Welcome and Call to Order
Welcome from Parker Tekin
Parker thanked and welcomed:
- Hostesses – Leslie Neely, Sharena Hall and Elkin Alston
- Susan Virgin and Jennifer Raulet for hosting the delightful new member luncheon in late August.
- Kendrick Williams for the pretty New Member name tags.
- Guerry Redmond for taking photos of the new members today for our online directory.
- Parker welcomed the 5 new members: Abby Echols, Shannon Hill, Kellie Spalding, Alice Trahant and Allison Felton
Approval of Minutes
The April 2023 minutes were approved (Shelby Drinkard motions, 2nd from Jinny Keough, all in favor)
Announcements and Member Updates
- No new Honorary Members this year!
- One member resigned this year: Marianne Craft – she had been a member since 1997
- The Standing Committees for 2022-2023:
- Programs (Alden Potts and Brittany Hill)
- Membership & Dues (Mary Mac Southerland)
- Flower Show (VP – Kendrick Williams)
- Historian/Scrapbook (Jinny Keough)
- Corresponding Secretary (Katie Bockstedt and Leslie Neely)
- New Member Mentors & Luncheon (Susan Virgin and Jennifer Raulet)
- Parliamentarian (Jackie Cushman)
- Website (Jennifer Hill)
- State Garden Club Liaison (Wawa Hines)
Officer Reports
Vice President – Kendrick Wiliams
An email has been sent out to all hostesses who are eligible to host a meeting in the 2024-2025 year. She mentioned that lots have already signup up to host.
Second Vice President (Speech School) – Mary Ayres Griggs (absent)
Parker Tekin reported that the Mimosa Garden at the Speech School is used almost hourly by teachers and children. The teachers eat lunch out there. They’ve installed new Teak furniture instead of the metal tables. They have an umbrella for shade. Its also used for their extended day program. They are so thankful to our members for helping replant the border bushes along the window wall last year and freshen up the containers. The landscape service helps maintain the garden. They have encouraged us to come anytime to see the Garden.
Third Vice President (Quarry Garden) – Elkin Alston
Elkin reported that the Quarry Garden had a beautiful season. The bald cypress trees had a lot of growth this year. Also, they’re working to put new signage across the Goizueta Gardens. They are excited to have Mimosa come next month and help work in the Quarry Garden.
Corresponding Secretary -Katie Bockstedt and Leslie Neely
Treasurer – Margaret Warren reports
As of 9/12/23 , Mimosa balances are: Operating Account – $ 6101 Savings Account – $ 7873 Party Account – $ 7580
Total – $ 21,554
Our financial commitments are $2,000 annually to the Speech School, plus 40% of excess party proceeds; and $3,000 annually to the History Center Quarry Garden, plus 60% of excess party proceeds.
Committee Reports
Programs – Alden Potts and Brittany Hil
Membership & Dues – Mary Mac Southerland
Mary Mac thanked those that had already mailed her a check for dues. She
reported that we have 15 Honorary Members that do not pay dues. She reminded everyone that dues can be paid:
With a check for $100 made out to Mimosa Garden Club
With credit card here at the meeting
Or check mailed to her house
Party Chairs – Amanda Tucker and Liles Thompson
Parker Tekin reported that the party this year will be May 8 at Amanda Tucker’s house
New Member Mentors & Luncheon – Susan Virgin and Jennifer Raulet
Historian – Jinny Keough
Parliamentarian – Jackie Cushman
Website- Jennifer Hill
Jennifer stated that passwords would be reset but to login today. She mentioned that Square functionality will be available next month to pay dues.
State Garden Club Liaison – Wawa Hines
Wawa reported that there is an art exhibit – water color paintings of endangered native GA plants by Laura Martin conveniently located currently at the Botanical Gardens. She mentioned it would be very easy to go see and that it would fulfill a requirement on our yearly report. She encouraged members to check it out after the meeting.
New Business
Parker asked for volunteers for the following projects after mentioning them and then passed around a signup sheet:
- Amaryllis Project – beginning now. Easy to do at home. Prizes awarded!
- Mimosa is participating in the ‘Victorian Holiday at Oakland’ event, December 2nd-3rd, 2023, by decorating a Mausoleum. From last year’s participation, they have offered a tour of the cemetery for up to 20 people. (sign up sheet passed around for volunteers.)
- Mimosa is participating in Cathedral by Design. In doing so, we’d help decorate part of a home on a tour Jan 19-20, 2024 that benefits the Ansley School (a non-profit for homeless children in Atlanta.)
- The Flower Show is Feb 23-25, 2024 and is required for the new members from the past two years so there will be 8 volunteers. Kendrick, the VP, will help with the new members and anyone else is welcome to join.
- Mimosa has three spots available for new members this year. We will begin accepting proposals in January. Voting won’t begin until April 1. Parker mentioned one member already wanting to propose her friend.
- Update on the Atlanta Speech School
Parker summarized a conversation that Sheffield Hale and Aimee Nix had earlier this summer. Sheffield was appreciative of Mimosa Garden Club’s long standing relationship and generous donations it has made in the past. They are willing to let us use the History Center for no charge, but do have to put guidelines in place for other garden clubs. He mentioned spaces can be $3200 to rent plus the cost of staff so that’s lost money, but for non-profits, they will let them use it with a discounted rate of 15% off. He assured us that nothing will change for us.
Program: Alden Potts introduced our speaker, William T. Smith.
Adjournment & Lunch: Parker thanked Bill for a great presentation.
thanked Alden and Brittany for putting together a terrific year of programs.
- Our next meeting will be October 25th at the History Center. It is our Quarry Garden workday so bring your gloves and clippers!