Minutes: October 23, 2012

QUARRY WORK DAY, Atlanta History Center

HOSTESSES: Shelby Drinkard, Harden Powell, Jo Phelps, Nancy Powell

Great member turnout – and great enthusiasm raking, pruning & planting!

Sarah Roberts, curator of the garden, talked about shade plants and mentioned the Garden Hood store near the zoo, for those interested in unusual plants (Across from Stone Soup in Grant Park).

Sarah also mentioned the new tour this year “In their Moccasins”, the story of the Trail of Tears, which is adapted to 2nd grade school tours.

The “workers” adjourned to McElreath Hall, joining other members for the business meeting & talk given by Sheffield Hale.

CALL TO ORDER: Catherine Fleetwood

HISTORIAN, Sally Smith, gave a creative and entertaining talk about her “interview” with Betty Mitchell Bowering, a long time Mimosa member. Betty, mother of Sanford Dunkling & Lisa Hinson became a Mimosa member in 1954, and was president in 1956. She talked about our history with the Atlanta Speech School garden, and the early days of our involvement, beginning in 1962. The garden was dedicated in 1967, and our commitment to them continues nearly fifty years later.

SPEECH SCHOOL: Terri Alston said that the gardens look good, and will announce our next work day at a later date. Due to school schedules, the November 6th workday was cancelled.

MEMBERSHIP: Mary Mac Southerland asked that members due to be hostesses for next 2013/2014 sign up on the Hostess poster which is passed around at every meeting

FLOWER SHOW: Claire Marie Huff gave a brief talk about the 2013 show, and the theme which will be: “What’s old is New Again”. The purchased bulb kits will be delivered in January at the Business Meeting.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Our own very talented member & gardener extraordinaire, Mary Huntz, will have her “in-town” garden on spring tour in 2013 – and – it’s the Atlanta Botanical Garden Spring Tour!

The meeting was adjourned, and our speaker, Sheffield Hale, the new head of the Atlanta History Center, was introduced. Sheffield gave a great talk about the planned changes for the History Center, beginning by listing many of its superb & unique assets, including the Quarry Garden. There are opportunities to publicize it in ways that will appeal to more people in and around our community. He mentioned that segments of the “Hunger Games “ movie were filmed there; that the PBS Atlanta story corps will use the Franklin Garrett library to establish an oral history; a newly planned Veterans’ Center will be at the entrance to the History Center; and he detailed the importance of, and some ideas for, creating an appeal to the younger members in our community.

The meeting was adjourned and a wonderful lunch was served by our hostesses.

Respectfully submitted,

Marianne Craft

Margie Hutchison