September 2022 Meeting Minutes

Welcome and Call to Order

  • Welcome from Aimee Nix
    • Aimee thanked-
      • Hostesses – Amanda Brady, Jean Glenn, Nancy Glenn, Margaret Glenn, Caroline Millican
      • Shelby Drinkard for her leadership last year and for her mentorship with Aimee.
      • Lois Yates and Maggie Fischer for hosting the delightful new member luncheon in late August.
      • Parker Tekin for the pretty New Member name tags.
      • Guerry Redmond for taking photos of the new members today for our online directory.
    • Aimee welcomed three new members: Genie Gray, Mims Hill, Amanda Orr

Approval of Minutes

  • Due to cancellation of May meeting, the April minutes were approved (Tricia Allen motions, 2nd from Susan Virgin, all in favor)

Announcements and Member Updates

  • Two new Honorary Members this year!
    • Margie Hutchison
    • Mariea Sibley – both joined in 1972. (Beginning in the 51st year – and as a reminder, Honorary members do not pay dues.)
  • Two members have resigned this year –
    • Michele Mitchell has been a member of Mimosa for 45 years and decided it’s time to retire. She will be missed and we’re grateful for her many years of service.
    • Bess Goff (Member since 2020 – lives in Florida and not able to return to Atlanta for meetings).
  • Amy Smith has requested Non-Resident Status.
  • Margaret Glenn has requested to renew her professional membership status.
  • The Standing Committees for 2022-2023:
    • Programs (Sarah McElroy & Julie Yates)
    • Membership & Dues (Amy Underwood)
    • Flower Show (VP – Parker Tekin)
    • Historian/Scrapbook (Jinny Keough)     
    • Corresponding Secretary (Katie Bockstedt)
    • New Member Mentors & Luncheon (Lois Yates & Maggie Fischer)
    • Parliamentarian (Jackie Cushman)
    • Website (Jennifer Hill)
    • State Garden Club Liaison (Lindsey Sones)
  • Vice President – Parker Tekin

An email has been sent out to all hostesses who are eligible to host a meeting in the 2023-2024 year. Parker showed us the hostess chart and reminded everyone to choose your group and sign up for an available month. Parker created permanent member name tags for our meetings that will also be used to keep track of meeting attendance.

Officer Reports

  • Second Vice President (Speech School) – Kendrick Williams

Kendrick reports that The Speech School is finally allowing volunteers again! They have decided to keep the grass space and fix drainage issues in the Mimosa garden. (Last year they were considering adding hardscape because the outdoor classrooms were such a hit.) So they are going to get a quote from Solterra to add evergreen trees and to replant the three planters outside. Haven Long said she would love our feedback when she gets the plans back to see our thoughts on what they think would be good in the planters. She also said it would be great if we wanted to help plant the plants in the planters when the time is right. I’m assuming the planting will occur in October so I will keep you posted! (Kendrick also stated that we have a meeting at the Speech School in January.)

  • Third Vice President (Quarry Garden) – Molly West

Molly met with Sarah Roberts (VP of Goizueta Gardens foundation, serving as garden designer and leading the horticulture and agriculture staff along with Rosemary who is the Sr. horticulturalist for the Quarry Garden. They very kindly toured her around the gardens and here are a couple of updates:

– The new bridge needed in the back over the creek is installed and looks wonderful. Its beautifully designed and each post has an animal, bird, reptile, etc native to Georgia.

– The wagon is still offsite getting repaired.

– It was neat to see the rare Franklin Tree is doing well. Franklin Tree is extinct in the wild and this tree is the largest of its species in the state.

– Over the summer they had to tear down 4 150 year old trees, I believe 2 tulip poplars and 2 loblolly pines.

– 2 weeks ago they had to remove another large tree, estimated 150 years old, which was located at top of the garden wall in corner by the front entrance to the garden. They said it was such a difficult process and the tree removal company did an amazing job. It was a VERY tall tree about 30 ft off the ground up on this wall. I have a video if anyone wants to watch it. I’ve attached a picture.

– The oak leaf hydrangeas, a native plant to Georgia, will be part of the America Hydrangea Society Tour next year.

– They (“they” being Rosemary) are working on a big task of taking inventory of every plant species in the garden to be able to update the signs around the garden.

