VENUE: Atlanta Botanical Gardens
DATE: May 21, 2019
HOSTESSES: Deborah Childers, Hallie Crawford, Beth Nix, and Lindsey Sones
WELCOME/CALL TO ORDER: Lindsey Sones, 2018-2019 President
Lindsey called the meeting to order at 10:44 a.m., thanked the hostesses and welcomed everyone to this the last meeting of the year. She told everyone that she hoped they have enjoyed this year as much as she had as president. Her goal was to make the meetings fun, informative and productive.
Margaret Glenn is looking into being able to put Mimosa related photos on our website to make it more interesting and fun.
A warm welcome to our new members, Brittany Hill (who is at meeting) proposed by Mary Ella Hill and Amy Underwood (who is not at meeting) proposed by Karen Brown.
Cut flowers wholesale information will be put on the website to enable our members to purchase at wholesale prices.
The City of Atlanta is going to re-write the tree ordinance regulations and Mimosa will send information about the upcoming meeting out to all members.
Minutes from the March 2019 and April 2019 meeting have been posted on the website. There was a motion to approve, seconded, and all voted in favor. The minutes stand approved.
Vice President (Karen Brown): No Report
Treasurer (Jo Phelps): No Report
Membership and Dues (Leslie Morgan): Still tracking down a few members’ dues.
Speech School (Maggie Fischer): No Report
Quarry Garden (Mildred Spalding): No Report
Garden Club of Georgia (Mary Huntz): No Report
Before Lindsey passed the gavel to Karen Brown, she enthusiastically thanked the board this year. Lindsey explained that being President mostly consisted of delegating which only works when you have a reliable, effective board. The board this year has been amazing in both ways. So huge hug of gratitude to them. Lindsey said “Thank you to Karen Brown for keeping all the moving parts of the hostess chart straight; to Maggie Fisher for keeping us up to date on the Speech School and Caroline Davis for organizing our 90th Anniversary party at the Speech School; to Louise Moore and Mildred Spalding keeping us informed on the quarry garden; to Blain Allen, Katie Bockstedt and Jennifer Hill our recording secretaries for diligently taking notes at our meetings; to Nell Mitchell our corresponding sec. who sends out our monthly meeting invitations along with all announcements; to Jo Phelps who kept our bank accounts straight; to Leslie Morgan who kept our attendance records and collected our dues. To Mary Ella Hill and Jinny Keough for the wonderful, varied, interesting programs. Additionally I must thank Shayla Rumly for hosting the new member luncheon last fall and to Esther Garges and Lois Yates who mentored last year’s new members and guided them through the Cathedral Antique Show entry. So as you can see keeping Mimosa running truly is a group effort!”
Lindsey went on to say, “The nominating committee consisting of the board, Lisa Hinson and Shelby Drinkard met at a lovely luncheon graciously hosted by Caroline Davis at the Swan Coach House and selected next year’s board under Karen Brown.”
Lindsey passed the gavel to Karen with best wishes and tons of support for her presidency.
Aimee Nix introduced our speaker, Spalding Nix, who gave a most entertaining presentation on design trends, entitled “Millenials Don’t Polish Silver”.
That concludes our meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Blain Ashmore Allen