Minutes: September 26, 2017

VENUE: Atlanta Botanical Garden – Mershon Hall

September 26, 2017

HOSTESSES: Michele Mitchell, Nancy Hatcher, Liz Crew, Rawson Grobety

Jinny Keough, 2017-2018 Mimosa President, called the meeting to order, welcomed the group, and thanked our hostesses. She looks forward to celebrating Mimosa’s 90th birthday in July 2018 and feels privileged to be supported by a board of such creative, strong women. Jinny thanked Margaret Warren for her leadership as President last year and all the support she’s provided over the summer.

PROGRAM: Chris Hall, Atlanta-native and co-owner of area restaurants 4th & Swift, Local Three, and Muss & Turners. He spoke to our group regarding sustainable farming,  the importance of supporting local businesses and offered up a “Dos and Don’t” of dining out. His restaurant group started the Giving Kitchen, a non-profit that offers financial aid to kitchen and restaurant workers who are faced with sudden hardship.

Welcome to our newly elected members Blain Allen, Katie Bockstedt and Jennifer Hill and thank you to Tricia Allen and Mary Ella Hill who arranged a morning coffee so the new members could meet some of the board and start learning about Mimosa.

We are sad to report the passing of Anne Gowen Spalding, a member since 1956. Anne passed away over the summer and is survived by Mimosa members Elizabeth Spalding, Maysie Beeson, Mildred Spalding and Beth Nix. Mimosa made a contribution to the Quarry Garden in Anne’s memory. Mimosa also received a thank you note from the family of Jean Fleming for our donation to the Atlanta Humane Society in her memory.

Honorary member Pattie Boykin has moved to St. Simons Island this summer, just in time to meet Hurricane Irma. Her home and garden sustained minimal damage. She will remain an honorary member with Non-Resident status.

Mimosa members, Deborah Childers, Nancy Hatcher and Claire Marie Huff, have requested to renew their professional membership status.

As a courtesy, please remember to RSVP as quickly and accurately as possible to the emailed meeting invitations. Nell Mitchell is working on an easier way to accurately count the number of lunches needed for each meeting.

Minutes from the May meeting have been posted on the website. There was a motion to approve the minutes as submitted, a second, and all voted in favor. The minutes stand approved.

Vice President (Hostess Chart) – Lindsay Sones
The hostess chart is now accepting sign-ups for 2018-2019 meetings.

Membership & Dues – Leslie Morgan
Please remember to sign in each meeting to track your attendance. Membership dues should be mailed or paid online by December 1, 2017.

Treasurer – Jo Phelps
Mimosa is in good financial shape with all of the accounts. (A special thanks extended to Jo for stepping into her role at last minute!)

Speech School – Caroline Davis – No Report

Quarry Garden – Mildred Spalding
The Quarry Garden lost two 100-foot tulip poplars which fell during Irma and damaged two other important trees which the garden only contains one of each: a buckwheat tree and a feverback poinsettia. The smaller plants can be replaced but not sure about the trees. The small bridge over the pond was also damaged and needs to be replaced. In more positive news, 66 people from the Audubon society visited the Quarry Garden since it has officially been certified as a wildlife sanctuary. More developments include three new Connor Brown Discovery Trail attractions; a quarry wagon kids can climb on; metal cutouts of native birds attached to the trees; and amphibian statues.

The next Mimosa meeting will be a work day in the Quarry Garden with a special sneak preview of the newly constructed Lloyd and Mary Ann Whitaker Cyclorama Building.

Flower Show – Emily Jordan
The flower show will be held at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens this year and will directly benefit the Gardens. The show is February 23rd – 25th, 2018 and the registration deadline is November 1st, 2017 to participate. The theme is “A Toast to Georgia’s Film Industry”. Mimosa’s newest members will work at the show and discussions will determine whether Mimosa does a group or individual floral design submission.

State Garden Club Liaison – Mary Huntz
Last August She attended a meeting of the Garden Club of Georgia. It focused on awards available to garden clubs throughout the state of Georgia. Believe it or not, there are 61 awards available for application. She received a handbook describing each award and category. The due date for most of these awards is December 1st. In looking through the Awards Handbook, she thinks there are several that would fit Mimosa to a T. If anyone is interested in looking through these categories with her to determine/ or recommend that Mimosa participates, please give her your name at the end of the meeting.

The National Garden Clubs of America is also selling a children’s book called The Saved Seed. It is an early reader book written to educate elementary children about the life cycle of seed plants. A North American based fall staple for thousands of years, the pumpkin is treasured in our society for being not only a food source, but a Halloween favorite. The Saved Seed follows the journey of a smiling pumpkin seed from Halloween pumpkin through the year, becoming a seedling, a vine and then a new pumpkin. Along the way, children learn through beautiful illustrations how to care for their own pumpkin seeds and become successful pumpkin gardeners. It is a perfect gift for a sons and daughters, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, all elementary aged children K-4th to teach them the love of gardening. The books are $10 each but by the time shipping is added it can add up. If we buy a case of 30, the shipping costs drops down considerably. Please sign up if you are interested in buying this interesting little book.

Website – Margaret Glenn
Please review your information listing in the online member directory and contact Margaret Glenn with any corrections or updates. You may also email new or updated photos to marge.glenn@gmail.com.

NEW BUSINESS: Jinny Keough
We will mark our 90th anniversary next May with another fabulous Mimosa garden party. Elizabeth Hogan and Julie Yates will chair the party this year. Stay tuned for details.

Mimosa has three spots available for new members to be elected next year and we will begin accepting the required forms in January 2018. Visit the Member Info section of the website for more information on nominating a New Member.

Mimosa is seeking volunteers for the following opportunities (please contact Jinny Keough if interested):
1. Members to work with Sissy Davis to review and clarify the by-laws.
2. Members to help coordinate the creation and installation of a permanent memorial honoring all past members for the 90th birthday celebration at either the Speech School or Quarry Garden.

Mildred Spalding gave a quick reminder of the Beltline bike ride on October 16th. Members will meet at the Piedmont Driving Club.

ADJOURN: Jinny Keough
The Door Prize drawing was won by Trisha Allen. That concludes our meeting and the meeting is adjourned.

Respectively Submitted,
Mary Ayres Griggs