– If anyone would like to receive the Gardens newsletter we can send her a list of names with email addresses and Sarah will add us to the distribution list.

– She also shared the following really nice blog article about the Quarry Garden posted on

– Also, every 3 years they need to replace the metal placards installed on the various trees around the garden because the tree will start to grow over the sign. You’ll see an example at the bottom of the main entrance’s path. They welcome anyone interested in volunteering to bring

a power drill and help remove the old signs, off of 2500 trees!

  • Corresponding Secretary -Katie Bockstedt


  • Treasurer – Jo Phelps

                        As of 8/31/22 , Mimosa balances are:

                        Operating Account – $5014.49                 

                        Party Account – $15,462.65

                        Reserve Account – $7,865.16

                        Total – $28,342.30 (final party proceeds to come)

From the operating account, we give $3000 to the Atlanta History Center and $2000 to the Atlanta Speech School, annually each spring. From the party account, we give a percentage of our net proceeds to the History Center and the Speech School and hold the balance to meet our annual commitment in case we have a shortfall. We’ll need to discuss how much we want to give but we will be able to give.

Committee Reports

  • Programs – Julie Yates and Sarah McElroy


  • Membership & Dues – Amy Underwood

                        Amy indicated that dues can be paid:

  • With check for $100 made out to Mimosa Garden Club
    • With credit card in person (via Square) for $102.70
    • Over-the-phone credit card for $103.65- just call her at 404-849-5019
  • Party Chairs – Jessica Brown & Mary Ayres Griggs

Aimee read the report for Jessica and Mary Ayres:

Thank you to the generous Alstons (Gayle & Jimmy) for their house and Jennifer for creating the beautiful flower arrangements. Also thank you to Liles Thompson and her husband for the generous alcohol donation from their business, ASW Distillery. Thank you to the committee who helped with flowers and set-up.

Aimee thanked Jessica and Mary Ayres for organizing such a fabulous party.

  • New Member Mentors & Luncheon – Lois Yates & Maggie Fischer

Lois and Maggie report that they really enjoyed hosting and getting to know our new members! 

  • Historian – Jinny Keough

                        NO REPORT

  • Parliamentarian – Jackie Cushman

                        NO REPORT

  • Website- Jennifer HillJennifer indicated that she was working to make the website look more consistent. If you have suggestions, you can send to her at jenniferfrazierhill@gmail.comTo get into your Mimosa account, username is your first initial and then your last name (no spaces) and password is the last 4 digits of your phone numberWebsite is and www.mimosagardenclub.netJennifer will have new mood boards for us to view next month for the revamped website
  • State Garden Club Liaison – Lindsey Sones


New Business

  • Amaryllis Project – Alden Potts
    • Alden Potts, Sarah McElroy and Mary Mac Southerland have joined together to head up the Amaryllis Project and handed out flyers.
    • If you would like to participate in the Project, please venmo $25 (per amaryllis) to Alden Potts (@Alden-Potts) or pay by check or cash at next meeting.
    • We will receive our Amaryllis bulbs in November and participants will have 6 weeks to grow them to be judged in January.
  • Mimosa has been asked once again to participate in the ‘Victorian Holiday at Oakland’ event, December 3th-4th, by decorating a Mausoleum. Please let Aimee know if you’d like to volunteer to participate. From last year’s participation, they have offered a tour of the cemetery for up to 20 people. We can go in mid- late November or choose a time in the spring.
  • Mimosa has three spots available for new members this year. We will begin accepting proposals in January. There is more information on our website on nominating a New Member. Voting begins April 1.


  • Julie Yates introduced our speaker, Hazel Hendricks. Hazel is a senior horticulturist at the Atlanta Botanical Garden. Hazel talked to us about planting the right kind of trees, shrubs, bushes, and groundcover to attract birds during Fall migration. He told us that these birds, when they leave Atlanta, will have to fly over 165 miles over the Gulf of Mexico so they need lots of food sources for fat, antioxidants, and fruit.
  • Hazel then took us through some of the best plant sources for these nutrients that we can plant in our own yards.

Adjournment & Lunch

  • Aimee thanked Julie and Sarah for putting together a terrific year of programs! Our next meeting will be October 25th at the History Center. It is our Quarry Garden workday so bring your gloves and clippers!