Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston
Sanford brought the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. She thanked our hostesses: Catherine Fleetwood, Jane Sterne, Jane Tracy and Nancy Tracy.
Sanford reminded everyone to sign the attendance sheet; all Actives must attend 5 meetings per year. She also mentioned that Sophie Mason’s mother-in-law passed away, so our thoughts and prayers are with her family.
Official Business: The March minutes were reviewed and approved as submitted.
Committee Reports:
Teasurer’s Report – The distributions from the party funds have been sent to the various recipients.
Speech School Report – No report.
Quarry Garden Report – Jinny read a very nice note from John Manion inviting all Mimosa members to visit the garden before it gets too hot.
Special Committee Reports – None
New Business
New Members – Sanford announced our three new members: Anna Muir (Tee’s daughter-in-law), Nancy Powell (Hardin’s daughter-in-law), and Lori Kennedy (former member Mary Bird Kennedy’s daughter-in-law, sponsored by Claire Marie Huff). We look forward to welcoming our new members at the May meeting.
Slate of Officers – Sanford announced the Slate of Officers for the 2009-2010 year:
President- Maysie Beeson
Vice President – Eileen Millard
2nd Vice President – Speech School- Caroline Davis, Hazel Hilsman
3rd Vice President – Quarry Garden- Jinny Keough, Caroline Millican
Recording Secretaries- Kendrick Williams, Mary Huntz
Corresponding Secretaries- Jackie Cushman, Leslie Morgan
Treasurers – Amanda Brady, Elizabeth Morgan, Hardin Powell
Yearbook – Emily Ferguson, Rawson Grobety
Programs – Michele Mitchell, Shelby Neely
Membership – Shelby Drinkard, Catherine Fleetwood, Nancy Tracy
Flower Show – None
Historian – Sophie Mason
Parliamentarian – Sophie Mason
Publicity and Scrapbook- Lisa Hinson
Party -Terri Alston
The Slate of Officers was voted on and unanimously approved.
The following members have Perfect Attendance through March: Sanford Dunklin, Lisa Hinson, Edwina Johnson, Jinny Keough, Sophie Mason, Marcy McTier, Sallie Smith, and Margaret Warren. Keep up the good work!
Sanford informed everyone that the Flower Show has been cancelled for 2010. If you have a suggestion for a related activity that Mimosa could participate in, please forward your ideas to her.
Invitations have been mailed for Mimosa’s 80th Birthday Celebration. Please mail your checks as soon as possible to Amanda Brady, as this represents your RSVP to the party and will allow the organizers to plan the food and drinks appropriately.
Sanford also mentioned that the May Mimosa meeting will be held at the Atlanta Botanical Garden. Our meeting will include a tour of the new Visitor Center, as well as a guided tour of the Henry Moore exhibit. There are no hostesses for this meeting, so lunch will be Dutch Treat. Additional information on this meeting will follow shortly.
With no further business, Marianne Craft introduced our speaker, Harriett Kirkpatrick. Harriett is the Chair of the Garden Committee of the Friends of Children’s Healthcare Foundation, and gave a very interesting talk on the history of the CHOA Garden, as well as Mimosa’s relationship with the Garden. Following her talk, members enjoyed a tour of the lovely CHOA Garden.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Warren
Kendrick Williams
Recording Secretaries