VENUE: Piedmont Driving Club
DATE: February 27, 2018
HOSTESSES: Jane Tracy, Nancy Tracy, Marianne Craft and Leslie Morgan
WELCOME / CALL TO ORDER: Jinny Keough. She reminded us to sign in and enter the raffle. She thanked our lovely hostesses.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The January minutes have been posted on the club website. Minutes were approved.
Vice President (Hostess Chart) – Lindsay Sones – The slots for being a hostess are completely full for 2018-2019.
Membership & Dues – Leslie Morgan is still collecting dues for $75, as dues are past due at this point. Please pay Leslie Morgan.
Treasurer – Jo Phelps was not present but Jinny announced that Jo reports our finances are in great shape. Our party is all set, and invitations and request for buying tickets will be sent soon.
Speech School – Maggie Fischer – The speech school is still in a holding pattern with construction delayed. Maggie will update us soon.
Quarry Garden – Mildred Spalding They are planting hundreds of Christmas ferns and oakleaf hydrangeas where the tulip poplars fell during Irma.. The wagon and mule station has been installed for the Conor Brown Children’s Experience. They are the first effort to be able to interpret this space as farm quarry. They are figuring out how to put signs up to show evidence that it was a real working quarry. They want to put up interpretive signage that explains the history. The amphibian station is also complete with resin frogs, toads and salamanders around the pond. The quarry is doing great.
Flower Show – Jinny reported for Emily Jordan–.The flower show was February 22nd through the 26th. Claire Marie Huff won a Blue Ribbon and two Honorable Mention ribbons for her camellias. Our two teams (Jessica Brown, Mary Ayres Griggs and Molly West) and (Blain Allen, Jennifer Hill and Katie Bockstedt) won Honorable Mention ribbons for their two entries, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and “Pretty in Pink.” The flower show had 5,000 visitors for the weekend. The preview party sold out, and the speakers had about 200 people attend. It was a great weekend benefiting the Atlanta Botanical Garden, and Emily is sure that it will become a new tradition in Atlanta.
May Party– Julie Yates. The party will be May 2nd at the Atlanta History Center. Invitations and collection of checks will begin next month. Please let Julie know what food you would like to contribute if any and any potential auctions items you are willing to secure or donate.
NEW BUSINESS: Jinny discussed RSVP issues for our meetings. Please be sure to respond to the invitation and comment if you ARE staying for lunch. Hostesses are not receiving an accurate count for the meetings and especially who plans to eat lunch.
The nominating committee will meet to consider Board positions for next year. If you would like to volunteer for a Board or Committee position, please let Jinny know.
Copies of the proposed Bylaw changes that were discussed last month are available if anyone would like to look them over. We will vote on these changes at the April meeting.
Mimosa has places for three new members next year. The proposal form and supporting letters are due to me by March 15th. The nominations will be posted on the website and online voting will be active the first two weeks of April. PLEASE LET JINNY KEOUGH KNOW IF YOU WILL BE PROPOSING A NEW MEMBER.
There will be a new opportunity to participate in a judged floral design competition. The Olmsted Plein Air Invitational will hold a themed still life competition on Saturday, April 28th. Painters actually paint outside.
Our next meeting is March 27th at the Fernbank Museum.
Raffle drawing
Program: Travel agent Betty Jo Currie brought a fellow travel agent from England, Caroline, who plans luxury adventure travel and she links travel to gardens in the UK. She gave a beautiful presentation with pictures in her slide show of many gardens in the UK.
That concluded our meeting. The meeting is adjourned for lunch.
Respectively Submitted,
Mary Ayres Griggs