutes were reviewed and approved as submitted.

Committee Reports:
Teasurer’s Report– Currently, our balances are as follows: $4,960 in checking account; $5,334 in savings account; $46,181 in party account.

Speech School Report – No report.

Quarry Garden Report– (Jinny Keough) – Jinny read a very nice note from John Manion thanking Mimosa for our recent gift; he encourages members to visit the garden often; the plant database system has been purchased and a stone mason is currently at work in the Quarry Garden. John is also looking for volunteers to do some computer work (3-4 hours per week) to help set up the new database system.

Special Committee Reports– None

New Business:

Disbursement of Party Funds (Maysie Beeson) – We have $32,000 to distribute. After surveying the membership, the following donations were approved: $4,000 to the Speech School; $11,500 to the Quarry Garden; $6,500 to Skyland Trail; and $10,000 to Oakland Cemetery.

New Member Proposals – We have spots for three new members this year. The ballots will be mailed out shortly, and must be returned by the April meeting (you may bring your ballot to the April meeting).

80th Birthday Party (Michele Mitchell) – Mimosa’s 80th Birthday Celebration will be held at the home of Blair Mann on May 20th. The cost is $15 per person ($30 per couple). Invitations will be mailed soon.

The following members have Perfect Attendance through February: Sanford Dunklin, Lisa Hinson, Edwina Johnson, Jinny Keough, Sophie Mason, Marcy McTier, Shelby Neely, Sallie Smith, Margaret Warren. Keep up the good work!


With no further business, Marcy McTier introduced our speaker, Ben Jordan. Mr. Jordan is the Supply Chain Strategist for Coca-Cola North America Focusing on Environmental Sustainability. Mr. Jordan gave an interesting talk on the methods Coke uses to minimize its environmental impact.

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret Warren
Kendrick Williams
Recording Secretaries


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