VENUE: Atlanta History Center
DATE: October 15, 2019
HOSTESSES: Kim Austin, Jinny Keough, Eileen Millard and Shayla Rumley
Karen called the meeting to order after a productive work day morning and extended a warm welcome to the group. She thanked our hostesses and those who participated in the work day.
Minutes from the September meeting have been posted on the website. There was a motion to approve, seconded, and all voted in favor. The minutes were approved.
Karen Brown shared that Nadine Lawton is the oldest living member at 97. She joined Mimosa in 1946 – 73 years ago.
Member update: Elizabeth Morgan has requested Non-Resident member status as she is in Highlands.
On December 14, Sophie Mason and Lisa Henson will lead us through a fun day of decorating a mausoleum at Oakland Cemetery for their Victorian Holiday.
Amaryllis project: This is on hold this year unless someone wants to take it on. Just let me know.
The Atlanta Botanical Garden has started to charge for the use of their rooms. Therefore, we do not have a meeting scheduled there, this is why if you have noticed. Please contact Karen with any questions.
Hostess Chart: Vice-president Terri Alston
Please sign up on the hostess chart if your name is listed.
Membership & Dues: Jessica Brown and Rae Knox
Dues are $50 until Dec. 1st, and after Dec. 1st, the dues go up to $75.
Checks can be handed or mailed to Rae, or pay via PayPal on the Mimosa website.
Program Chairs: Mary Ella Hill and Jennifer Hill
The next meeting will be at the Swan Coach House.
Quarry Garden: Blain Allen and Shelby Drinkard
Sarah Roberts is here to give us a detailed update in just a few minutes.
Historian: Jinny Keough and Lindsey Sones
Jinny shared that she meet with Pattie Boykin. Pattie has many Mimosa memories; a cookbook the garden club sold 9000 copies of in the 1970s, and green aprons with an olive.
State Garden Club Liaison: Lindsey Sones
American Hydrangea Society Fall General Meeting is Monday, October 28, 2019 at 7:00 pm.
Atlanta History Center’s Woodruff Auditorium in McElreath Hall
130 West Paces Ferry Atlanta GA 30305
Proven Winners Plants has agreed to donate Hydrangea arborescens cultivars to the AHS for a fundraiser. Atlanta History Center’s (AHC) Sarah Roberts, Vice President of the Goizueta Gardens and Living Collections will be speaker. Sarah’s topic for the evening will be “Goizueta Gardens; a transformation”.
This month’s good news that Karen shared is Atlanta is in the midst of Atlanta Celebrates Photography, one of the largest photography festivals in the US. Aimee and Beth Nix have an exciting photography show at their gallery through the end of the month featuring 4 Atlanta based photographers. The show “Choice, Chance and Circumstance” explores new approaches in 21st century photography. Worth our time to go by and see the exhibit and support Aimee and Beth!
Jennifer Hill introduced Sarah Roberts, Olga C. DeGoizueta Vice President, Goizueta Gardens and Living Collections, who updated us on the Quarry Garden and the grounds surrounding the History Center, and Sheffield Hale, President of the Atlanta History Center, who updated us on the History Center.
Julie Yates was the raffle winner for the cookbook and Karen Brown adjourned our meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Liles Thompson