A meeting of the Mimosa Garden Club was held on Tuesday, September 23, 2014, at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. [43] members were in attendance.
Jackie Cushman welcomed all members to the first fall Mimosa meeting. She stated that the last spring meeting was a field trip and thanked Emily Jordan for her work last year. Jackie next noted the deaths of Mimosa members in the summer, and that memorial gifts were given in their honor. She then introduced three new Mimosa members, Nell Mitchell, Julie Yates and Elizabeth Mann and noted the new-member mentors, Liz Irby and Lori Kennedy. Jackie next thanked the hosts of the September meeting, Mandy Culpepper, Lisa Hinson, Sanford Dunklin and Nancy Tracy, and requested that members RSVP at least one week prior to the scheduled meeting in order to permit adequate planning. Any website questions and member pictures should be directed to Margaret Warren, who is running the website. Mimosa dues can be paid on-line or sent to Sandy Jones, dues treasurer. Jackie thanked Mary Huntz, Mandy Culpepper and Mildred Spalding (who was absent) for the successful spring party at the Atlanta History Center/Quarry Gardens. Mary and Mandy thanked all of the Mimosa members who assisted with set-up for the party and noted that Mimosa raised $27,000 at the party, including $2,400 in auction tickets.
The minutes of the May meeting were approved. Finally, Jackie requested reports from each committee.
Committee Reports
Terri Alston provided an updated on the Speech School, noting that certain plants need to be replaced and maintained in the garden. A massive pruning of the garden was undertaken in the spring. Terri is seeking ideas for ground cover under a large tree in the garden. A fall work day at the Speech School is in planning stages.
Parker Tekin provided an update from Sarah Roberts with respect to the Quarry Garden. She noted that the Bartram exhibit was a huge success, and that Sarah led over 40 tours of the same. Rosemary Bathurst is now working full time for the AHC as horticulturist, and has the Quarry Garden as her primary area of responsibility. The AHC’s new curator, Valerie VanSweden, hails from the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, and continues to work with Sarah on identifying and labeling the Quarry Garden plants. Sarah is excited about the increased staff and their devotion to the Quarry Garden.
Esther Garges next discussed the amaryllis sale, noting that bulbs need to be ordered by October 1 and will arrive at the end of October. The bulbs cost $25.
Jackie noted that Emily Ferguson and Jennifer Euart served as program planners for the year.
Next, Emily Ferguson introduced the meeting’s speaker, Michael Halicki from Park Pride, the only non-profit organization that works with communities all over Atlanta to improve parks.
Following the Park Pride lecture, Jackie thanked Mr. Halicki and noted that a tour of the Atlanta Botanical Gardens would be available following lunch.
The meeting concluded at approximately [11:30] am.