Minutes: January 26, 2010

The Atlanta Speech School

President, Maysie Beeson, welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order. Maysie thanked our hostesses, Shelby Drinkard, Jo Phelps, Harden Powell, and Guerry Redmond. She also thanked the Speech School for supplying our drinks, and the beautiful flower arrangements on the table. Maysie reminded everyone to sign the attendance sheet at the front desk.

The November meeting minutes were approved as submitted.

Maysie reminded everyone about the MEETING DATE AND LOCATION CHANGE for the May meeting. The meeting has been moved to Tuesday, May 18th instead of the 25th. It will be held at Beth Nix’s house on Habersham Road.

Maysie then introduced,Comer Yates, The Executive Director of The Atlanta Speech School. Comer thanked us for the work we do in The Mimosa Garden.

Executive Committee Reports:
Treasurer Report: Amanda Brady reminded everyone who has not to pay their dues. She also reported that we have $4,500 in our business account, $3,400 in our checking account, and $7,600 in our party account.

Speech School Report:   Hazel Hilsman, Lois Yates and Caroline Davis. The Mimosa garden looks great thanks to our hard workers.

Quarry Garden Report: Jinny Keough gave us an update on the developments of the Quarry garden. She also reminded everyone to volunteer in the garden, and she encouraged us to read John Manion’s reports that are sent to us via email.

Flower Show Report: Lori spoke about the “Green Acres” project that they have been working on. (We have since learned that they won a ribbon….Congratulations!!)Thank you to Jane Sterne for helping, and she was awarded the Mimosa Spirit Award!!!

Party Chairman: Terri Alston and Eileen Millard announced that everyone has done a great job offering to help with the party!! She still encouraged people to sign up, and to let her know if you have any raffle ideas! This is going to be so much fun!
New Business:

Maysie recommended that a motion be introduced to increase the number of spaces for new members from three to five this year only. Maysie and the board members feel that this is important because of what happened last May. Maysie passed out a “Membership 101” handout, and a positive discussion followed. The Motion was agreed upon! Yeah!

New Member proposals:
Maysie reminded everyone that if you were a sponsor or endorser last year you may not sponsor or endorse a different person this year. She also stated that the New Member Proposal forms are due by the March 23rd meeting.

Nominating Committee:
We need to nominate one Active and one Associate member to serve on the Nominating Committee to help draw the slate of officers for the 2010-2011 year. Catherine Fleetwood and Mildred Spalding were nominated! Maysie stated that if anyone is interested in serving on the board next year, please let her know.

Maysie announced that attendance has been great this year….Keep it up!! Remember we all had a freebie so attending 4 more meetings should not be that hard!!

I would like to thank Jane Sterne for coming into town to help our Members Elect with their FABULOUS arrangement. She gets the TRUE MIMOSA SPIRIT award!!!

Michele encouraged everyone to attend February’s meeting!

Please keep Hoodie Troutman in your thoughts and prayers. Feel free to call or send an email to lift her spirits!

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Huntz
Kendrick Williams
Recording Secretaries