Mimosa Club
Welcome & call to order.
November minutes were approved.
Shelby Drinkard thanked hostesses – Duvall Fuqua, Edwina Johnson, Caroline Davis & Sarah Kennedy
Comer Yates, Executive Director, Atlanta Speech School spoke about the school and Mimosa’s contributions. Children are enjoying eating lunch in the “outside cafeteria” Mimosa garden.
Shelby thanked Oakland Cemetery Victorian Days volunteers – Jinny Keough, Lindsey
Sones, Aimee Nix, Deborah Childers, Claire Benedict & Kim Austin
Shelby made the following announcements:
– Member Lyn Glenn (1-13-2022) was remembered; her service will be on on Feb 3.
-Guerry Redmond is present to take photos for Directory.
-Nadine Lawton is turning 100 on March 2, so please sign a card. Beth Nix
spoke about Nadine’s history, life and love for family, friends and church.
– Lewis Miller, a famous designer, will be upstairs in the Coach House gift shop signing his book, “FLOWER FLASH” on Thursday, February 10, 1:30-3:30 PM.
– There will be a Flower Show at the Atlanta Botanical Garden February 25-27; new members are required to attend. www.atlantabg.org
– State Garden Club Liaison Lindsey Sones said there will be a camellia sale at Oakland Cemetery Feb. 18-March 2, pick up is Saturday March 5. www.oaklandcemetery.com
– Sarah Roberts, master gardener at the Atlanta History Center passed on that evergreens, hollies live oaks and other plants are thriving now in the Quarry Garden. The new front signage will be a great improvement. Swan Coach House boxwoods were replaced. She invites everyone to come see the bulbs blooming in March and April.
– We have slots for 3 new members so please submit candidates via the website by March 22. Voting will take place April 1-15. New members will be announced at the April 24 meeting.
It is time to put together the slate for 2022-2023. We need one (1) Active and one (1) Associate member to be part of the Nominating Committee (Terri Alston, Shelby Drinkard; Aimee Nix). Kendrick Williams & Mary Ayres Griggs were selected & approved.
Committee Reports:
Corresponding Secretary Elkin Taylor reported we added another MailChimp account so please look into it and check your address is correct.
Website chair Jennifer Hill is looking into updating our website which is 7 years old.
Dues chair Rae Knox said some folks still owe dues.
Party Chairs Mary Ayres Griggs & Jessica Brown announced the party will be Wednesday, May 11 in the Allen’s field. Each non-Honorary member buys 4 tickets to the party ($75 each) = $300.
Two items were voted on:
1) Sarah’s Garden at Second Ponce for dementia patients honoring Sarah Kennedy and memorializing Sarah Clarke. Vote for $2,100 teak bench and chairs was approved.
2) Our dues have not gone up for many years. A motion was made to increase them to $75 to cover our obligations, then a motion for $100 was made and approved.
Raffle for the two floral arrangements: winners were Julie Yates and Liles Thompson.
Meeting was adjourned and “to go” lunch was picked up.