Minutes: April 24, 2012

At the Home of Duvall Fuqua

In the absence of Marcy McTier, Catherine Fleetwood brought the meeting to order and welcomed everyone.  She thanked our hostesses:  Duval Fuqua (who was absent due to a family emergency of one of her close friends), Dottie Fuqua, Edwina Johnson and Sandy Jones.  She then thanked the Fuquas for the use of their lovely home even in her absence.

Approval of March Minutes:  The March Minutes were approved.

Committee Reports:

Speech School Report

Catherine Fleetwood spoke on behalf of Terri Alston who had lost her voice.  Catherine reported that about 5 people showed up for a fun time weeding the flower beds at the last workday.  She also stated that 3 amass bushes were to be planted, the pots would be redone and they were going to replant/recycle the ferns elsewhere in the garden.

Party Report:

Catherine Fleetwood stated that Emily Jordan was collecting $300 for the Garden Party and that all tickets would be mailed or given out this week. Raffle tickets are on sale as of today’s meeting $10 for 1 tix and $50 for 6 tix.

 Old Business:

Sissy Davis and Stanford Dunklin counted the votes on returned ballots and announced at the meeting that all 4 proposed nominees had been unanimously elected.  They are das follows:  Maggie Fisher, Margaret Glenn, Sarah McElroy and Aimee Nix.  Catherin asked that the sponsors all contact their nominees and she too would personally call them to welcome them.

New Business:

Libby Lanier then read the list of proposed new officers for next year.  The list was 2nd and approved as presented.  The list is as follows:

President:  Catherine Fleetwood

VP and President Elect:   Emily Jordan

2nd VP:  Terri Alston, Leslie Morgan, Caroline Davis

3rd VP:  Jinny Keough, Mary Huntz

Recording Secretaries:  Marianne Craft, Margie Hutchinson

Corresponding Secretaries:  Rawson Grobety, Lori Kennedy

Treasurer:  Julie Harlan, Kendrick Williams (Dues)

Committee Chairmen

Yearbook:  Nancy Tracy,  Louise Mann

Membership:  Emily Ferguson,  MaryMac Sutherland

Flower Show:  Claire Marie Huff,  Shelby Drinkard

Historian/ Parliamentarian:  Sallie Smith

Scrap book: Nicole Warren

New Member Mentor: Mandy Culpepper

Programs:  Wawa Hines, Lois Yates

Web Site:  Eileen Millard


Catherine Fleetwood sadly announced the deaths of the following: Wendy Simmons, daughter of former member, Candy Simmons, granddaughter of Nadine Jones Lawton and niece of Sandy Jones. Rosa Hatch, age 90, former member and past Mimosa President. Cards and Memorials were sent to the Speech School and family.

Reminder: Catherine reminded the members of the Gibbs Garden Tour on May 11, 9-5, cost is $35 and includes lunch. She stated that it should be a lovely tour.

With no further business, Mary Huntz introduced our Speaker, Barbara Bing, Publisher of Garden and Gun Magazine, who gave a wonderful presentation on the ins and outs of the magazine.

Lunch followed the speaker.

Respectfully Submitted,

Nancy Powell, Recording Secretary