VENUE: Atlanta History Center, Quarry Garden Workday
DATE: October 27, 2020
HOSTESSES: Tee Davis, Esther Garges, Kyle Garges and Anna Muir
WELCOME & CALL TO ORDER: Terri Alston called the meeting to order at 11:45am after members worked in the Quarry Garden.
Welcome to our first meeting of 2020/2021. Thank you to the History Center for allowing us to have our meeting. We are so excited to finally be together.
I would like to thank Gayle Alston and Jennifer Euart again for hosting our New Member Luncheon on September 10. I know everyone will join me in welcoming our three new members; Bess Chambliss, Jennifer Raulet and Amy Smith.
Vice-President, Shelby Drinkard – Hostess Chart. Happy to report that the hostess chart for 2021/2022 is full. A sign-up genius was sent out to members.
Quarry Garden, Blain Allen and Amanda Brady – report will be given by Sarah Roberts from the History Center
Speech School, Caroline Davis and Aimee Nix – No report. On a personal note – Caroline Davis has a new grandson, Ody in Colorado, that has been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Please keep Caroline and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
Corresponding Secretary, Elkin Taylor – No report
Treasurer, Jo Phelps – No report
Membership/Dues, Rae Knox – Please pay $50 dues via website/paypal or mail a check to Rae Knox.
Programs, Elizabeth Hogan – working on upcoming programs.
Website, Jennifer Hill – not able to attend but has requested any profile pictures of members to add to the directory.
Historian/Scrapbook, Jinny Keough is working on our scrapbook and will bring to our next indoor meeting. If anyone has anything to add please send to her.
Parliamentarian, Sissy Davis – No report
State Garden Club Liaison, Lindsey Sones will give her report.
1) recent update from the Garden Club of GA and the AJC
The 7-year, unending money pit ($50 million and counting) case that Florida has brought against Georgia over our use of water from the Chatohoochee and the Flint rivers was put on hold until the fall because of limited time during session due to Covid.
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission put a 5-year hold on all harvesting of oysters in Appalachacola in hopes of oyster bed replinishment. Alabama has limited the numbers of oysters that can be harvested, recognizing the problem is not only Georgia’s use of water.
October 6th AJC reports that the case will be heard by the Supreme Court during 2020-21 session.
2) Septemer and October are monarch butterfly migration months in Georgia.
Party Chairs, Jessica Brown and Mary Ayres Griggs – No report
Gavel contest – On the Mimosa video I asked a question about the gavel. Who’s name is engraved on it? I still have not had the correct answer. So if anyone knows they are entitled to a prize.
Sarah Roberts gave a report on the new entrance gardens at the Atlanta History Center. Many native plants are planted there. She mentioned the History Center After Hours that are coming up on Nov 5 and Dec 10. They will highlight one exhibit and offer signature drinks for each event. More information can be found on the AHC website.
Elizabeth Mann introduced our speaker Kirk McAlpin, the designer and builder of the big oak tree table in front of the Atlanta History Center. The oak tree was originally on the History Center property. It was sectioned off and put to dry in the parking deck for about 2 years. It is approximately 140 years old.
Meeting adjourned at 12:35pm.