Welcome and Call to Order
Welcome from Aimee Nix with thanks to hostesses: Claire Benedict, Jackie Cushman, and Sandy Wagner. Aimee shared sad news: Nadine Lawton passed away last Friday, November 11th. She was 100 years old. Nadine joined Mimosa Garden Club in 1946 and was an Honorary member. (We celebrated her birthday in March by sending flowers and cards.) Beth Nix and Sophie Mason shared stories about Nadine’s history and life at our January meeting last year. She was Godmother to Beth Nix.
A rosary service for Nadine will be held Wednesday, November 16th, 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Christ the King. A catholic mass will occur Thursday, November 17th from 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM at Christ the King.
Approval of Minutes
Aimee moved to approve the minutes from October, which have been posted on the website. Shelby Drinkard motions, 2nd from Amanda Tucker, all in favor/
Officer Reports
- Vice President – Parker Tekin: An email has been sent out to all hostesses who are eligible to host a meeting in the 2023-2024 year. There are a few remaining spots. Please email her or sign up on the chart at the next meeting.
- Third Vice President (Quarry Garden) – Molly West: Aimee gave the update: Sarah Roberts says they’ve been doing a lot of big renovations in Veterans Park and setting up the Christmas lights. Members have a tree lighting event on November 18th with Santa in attendance. Also, at last month’s meeting Sarah was asked the best time of year to visit the Quarry Garden. She said March and April, but also late November, especially Thanksgiving week.
- Treasurer – Jo Phelps: As of 10/31/22 , Mimosa balances are: Operating Account – $8714.14
- Party Account – $9721.00
- Reserve Account – $7,865.16
Committee Reports
- Membership & Dues – Amy Underwood: Amy indicated that we have collected 50 percent of the dues. After, December 1, there will be a late fee of $25.
No reports this month:
- Second Vice President (Speech School) – Kendrick Williams
- Corresponding Secretary – Katie Bockstedt
- Programs – Julie Yates and Sarah McElroy
- Historian – Jinny Keough
- Parliamentarian – Jackie Cushman
- Website- Jennifer Hill
- State Garden Club Liaison – Lindsey Sones
New Business
- Amaryllis Project – Alden Potts, Sarah McElroy, and Mary Mac Southerland Amaryllis’ have been delivered. We can go ahead and plant the bulbs now. Once you have your flower at its peak, please email your photo to us. aldenpotts@dorseyalston.com. Please remember to decorate your flower and be creative with your pot whether it be funny, lovely, or creative. We will announce the prizes in February.
- Mimosa is participating in the ‘Victorian Holiday at Oakland’ event, December 3th-4th, by decorating a Mausoleum. Please let Aimee know if you’d like to volunteer to participate. Mandy Culpepper is leading this project and we have a good group of volunteers so far. Aimee passed out a sign up sheet if anyone else is interested in joining us. We are decorating on Wednesday, November 30th in the morning, and if it rains, we’ll decorate the next day, December 1st.
- There is no flower show this winter. They are every 2 years and the next one will be in January or February of 2024. So our new members can participate next year.
- Reminder that there is no meeting in December. Our next meeting will be our annual business meeting on January 24th at the Atlanta Speech School.
- Julie Yates introduced our speaker, Terry Furuta. She has been in the floral business for 40 plus years and been in Atlanta over 20 years. She does all the orchids for Tiffany & Co. and Nobu plus many office buildings in Atlanta. She is a certified professor of the Ikenobo School of Ikebana and received numerous awards. Her business is Terry Furuta Designs. She now also has an amazing shop in Corso called, Flowers of Giverny. It is a full service shop. She then discussed orchids.
Adjournment & Lunch
- Aimee thanked Terry Furuta and Corso Atlanta for hosting us! She again thanked our hostesses(Claire Benedict, Jackie Cushman, and Sandy Wagner) and adjorned for lunch. She wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.