Minutes: October 24, 2017

VENUE:  Atlanta History Center

DATE: Tuesday, October 24, 2017

HOSTESSES: Mary Huntz, Kim Austin, Jinny Keough


Sarah McElroy has requested Professional status due to her work commitments. She is eligible and if there is no objection, she will be a Professional member. (No objections)

Today, we will be approving the minutes from the September meeting, which have been posted on the website.  There was a motion to approve the minutes as submitted, a second, and all voted in favor. The minutes stand approved.


Vice President (Hostess Chart) – Lindsey Sones
The hostess chart is now accepting sign-ups for 2018-2019 meetings.

Membership & Dues – Leslie Morgan
Please be sure to sign in before each meeting so we can keep track of attendance for the year.

Dues are due! $50. The easiest way is to pay through the Mimosa website. You are welcome to hand me a check today or you can send your check to my address:
Leslie Morgan
PO Box 111
Lawrenceville, GA 30046

Please pay your dues by December 1st to avoid the late fee.

Treasurer – Jo Phelps
There is not much to report.  The balances in the Savings Account and the Party Account remain the same:  $5,358.72 and $8,862.02.  We have written one check on the operating account for $50 to The Giving Kitchen in honor of Chris Hall.  The balance in that account is currently $6,711.02.

Speech School – Caroline Davis – No Report.

Quarry Garden – Mildred Spalding – Quarry Garden Work Day (Great job everyone!!)

Flower Show – Emily Jordan
The flower show will be held at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens this year and will directly benefit the Gardens. The show is February 23rd – 25th, 2018.  The overall show’s theme is “A Toast to Georgia’s Film Industry”.   We’ve registered for 2 entries in Class 6 in the Floral Design Division with the specific theme being Romantic Comedies.  The 2 groups will be the previous new members and the current new members (3 on each team).  The books were passed out to participants.  The link for more information is here: www.atlantabg.org/visit/events/flower-show

State Garden Club Liaison – Mary Huntz
 No report

Website – Margaret Glenn
Please review your information listing in the online member directory and contact Margaret Glenn with any corrections or updates. You may also email new or updated photos to marge.glenn@gmail.com

NEW BUSINESS:  Jinny Keough
Mimosa receives emails each month from organizations such as the Atlanta Botanical Garden, Garden Club of Georgia, etc., asking us to pass information to our members.  Please let me know if you have an opinion or comment on this issue.

The hostesses need an accurate RSVP count each month to provide adequate seating and lunches.  When you RSVP “yes” to the invitation, please click on “Send a Private Note” and say “Yes, I’m staying for lunch” or “No, I can’t stay”.

Also, please RSVP at least a week before the meeting date to allow the hostesses time to plan. If your plans change, please go back to the invitation and change your RSVP.

PROGRAM:  Quarry Garden Work Day and Cyclorama Guided Tour by Sheffield Hale

ADJOURN: Jinny Keough
That concludes our meeting.  The meeting is adjourned.

Respectively Submitted,

Molly West