Atlanta Speech School
Sanford called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. The Speech School welcomed Mimosa members with green and pink balloons, flowers, and a beautiful garden cake to celebrate Mimosa’s 80th birthday. Sanford introduced Comer Yates, the executive director of the Speech School. Comer spoke, and he introduced some of the Hamm center children who sang “Happy Birthday” to us. Sanford and Comer thanked Caroline Davis who helped to arrange the celebration. Sanford also thanked all the hostesses: Fran Hilsman, Shelby Neely, Emily Jordan, and Molly Smalley.
Sanford also extended sympathy to Betty Smith who lost her husband of 62 years, Alex Smith. Also to Liz Crew, Betty’s daughter, and Rawson Grobety, Betty’s granddaughter. Mimosa has made a donation to the Cathedral of Christ the King in Mr. Smith’s memory.
Official Business:
The November minutes were reviewed and approved as submitted.
Remember to sign the attendance sheet, so you can get credit for attending meetings.
Committee Reports:
Treasurers Report: Sissy Davis: She stated that there are still 5 members who need to pay their dues. Sissy also passed around a “Statement of Accounts,” detailing the amount in Mimosa’s checking, savings and party accounts. This sheet also stated what our “two year commitments” are and for what amounts.
Speech School: Eileen /Emily/ Caroline: Eileen thanked Mary and Libby for coming to help in the garden. She encouraged everyone to come look at the pictures that were displayed to show how the speech school uses the garden throughout the year. Eileen put forth a motion to increase annual donation to $2,000 from $1,800. Motion was agreed upon. $2,000 doesn’t cover the entire amount needed to keep up the garden, so it is understood that we can pull more from Mimosa account as needed.
Quarry Garden: Jinny /Terri Alston / Shelby Neely: Jinny read John Manion’s note thanking Mimosa for our help / donations. They have also made proposals for additional projects that we can discuss at a later date.
Hostess Chart: Mildred stated that she didn’t have any hosts for the month of May.
Recording Secretaries: Margaret and Kendrick: Margaret stated that the following members have had perfect attendance this year thus far: Sanford Dunklin, Lisa Hinson, Edwina Johnson, Jinny Keough, Blair Mann, Sophie Mason, Marcy McTier, Shelby Neely, Sallie Smith, Lindsey Sones, Margaret Warren.
Flower Show: Sophie, Lois and Mary: Sophie encouraged everyone to go to the Flower Show because it is so easy and accessible this year because of the new location. There is free parking also. Sophie also mentioned the mannequin that Sallie, Leslie and Julie have been working so hard on. The display is called “Splendor in the Grass.”
New Business:
New Member Proposals:
Sanford reminded everyone that if you were a sponsor or endorser last year, you may not sponsor or endorse a different person this year.
Sanford recommended that we put forth a motion to increase the number of spaces for new members from 3 to no more than 5 for this year only. She said that we currently have 63 members in the 4 classes that make up quota, and quota is 70. After much discussion we decided to table the issue until February.
Sanford said to see her after the meeting for forms. Proposals are due before the March meeting.
Nominating Committee:
We need to nominate 1 active and 1 associate to serve on the Nominating Committee to put together a slate of officers for next year. Nominees were: Shelby Drinkard-active and Elizabeth Morgan-associate. If anyone is interested in serving on the Board please let Sanford know!
Yearbook Guideline revision:
Sanford suggested we change the wording of a paragraph on page 16 of our handbook under the section Party Money. It currently reads: “In accordance with guidelines previously set, party proceeds shall alternate between our two special projects the Atl. Speech School Garden and the Mary Howard Gilbert Garden at the Atlanta Historical Society. “
The board proposed that we change the wording “shall alternate between” to “shall be paid to”
The board also proposed that we add the following paragraph to detail the process by which the club disburses additional party funds raised. This paragraph should read:
“In the event that party proceeds exceed the amount designated for the two special projects, the excess monies will be disbursed in the following manner: Members may submit a thoroughly investigated request from a charitable organization for monies that will be spent in keeping with Mimosa’s purpose as set forth in Article I of the by-laws. These requests shall be presented to the membership for a vote. The excess proceeds will be allocated to the various organizations which can include the Speech School Garden, and the Quarry Garden, based on interest from the membership.”
The motion was agreed upon and passed.
Disbursement of party funds:
We have received proposals for the party funds from: the Quarry Garden, the Speech School, Historic Oakland Cemetery, Skyland Trail, The Atlanta Food Bank-Community Gardens, Morris Brandon School. Sanford stated that we would receive a mailing describing the proposals and a ballot in order to vote.
Kendrick Williams had a baby boy named Ridley Hill Williams on December 4th. Congratulations to Kendrick and grandmother Dicksie as well.
Stay tuned for the date for the Birthday party in May. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned for lunch.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margaret Warren
Kendrick Williams
Recording Secretaries