Minutes: October 27, 2015

Jackie Cushman’s Home

HOSTESSES: Lois Yates, Julie Yates, Esther Garges, Nell Mitchell, and Maggie Fischer


Mary Huntz opened the meeting by welcoming everyone.  How wonderful it was to be at Jackie’s on a beautiful but rainy day!  As a small thank you, we gave Jackie the dozen free range eggs from Mary’s farm for offering up her home for our rained out workday.


Jinny Keough reported on our November 10th meeting – the speaker will be Annette Joseph, author of Picture Perfect Parties.  Information about Annette and her book was distributed.  A sign up sheet was passed around to purchase a book at a discounted 40% off retail price of $26.  An email will be sent to the Mimosa membership so everyone can get the information about buying a copy of Annette Joseph’s book.  Jinny also told us about the Southeastern Horticultural Society Holiday House to be November 20-December 13th.  More details will be on our Mimosa website.

Marianne Craft presented the Hostess Chart for this year and next year.  Please sign up if you are scheduled to Hostess for the year 2016-2017.  On the website is a Master Hostess Chart six years out.

DUES: Sarah McElroy

If you haven’t paid your dues, please send them to Sarah McElroy asap.  Sarah’s address is in the directory on our website or you may pay via the website.


There will be no Speech School workday this fall.  We will see the new garden at our January meeting.

AMARYLLIS PROJECT: Lindsey Sones and Leslie Morgan

You may participate by planting your own bulb, by buying a bulb from Mimosa, or a by buying a bulb kit from Mimosa.  You make pick up your bulb or bulb kit at the November 10th meeting.  When your Amaryllis blooms, take a photo, and email it to Leslie Morgan.  Recognitions and awards will be given at a spring meeting.

MIMOSA GARDEN CLUB WEBSITE:  www.mimosagardenclub.com

We are so pleased to announce that the new site is working very well.  Your user name is your first name initial and your last name (Example: mhuntz).  Your password is your home telephone number including the dashes (Example: 123-456-7890). You may go into your own profile and make changes and updates.

If you do not see your photograph on the website directory, please contact our photographer, Guerry Redmond ASAP to have one taken:   404-874-1713

Margaret Glenn has been keeping our website updated. If you have questions about a meeting or an event, please go to the website.  Thank you Margaret Glenn.

Thank you again, Margaret Warren, for spearheading this project over the summer.

Mary thanked Mary Mac Southerland for working through several new issues for getting emails out to you promptly.  We hope you like the new format via MailChimp.


Mary welcomed and introduced Bryan Tate and his wife, Johanna.  Bryan, a Vietnam Veteran, is truly a remarkable person and continues to work with all Veterans.  Bryan was instrumental in the design and development of the Veteran’s Park at the History Center.  We were all inspired by Bryan’s continued commitment to working with our Veterans.

Thanks to our Hostesses for providing lunch today and being so flexible with the weather. Our next meeting will be on November 10th at the Allen Meadow.

Respectfully Submitted,

Louise Moore