September 2021 Meeting Minutes

 ADAC – Ground-level meeting room.

DATE: September 28, 2021

HOSTESSES: Nell Mitchell, Amy Underwood, Jennifer Raulet, Liz Irby

Welcome & call to order.

No minutes to approve.

Lindsey Sones presiding for Shelby Drinkard, who is out of town.

Hostesses thanked: Nell Mitchell, Jennifer Raulet, Liz Irby & Amy Underwood

Welcomed our 3 New Members: Leslie Neely, Alden Potts, Amanda Tucker. These women are a fun addition to our Membership! Thank Esther Garges & Harden Powell for hosting a lovely New Member luncheon in August. Thank Aimee Nix for making the cute New Member name tags.

Reminded members to RSVP for meetings. Covid protocols are keeping us on our toes re: our meeting programs & locations so please be patient while we are in this state of fluidity

Reminded everyone that Guerry Redmond is taking pictures for our Directory. Pls see the “Needs a Photo” list.

Announced the Officers & Standing Committee shown below.

Announced that Mimosa has been asked once again to participate in the ‘Victorian Holiday at Oakland’ event, December 4th-5th, by decorating a Mausoleum.

Announced that Member-Elect Bess Stembler Goff has become a Non-Resident.

Announced that October’s meeting on 10/26 is our Quarry Workday followed by lunch at the tree table, weather permitting. Our Program will be an update on the AHC & Goizueta Gardens by Sarah Roberts + an update on the Quarry Garden from Rosemary.