Atlanta History Center
Sanford brought the meeting to order and welcomed everyone! She thanked our hostesses: Mary Huntz, Leslie Morgan, Julie Harlan. Sanford thanked Julie for making a lot of phone calls to get our meeting space today.
Sanford reminded everyone to sign the attendance sheet; all Actives must attend 5 meetings per year.
Official Business
The September minutes were reviewed, voted on, and approved.
Committee Reports
YEARBOOK:Lindsey reminded everyone to sign up on the sheet when you pick up your book.
Hostess Chart: Mildred Spalding has created the hostess chart for 2009 – 2010. If you are due to host a meeting, please check the hostess chart to see if your name is on the list.
Treasurer’s Report: Sissy Davis – Please pay your dues!
Speech School Report: Emily Jordan – Emily reminded everyone to sign up for some upcoming garden work days.
Quarry Garden Report: Jinny Keough – no report
Flower Show Report: (Sophie Mason) – The Flower Show location has been moved to the Cobb Galleria Center. Sophie presented the idea of members buying amaryllis bulbs for the flower show. The price is $20 for one kit, and they are “fool proof!” Sophie said that it is easy and that she will take it down to the Galleria for you.
Special Committee Reports – None
With no further business, Marcy McTier introduced Mimosa Member, Sally Smith, who gave us an interesting history of The Quarry Garden. Sally spoke specifically about Louise Allen’s role in the founding of the Garden. Sally also shared her guidebook to the Quarry Garden that she had published some years ago. Everyone then joined tour guide, Gay Jolly, for a short tour of the Garden.
Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Warren
Kendrick Williams, Recording Secretaries