October 2022 Meeting Minutes

Welcome and Call to Order: Aimee Nix thanked the hostesses, Maysie Beeson, Sissy Davis, and Elizabeth Spalding. She also thanked thosewho participated in the work day.

Reading and Approval of Minutes: A motion was made to approve the September meeting minutes by Lindsey Sones and a second by Maysie Beeson. General approval granted.

Officer & Committee Reports

  • Vice President – Parker Tekin: Discussed the need for hostess sign up to be completed for 2023-24. Ideally there needs to be 4 hostesses per meeting to divide costs equally. An email went out to the members that are due to host. If anyone has questions, email Parker.
  • Second Vice President (Speech School) – Kendrick Williams: Aimee gave Kendrick’s report. They are getting bids from 2 companies to replace the plantings and recommend options for the existing planters, perhaps with an addition of a few more planters. They are not in a place to schedule a work day yet, but they are thrilled that there is interest from our membership! Given the time of year, a work day may be better served in the spring, but Haven will confirm. Once they have gotten the proposals for plantings, Haven will certainly forward to Kendrick to share with the membership, or even request some help with selections if we have a member or two willing to help.
  • Third Vice President (Quarry Garden) – Molly West: NO REPORT because Sarah Roberts from the Atlanta History Center is our speaker.
  • Corresponding Secretary -Katie Bockstedt: NO REPORT
  • Treasurer – Jo Phelps: NO REPORT

  • Programs – Julie Yates and Sarah McElroy: November Meeting – Tuesday, November 15th – Location is Corso Atlanta and Terry Furuta will be our speaker. Her shop is at Corso Atlanta, and she will be doing a presentation on orchids.
  • Membership & Dues – Amy Underwood: Aimee gave Amy’s report. Thanks was given to those who have paid dues already. We have 40 people that have paid and 72 that still need to pay their dues. We are able to use Credit cards this year to make it easier to pay in person at meetings. Please see Rae or Aimee after the meeting if you would like to use your card. Checks are still accepted in person at the meeting or they can be mailed to Amy Underwood.
  • Historian – Jinny Keough: NO REPORT
  • Parliamentarian – Jackie Cushman: NO REPORT
  • Website- Jennifer Hill: NO REPORT
  • State Garden Club Liaison – Lindsey Sones: Lindsey gave her report. The National State Garden Club convention will be at the Greenbrier next March. All state meetings are over for the year. If you need information email Lindsey.

New Business

  • Amaryllis Project – Alden Potts, Sarah McElroy and Mary Mac Southerland
  • Alden Potts gave an update to venmo or mail a check to her for the bulbs. October meeting was the last day to purchase bulbs. Valentine’s Day will be the date of the competition.
  • Mimosa has been asked once again to participate in the ‘Victorian Holiday at Oakland’ event December 3th-4th, by decorating a Mausoleum. Please let Aimee know if you’d like to volunteer to participate. We have been given the King Mausoleum. Participants will go the week before to decorate.


  • Aimee Nix introduced the speaker, Sarah Roberts, Olga C. de Goizueta Vice President of Goizueta Gardens and Living Collections.
  • Sarah talked about garden improvements at the entrance which is an 8 acre area. They use minimal grass, no annuals in the beds, no fertilizer and very little pesticides. The “tree table” has been a well used addition to the entrance area.
  • A large irrigation improvement was completed in the Quarry garden.
  • The farm is transitioning from summer to fall crops. There are over 300+ children from school groups that visit the garden every day. A new and improved picnic area is being planned to help accommodate the large groups.

Adjournment & Lunch

  • Aimee thanked Sarah Roberts. Aimee thanked the hostesses again. Lunch was adjourned.
  • Reminder that the November meeting will be a week earlier than usual due to Thanksgiving – Tuesday, November 15th.