Aimee welcomed everyone to our last meeting of the year and thank Hostesses: Maggie Fischer, Julie Yates, Lois Yates
Aimee Introduced and welcomed new members: Abby Echols, Allison Felton, Shannan Hill, Alice Phillips, Kellie Holt Spalding
Reading and Approval of Minutes: Aimee announced that the March and April minutes were emailed to members. The website is still down so they were not able to be posted. A motion was made to approve the March and April minutes. They were approved.
Officer Reports
Vice President – Parker Tekin NO REPORT
Second Vice President (Speech School) – Kendrick Williams NO REPORT
Third Vice President (Quarry Garden) – Molly West
Molly reported that the Quarry Garden looks absolutely beautiful right now, as it’s a wonderful time of year. Some highlights are the golden club, an aquatic perennial planted over 30 years ago that has spread across the pond. Its unusual flowers have no petals – just a spike of yellow and white over large floating leaves. With all the rain we’ve had there are rain lilies proliferating. When we had the famous English gardener, Fergus Garrett, here for a lecture, he was completely captivated with them. Trillium, columbine, mountain laurel, native azaleas, sweetshrub, amsonia, foamflower, geranium, blue flag iris and so many more have been blooming for weeks. The huge old ferns have unfurled to their full height and are always magnificent.Some new plants were added to the Quarry Garden this spring. A handful of the selections include the robust Cherokee sedge which is a larval food for many moths and skippers, a new cultivar of clethra with fragrant flowers and good fall color, and New Jersey tea (also native to Georgia). It is being contemplated to replace the wood chip paths in the Quarry Garden with a slate chip path to make them easier to see and traverse. This is the material we are using in all the other gardens except the Smith Farm which has red gravel to imitate a red clay road. The wood chips get very spongy after rains, especially after being topped up over and over since the 1970’s! Moving that many cart-loads of stone chips and stone dust is no small feat however, so this project may be something we tackle in the cooler weather this fall.
Corresponding Secretary -Katie Bockstedt NO REPORT
Treasurer – Jo Phelps NO REPORT
Committee Reports
Programs – Julie Yates and Sarah McElroy NO REPORT
Membership & Dues – Amy Underwood NO REPORT
Historian – Jinny Keough: The Cherokee Garden Library recognized Mimosa in the Spring 2023 issue of their Garden Citings magazine for donations from our club records. Honorary member Pattie Boykin donated her printed member directories from 1956-2013. On behalf of Mimosa, Jinny donated 2 attendance ledgers covering the years 1981-2012 and various materials regarding the establishment of the Quarry Garden. These materials were stored among the past presidents notebooks in Jinny’s basement. Library Director Staci Catron was very pleased to be offered the material and will ensure it is archived and preserved. Several members have donated material for the scrapbook from past flower shows, parties, etc. Jinny was happy to receive memorabilia. She requested that all items have names and dates (when possible) so she knows where to put them. The scrapbook is getting full – Staci is researching where to find another so we can keep adding memories. When this one is full, it will go to the Cherokee Garden Library for archiving with the previous scrapbooks.
Parliamentarian – Jackie Cushman NO REPORT
Website- Jennifer Hill NO REPORT
State Garden Club Liaison – Lindsey Sones NO REPORT
New Business: Aimee announced: The Mimosa year officially ends on June 30th, but this is the last meeting until next Fall. She thanked the board and committee chairs for all of their hard work and time spent making the last year a success. Aimee showed her gratitude to many members: “Thank you to Parker for the beautiful new nametags and managing the hostess chart.Thank you to Kendrick for keeping us informed about the Speech School garden and planning a great workday in April. Thank you to Molly for letting us know about everything happening at the Quarry Garden and for the beautiful photos you have shared.Thank you to Leslie, Alden and Amanda Tucker for taking good notes at our meetings for the minutes. Thank you to Katie for keeping us all in the loop by creating our meeting invitations and sending member email announcements. Thank you to Jo for maintaining our books. Thanks to Amy for collecting our membership dues. Thank you to Sarah and Julie for planning interesting and informative programs this year.Thanks to Lois and Maggie for hosting a lovely luncheon for our new members. Thanks to Alden, Sarah and Mary Mac for leading our Amaryllis project. Thank you to Jennifer for her technical savvy and work on our website. Thanks to Lindsey for managing all the information we receive from the Garden Club of Georgia. Thank you to Jackie for keeping us in line with the by laws as the Parliamentarian and thank you to Jinny for preserving our history. A very big thank you to Shelby for advising me all year on a regular basis and to the recent past presidents I consulted often – Jinny and Lindsey. You were so generous with your time and advice”
Aimee passed the gavel to our fabulous next President, Parker Tekin.
Spalding Nix introduced our speaker, Carleton Wood, Executive Director of Hills & Dales Estate. In 1989-90 Wood spent a year traveling and studying gardens in Europe with an emphasis on English Gardens. The talk highlighted some of his favorite European gardens. His talk included: Glenveagh, Vaux-le-Vicomte, Ilnacullin, Hidcote, Isola Bella and he made recommendations for other gardens to consider visiting. It was a wonderful presentation!
Adjournment & Lunch
Aimee thanked hostesses: Maggie Fischer, Julie Yates, Lois Yates. Meeting was adjourned for lunch