Welcome & call to order.
September minutes approved.
Thanked Hostesses – Harden Powell, Jo Phelps, Nancy Powell & Shelby Drinkard.
Remind folks to RSVP for meetings. – respond yes or no to lunch please
Sanford Dunklin news – please keep her sister & family in your prayers
-Committee Reports:
Vice President- Aimee Nix Aimee reported that she sent a Signup Genius for those who are on the list to host next year & she has the Hostess board with her for hostesses to sign up
2nd VP (Quarry Garden) – Blain Allen & Amanda Brady No report because Sarah Roberts from AHC is our speaker (notes below).
3rd VP (Speech School) – Caroline Davis & Kendrick Williams No report.
Treasurer – Jo Phelps No report.
Membership/Dues – Rae Knox Shelby reported that dues of $50 are due now & can be submitted via our website (MIMOSAGARDENCLUB.COM) or by check mailed to Rae Knox / given to Jessica Brown today. Website login is your first initial & last name (ie, sdrinkard) – password is your original phone number – contact Jennifer Hill if you need website help
Programs – Elizabeth Head Shelby reported that the November meeting will be at Gayle Alston’s home – remember it’s a week earlier in November because of Thanksgiving.
Historian/Scrapbook – Jinny Keough No report
Parliamentarian – Sissy Davis No report.
State Garden Club Liaison – Lindsey Sones No report.
Party Chairs – Mary Ayres Griggs & Jessica Brown – Blain Allen announced that our party will be in the Allen’s meadow in May!!
New Business -If anyone wants to join in decorating at Oakland in December, please send Shelby an email.
Program – Sarah Roberts (Goizuetta Garden) and Sheffield Hale (AHC) spoke: Quarry Garden/Atlanta History Center News: Completed the bridge this year
In the garden, a native Georgia mink was recently spotted, the foxes had kits last year, and a red shouldered hawk family is oden seen. The Audubon society is thriving – they do four walks per year on Sundays at 8am. The tree table is getting refinished. The entire landscaping in the front of the History Center is being redone and will be wrapping up around Christmas.