Minutes: May 14, 2013


Catherine called the last meeting of the year to order and thanked our hostesses:  Tricia Allen, Parker Tekin, Sally Allen, and Lois Yates.

The new members were recognized and welcomed. Sharena Hall (sponsors Linda Maddox, Claire Marie Huff, Mary Mac Sutherland), Louise Allen Moore ( Tricia Allen, Marcy Mctier, Sally Allen), Rae Knox (Lois Yates, Emily Jordan, Maysie Beeson).

Treasurers Report– Please send any expenses to Julie Harlan to be reimbursed.

Speech School– Terri Alston reported on the workday  May 7th where members came to weed and detail the garden.

Quarry Garden– Jinny Keough reported that there will be a replanting of a bed by the pond and advised us to visit to see the spring flowers which are in bloom.  The Quarry Garden will be featured in a TV show filmed at the History Center to be  shown on PBS.  Look for an email telling us when to tune in.

Yearbook – Emily Ferguson will be sending an email this summer requesting your information for our new website.  We will not be printing a yearbook next year.

The past presidents of Mimosa are holding meetings to discuss and recommend changes of some of the antiquated by-laws.


We voted that all of our meetings will start at 10:30 next year.

Mary Huntz asked for members to consider their home as a location for our spring party next year.

After thanking her board, Catherine introduced Emily Jordan who will be our next President and passed the gavel to her.

Then Shannon Reese Hill gave a very informative and interesting presentation on the Nature Conservancy.