VENUE: Karen Brown’s house
DATE: February 18, 2020
HOSTESSES: Mary Ayres Griggs, Mary Ella Hill, Leslie Morgan and Karen Brown
WELCOME & CALL TO ORDER: Karen Brown. Meeting called to order.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Karen Brown. The minutes from Jan have not yet been posted on the website as Margaret’s baby is due any time if not already been born. We can approve them in March.
ANNOUNCEMENTS/MEMBER UPDATES: Karen thanked thank Leslie, Mary Ayres and Mary Ella for hosting. We have a record turn out for this month’s meeting. Normally meetings gather about 35 members, however today, we had 56 reply that they were coming! Fun and exciting.
- Vice President – Terri Alston, Hostess chart.
- Membership and Dues – Jessica Brown and Rae Knox. No report.
- Program Chairs – Jennifer Hill and Mary Ella Hill. Nothing to report.
- Speech School – Aimee Nix and Caroline Davis
- Quarry Garden – Blain Allen and Shelby Drinkard
- Flower Show – Jennifer Euart and Mary Ayres Griggs. Flower Show is at the Atlanta Botanical Garden February 21-23rd. Please send me a picture of your entry if you submit a flower.
NEW BUSINESS: I have received one application for membership for next year. We have spots for two more – If you know of someone, please propose them by March 15th.
I am going to set a date for second half of March for the nominating committee to put together the slate for next year. If you would like to volunteer for the board, please let me know. It has is a fun and nice way to get to know membership.
Lindsey is out of town but asked I share that on Friday, April 24 and Saturday, April 25 from 10am-4pm, there is a tea and tour of Bellmore – the Georgian style home of Jim and Teen Day Sanders. They will also be selling Deen Day’s floral design collection of modern pottery containers, driftwood sculptures and table setting wares. Tickets are $50 and will be sold until April 3rd. I have the email address if you want to buy tickets on line.
We have a date and location for our May meeting. Blair Allen reserved Rhodes Hall for us! The Allens are really making our May. However, being at Rhodes Hall, we have to use a caterer which they approve – our dishes from our cookbook will have to wait until the fall. This does give us a few extra months to continue practice making our masterpieces.
PROGRAM: Lindsay Mann, Sustenance Design. Lindsay’s website is She is on instagram as “Geometry Dance”. She mentioned these things we were interested in:
- Gaja tincture
- Sow True Seed
- Mr. Natural compost is a great compost.
ADJOURN: Karen Brown
Next meeting is March 24th at the Governor’s Mansion. They have asked we try to carpool if we can. Karen will put the parking details in the March 1st letter.
Karen adjourned our meeting.
Minutes submitted by Liles Thompson.