Atlanta History Center
President, Maysie Beeson, welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order. Hostesses, Anne Gordon Bonner, Caroline Davis, and Cookie Jones, were acknowledged and thanked for lunch. The beautiful flower arrangement was donated by Dan Martin.
The October 27, 2009 meeting minutes were approved as submitted.
Executive Committee Reports:
Treasurer’s Report: All members remember to send in their yearly dues of $50.00 to:Elizabeth Morgan, 2112 McKinley Road, Atlanta, GA 30318 Effective December 1st, the dues will be $75.00
Yearbook:The new 2009-2010 yearbooks are available. Please be sure to pickup yours on the way out.
Hostess Chart: Shelby Drinkard asked everyone to sign up for the monthly hostess duty.
Flower Show: Sophie Mason explained that the Flower Show will not print an Exhibitor’s Guide this year. It will be available online at
The new members-elect are responsible for the Mimosa Garden Club group entry. Catherine Fleetwood reported that the group has selected a table top entry with Green Acres as the theme. Zsa Zsa Gabor will be at lunch! Details to follow.
Quarry Garden: Jinny Keough reported that it has been very wet! The new bridge is open. John Manion has scheduled workdays 6-7 days each month. Please remember that our By-laws require each garden club member to give five workday hours to the Quarry Garden each year.
Spring Party: Terri Alston and Eileen Millard surprised us as they appeared in Mexican costumes to announce that the Spring Party will have a Cinco de Mayo theme. It will be held at the Allen’s Playhouse on May 5, 2010. Thank you, Tricia Allen. Any raffle ideas? Please sign up to help.
Speech School: Please sign up for the workday in January.
Unfinished Business:
Julian Williams’ husband is in serious condition in St. Joseph’s hospital.
New Business:
Gail Wilson resigned after being a Mimosa member for 23 years. Gayle wishes Mimosa the best and said it has been a privilege to be a member.
Sally Allen reminded us that there is a very important upcoming city of Atlanta election in December. Please vote. Absentee ballots and early voting are available for anyone not going to be in town. Please request an absentee ballot for your college age children.
Edwina Johnson announced that the always fabulous Chelsea Flower Show tickets are now available online. The dates are May 25-29, 2010.
Mary Huntz demonstrated the quick and easy way to plant your amaryllis bulb. Hopefully your amaryllis will be blooming at just the right time to be entered in the Flower Show. 30 bulb kits were purchased by club members.
Michelle Mitchell introduced our speaker, Shirley Weller of Wildlife Habitat Design. Shirley, a designer of wildlife habitats, gave a very impressive and informative slide presentation on the wild birds in our area. We learned about designing our gardens using the favorite foods and favorite plants of wild birds. The program was well received by all in attendance. Shirley is available for on site consultations in your garden for $100 per hour.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Huntz
Kendrick Williams,
Recording Secretaries