VENUE: Blue Heron Nature Preserve
DATE: May 15, 2018
HOSTESSES: Sharena Hall, Liz Irby, Nancy McGuirk, Marcy McTier and Lamar Smith
WELCOME / CALL TO ORDER: Jinny Keough welcomed everyone to our last meeting of the Mimosa year and thanked our hostesses.
ANNOUNCEMENTS / MEMBER UPDATES: Jinny introduced our 3 newest members of Mimosa who are here today: Kyle Garges, Elkin Taylor, and Liles Thompson. She thanked Julie Yates, Elizabeth Hogan and all their helpers for a terrific 90th birthday party. There will be an article in the Northside Neighbor on Mimosa and the party.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes from the April meeting have been posted on the website. They were approved.
Louise Moore’s Quarry report was full of information and lovely pictures, so Jinny asked that it be sent to the Mimosa membership via a post on our web-site. Please check there for the full report.
A full report on our party will be presented in September. There were no other reports.
NEW BUSINESS: Although the Mimosa year doesn’t officially end until June 30th, this is our last meeting of the year. Jinny thanked her board and committee chairs for all their hard work.
“Thank you to Karen and Parker for all the fun, interesting programs. Thank you to Leslie and Lindsey for keeping up with attendance and hostess charts. Thank you to Caroline, Maggie, Louise and Mildred for keeping us informed on our Quarry Garden and Speech School projects. Thanks to Jo for keeping the books in order. Thank you to Emily and Mary for keeping us in good standing with the Garden Club of Georgia and the Flower Show. Thanks to Nell and Margaret for all their technical ability and keeping the website and emails running smoothly. Thank you to Jessica, Molly and Mary Ayres for keeping the minutes each month. Thanks to Sandy and Sissy for all their help with the bylaws. And thanks to Tricia and Mary Ella for mentoring last May’s new members. And a special thank you to all our past presidents – I couldn’t have managed without their excellent advice this year!”
Jinny passed the official Mimosa gavel to our next President, Lindsey Sones. Lindsey thanked Jinny for her leadership this past year.
PROGRAM: We took a walking tour of Blue Heron Nature Preserve and learned about the Preserve’s history and future plans from Kevin McCauley, Executive Director.
ADJOURN: Jinny Keough adjourned the meeting and lunch was served. Our next meeting will be September 25th, 2018 at the Allen Playhouse.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Ayres Griggs