Allen Meadow House
HOSTESSES: Sally Allen, Tricia Allen, Marcy McTier, Louise Moore & Parker Tekin
Mary called the meeting to order at 10:49 and thanked the hostesses. Mary asked for an update on the health of member Rae Knox. It was reported that she recently underwent open-heart surgery to replace a valve and is recovering well.
DUES: Sarah McElroy
Membership dues ($50) are due and can be paid to Sarah McElroy by check or online. Checks may also be mailed to Sarah at 3512 Paces Valley Road, 30327.
EMAILS: Mary Huntz
Mary thanked Mary Mac Southerland for her work on the email/communications processes. She reminded the members that the login for the new web site is: username (first initial and last name) and password (home phone number with dashes).
Parker reported the following updates on the Quarry Garden/History Center:
The renovated Louise Richardson Allen Atrium is now open to the public. Mimosa Garden Club is included on the new donor wall that recognizes contributors who have given in excess of $100,000 over the life of the organization.
The Atlanta History Center’s new bookshop and café featuring Souper Jenny, as well as the new permanent exhibition on Atlanta, will open in April 2016. Groundbreaking for the Cyclorama building is scheduled to begin in a couple weeks.
We had one sad loss in the Quarry Garden which was an American Chestnut planted in 2008 which seems to have succumbed to phytophthora root rot, a common problem for the species. It has been left standing in case it flushes back out in spring. All of our native perennial additions this year are tucked in for winter. They’re going to try shredding leaves and leaving them on the beds for mulch this year instead of raking them out of the beds or leaving them on whole. The trails will probably be mulched with wood chips again this winter.
The current exhibit in McElreath Hall is called The Curious Mister Catesby and the Elegant Mister Abbot: Early Naturalists in Georgia, 1722-1840. It will be on display through some part of April 2016. The History Center is working with the Atlanta Audubon Society to incorporate the Goizueta Gardens as an ideal bird habitat. They’ve hosted four bird walks so far, and always display one of the birds sighted recently in the shadow box in the Quarry Garden. The History Center will work with them to have some kind of event or bird walk for members and feature this exhibit in April.
The History Center sends its thanks for the two checks they received from Mimosa. They have been put in the Quarry Garden’s restricted fund account to support the work of the curator as well as for the operating needs for the Quarry Garden for the next year. Some will go towards eradication of privet and English ivy that climbs the stone walls and requires a professional climber to remove. The rest is yet to be determined and they are looking forward to making some beautiful additions and improvements.
HOSTESS CHART: Marianne Craft
Marianne reported that the hostess charts are available and reminded members to sign up for 2016-2017 dates.
GARDEN PARTY: Emily Ferguson
Emily reported that she and Jennifer Euart are busy planning the Garden Party that is set for Wednesday, May 4, 2016 at the home of Rae Knox. The party will have a May Day theme. No additional updates at this time.
Leslie thanked the participants of this year’s project and announced that the kits were available at the meeting. Each person’s name and amount owed was attached to her kit. She reminded the participants to take a photo of their success or failure and that prizes will be awarded in April.
GUEST SPEAKER: Aimee Nix introduced her friend and guest speaker, Annette Joseph, party planner and author of Picture Perfect Parties.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharena Hall