Minutes: September 17, 2019

VENUE:  Cator Woolford Garden

DATE:  September 17, 2019

HOSTESSES: Jackie Cushman, Elkin Taylor, Elkin Alston and Mary Huntz

Karen Brown called the meeting to order, thanked our hostesses and welcomed the group to the new year.  Karen thanked Lindsey Stones for her leadership last year and helping Karen transition into her new role as president-Lindsay you are organized, calm and your enjoyment of our garden club is contagious!  Thank you! 

Unfortunately both Sandy Jones and Sarah Clark passed away recently. They both had deep Mimosa ties.

Sandy was daughter-in-law of Nadine Jones Lawton (most senior Mimosa member since 1946) and sister-in-law of late member Candy Jones Simmons. Sandy became a member in 2010. Sandy was very involved in as much as her work commitments allowed her time.

Sarah Clarke’s Mimosa family tree includes her daughter, Mary Mac Clarke Southerland, and former members Laura Smith Clarke and Laura Payne Smith.  Sarah was a former Mimosa President and a very active member since 1976.

In honor of Sandy Jones, Mimosa donated to Catholic Charities of Atlanta, and in honor of Sarah Clarke, Mimosa is donating to the Emory Goizueta Alzheimer’s Research Center.

Mimosa members have requested to become, or renew, their professional membership status – Deborah Childers, Hallie Crawford, Jackie Cushman, Margaret Glenn, Sharena Hall, Nancy Hatcher, Claire Marie Huff, Elizabeth Irby, Sarah McElroy, and Nancy Powell.

KarenI would like to approve the minutes from the May meeting which have been posted on the website.  Is there a motion to approve the minutes as submitted?  A second?  All vote in favor?  The minutes stand approved.


New Member Mentor: Mary Ayres Griggs- Introduced Mimosa new members- Amy Underwood and Brittany Hill.

Hostess Chart: Vice-president Terri Alston
Hostess Chart will be provided at our next meeting

Membership & Dues: Jessica Brown and Rae Knox
Jessica asked for $50 dues and explained how to pay.  After 12/1 the dues go up to $75.  You can mail your check to Rae or use PayPal on Mimosa’s website

Treasurer: Jo Phelps – No report

Speech School: Caroline Davis, Aimee Nix – No report.

Quarry Garden: Blain Allen and Shelby Drinkard
Quarry Garden updates include that the purple coneflower bloomed heavily this year, has gone to seed & is bringing in goldfinches. The cardinal flower is attracting lots of hummingbirds. Ferns have been planted on the hill where trees fell during Hurricane Irma.

Swan Woods – Opening in September is the boardwalk, which includes a gravel path from the woodland meadow to the Wood Cabin. The Apiary in the lower wildflower meadow has 4 honeybee hives.

Swan House Renovation – the oval drive entrance is in the final stages of renovation, which includes removal of the asphalt and replacing it with exposed aggregate concrete intended to resemble the original materials.

Smith Farm – 192 pounds of heirloom produce was harvested between July & early August

Compost Program – 135 gallons of coffee grounds from BRASH was diverted into the composite program. 1080 gallons of food from Souper Jenny was diverted into the composite program. Began discussions with Swan House to collect their pre-consumer produce to compost.

Entrance – The summer rotation of cover crops at the corn of AHC has been cut & tilled so the soil can now support a new garden, intended for installation in October. A new planting plan at the entrance to McElreath Hall has begun.

Oliguita’s Garden – Water lilies and lotus have been acquired, potted & planted in the fountain. The ‘Peggy Martin’ roses have grown successfully and are being trained to wind around the ring that connects the columns.

Flower Show: Jennifer Euart
Jennifer has agreed to help with this year’s flower show. She is not here today, but it will be held at the ABG, Feb 21-23.

Garden Club of Georgia:
Lindsey Sones is helping Mary Huntz with this job this year- (Garden Club of Ga. theme this year is “Nurturing the Garden we call Georgia” with an emphasis on native plants and pollinators. Cherokee Garden Library’s fall lecture Deborah Nevins Groundbreaking design: Where Beauty and Sustainability is Wednesday October 16th 7 p.m. at Atlanta History Center)

Margaret Glenn could not be here today, but asked if you have any changes to your information, please let her know. Margaret had a request from membership last spring for us to each have the ability to add photos from various events (meetings, gatherings, work day, party) to our website. It requires adding some features to the website at a one time cost of $650. I have emailed Jo Phelps about this in regards to our budget. Hopefully next meeting, Margaret can explain this to us if this is approved.

Mimosa has three spots available for new members this year. We will begin accepting proposals in January. There is more information on our website on nominating a New Member. Voting begins April 1.

Next month’s program will be at the Atlanta History Center so bring your work gloves!

Jennifer Hill introduced Cooper Sanchez, a historical garden designer who oversaw the restoration of the garden, and Paige McKay Kubik, CEO of the Frazier Center.  The Frazier Center is is a non-profit organization helping children & adults with developmental disabilities lead normal lives.

ADJOURN: Karen Brown adjourned our meeting

Respectfully submitted,

Liles Thompson