Minutes: January 23, 2018

VENUE:  Atlanta Speech School

DATE: January 23, 2018

HOSTESSES:   Catherine Fleetwood, Emily Jordan, Shelby Neely, Sallie Smith


Sad news regarding the death of member Emily Hill Ferguson and past president Joan Smith Zillessen.  Donations will be made in their memory.

Liz Irby requested change of membership status to Professional member. Laura Irby Smith has regretfully resigned from Mimosa. Duvall Fuqua, Sarah Kennedy, Deborah Childers and Sanford Dunklin are now Sustaining members.  Edwina Johnson is a newly appointed judge of the National Garden Club.

Congratulations to Blair Mann and Harden Powell who are now Honorary members.

Thanks to Lindsey Sones, our May meeting will be at the Blue Heron Nature Preserve.

Today, we will be approving the minutes from the October 2017 and November 2017 meetings, which have been posted on the website.  There was a motion to approve the minutes as submitted, a second, and all voted in favor. The minutes stand approved.


Dues: Leslie Morgan
Please check the list to confirm if you still owe dues.  Dues are past due. Payable by check or through website.  With the late fee dues are $75.

Lindsey reports all Hostess spots are filled for this year.

Treasurer Report: Jo Phelps (absent)

Jinny reported healthy balances in all accounts.

Speech School Report: No report

Quarry Garden: No report

Flower Show: Emily Jordan

Flower Show is 2/22 through 2/25 at the Atlanta Botanical Garden. Mimosa has two design entries. Horticulture entries are needed.

Website: Margaret Glenn

The website will be updated to reflect current member status.

Garden Club of Georgia: Mary Huntz (absent)

Mary has ordered the book Saved Seed and we are giving some to the Speech School.

Spring Party:  Julie Yates

It’s Mimosa’s 90th birthday – the party is Wednesday, May 2nd at the Atlanta History Center.

  • We need auction items
  • Sign-up sheet passed around for various party committees
  • We need club memorabilia
  • Proposal to raise ticket prices $5 to total $620 for 4 tickets.

Committee (Margaret Warren, Lindsey Sones, Jinny Keough, Sandy Jones and Sissy Davis) drafted an update of the club bylaws. See the attached Third Draft Revised By-Laws dated 1/22/18.

A Nominating Committee to consider Board positions for next year is needed. Karen Brown was nominated and approved to be the Associate member on the committee. Leslie Morgan was nominated and approved to be the Active member on the committee. Anyone else interested is welcome.

Mimosa is accepting 3 new members for 2018-2019.

Submit proposal forms and letters to Jinny by 3/15

New members will be announced at the April meeting.

Drawing winners:

Nell Mitchell, Julie Yates, Lindsey Sones, Karen Brown, Esther Garges, Margaret Warren & Lois Yates

PROGRAM:  Comer Yates, Executive Director, presented an Atlanta Speech School programs update.

ADJOURN:  Jinny Keough
That concludes our meeting.  The meeting is adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Molly West

Jessica Brown

Mary Ayers Griggs