October 24th Meeting Minutes

Welcome and Call to Order

Parker thanked Hostesses – Wawa Hines, Rae Knox, Mary Mac Southerland, Liles Thompson

Parker thanked those who participated in the work day.

Parker gave a gift to Aimee and thanked her for last year and all her hard work.

  • Reading and Approval of Minutes
  • Parker announced she would like to approve the minutes from the September meeting which have been posted on the website. Ginny Keough made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Lindsey Sones made a second. All voted in favor.

Officer & Committee Reports

President – Parker Tekin

  • Amaryllis Project: Parker mentioned we have started collecting orders (and money) for the bulbs and encouraged everyone to participate. The last day is Friday. We only have 5 people that want to participate. Anyone can email Alden or sign up on the clipboard.
  • No update from Oakland Mausoleum Holiday Event re: which mausoleum, but if you’d like to sign up, let me know. Setup will be Nov 30/Dec 1.

Vice President – Kenrick Williams

Kendrick reported that the hostess chart was almost full

Treasurer – Margaret Warren

Parker reported for Margaret Warren the following:

  • Operating account – $9,700
  • Savings account – $7,875
  • Party account – $7,580
  • Total Cash Balance – $25,155

Thanks to all that have paid their dues.

Membership & Dues – Mary Mac Southerland

Mary Mac reported that dues increase Dec 1 and encouraged those who haven’t paid to pay. She mentioned she has the Square and can accept payment today.


Sarah Roberts spoke about all the gardening projects going on at the History Center. She talked about the 6 foot well being dug up on the east side of the property as well as the new area for children with picnic tables by the parking garage. She talked about the plants and trees that were either being replanted, replenished or died (due to growth cycles) and the flowers in the front.

Sheffield Hale also came and spoke everything else happening at the History Center from General Patreaus coming to speak to the statue of Samuel Spencer being moved to the History Center. He encouraged us to all visit the History Center more.

Adjournment & Lunch

  • Parker thanked the hostesses again and reminded everyone that the November meeting will be a week earlier than usual due to Thanksgiving so it is onTuesday, November 14th at Amanda Tucker’s home.