Call to order
Thank you was expresses to the hostesses:
Fannie Hilsman, Mariea, Sibley, Nancy McGuirk, Molly Smalley
Introduction of new members:
Marcy introduced the four new members: Maggie Fischer, Margaret Glenn, Sarah McElroy and Beth Nix. She presented each with a small plan to welcome them to the Club and asked all family members and sponsors to stand with their new member.
Committee Reports:
Speech School: In Terri’s absence, Marcy reported that the garden looked great. The landscaper replaced pots with summer flowers, anise for the “prickly” hollies and more mondo grass. She thanked everyone that had come to the workdays to support our project.
Edwina is still looking for photos, particularly of the Biggs Garden tour. If anyone has pictures to include, please get them to Edwina soon so that she can complete this year’s book.
Catherine gave the final report on our extremely successful garden party/fundraiser held at her home on May 9. Approximately people attended and net proceeds totaled about $20,000. Marcy added that this great addition to our Treasury will boost the Club’s balances for the next year, permitting us to make larger donations to our projects. She added that Julie had made both payments this year as well as all other financial obligations of the Club.
Marcy recognized the passing Sophie Mason’s brother during the past month and the sudden passing of Judson Simmons, husband of former member, Candy Simmons. Several members were absent today as they were attending the services. She also thanked this year’s Board for their services and wonderful support. It had been a great team. She then congratulated Catherine Fleetwood as the 2013 President and passed on to her the gavel. She also presented her with a patio plan tin recognition of her work this past year as Vice President and Party Chairman.
Marcy turned the meeting over to Mariea Sibley who introduced the speaker, Spencer Tunnell, who gave a very interesting presentation which included slides on the restoration of the Olmstead Parks in Druid Hills.
Luncheon followed Mr. Tunnell’s presentation.
Respectfully submitted,
Anna Muir, Secretary