Tuesday, April 25, 2017
HOSTESSES: Jinny Keough, Eileen Millard, Shayla Rumely
Thank you to our hostesses: Jinny Keough, Eileen Millard, Shayla Rumely.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Margaret Warren
We have two resignations: Libby Lanier and Margaret Hatcher. We are sorry to lose those members, and wish them well.
It is with immense sadness that I must report we lost two members since our last meeting:
* Betty Mitchell Bowring, loving mother of Lisa Hinson and Sanford Dunklin, passed away on Saturday, April 1st. Mimosa has made a donation in Betty’s memory to the Historic Oakland Foundation. Our hearts and prayers go out to Lisa, Sanford and their families.
* The following day, Sunday, April 2nd, our dear Julie Harlan passed away. Our Mimosa family grieves with her mother, Tee Davis and family, Julie’s husband Chad and their two boys. Mimosa has made a donation to Agape Youth and Family Center in Julie’s memory.
Good news…. The Atlanta Botanical Garden will host its inaugural flower show in 2018. All of the information on the flower show will also be posted on our website.
- Today, we will be approving the minutes from the March meeting, which have been posted on the website
- Minutes approved
Hostess Chart: Jinny Keough
Jinny presented the hostess chart and let the group know that it is full for next year though we may need to revisit a couple of dates due to some of the resignations and loss of two of our members.
Membership and Dues: Lindsey Sones
No updates
Treasurer: Jo Phelps has kindly agreed to be our new Treasurer
Speech School: Karen Brown
The workday was a success!
SolTerra has quoted $3,200 for spring updates and mulch. There is plenty of money in the account.
Quarry Garden: Louise Moore
No updates
Flower Show (also known as Amaryllis Project): Leslie Morgan
No updates
State Garden Club Liaison: Mary Huntz
No updates
Website: Margaret Glenn
No updates
NEW BUSINESS: Margaret Warren
New Members – we recently completed the election of three new Mimosa members. After an extremely close ballot, our three new members are Blain Ashmore Allen, Katie Stembler Bockstedt, and Jennifer Frazier Hill. We are so thrilled to welcome these talented women to our club, and look forward to introducing them in person at our May meeting.
Election of Officers – we need to vote on the slate of new officers for next year. The slate is as follows:
Ex-Officio – Margaret Warren
President – Jinny Keough
Vice President – Lindsey Sones
2nd VP-Speech School – Maggie Fischer and Caroline Davis
3rd VP – Quarry Garden – Mildred Spalding and Louise Moore
Recording Secretaries – Jessica Brown, Mary Ayres Griggs and Molly West
Corresponding Secretary – Nell Mitchell
Treasurer – Jo Phelps
Membership & Dues – Leslie Morgan
Programs – Parker Tekin and Karen Brown
New Member Mentors – Esther Garges and Mary Ella Hill
Historian & Scrapbook – Sandy Jones
Parliamentarian – Sissy Davis
Flower Show – Emily Jordan
Party Chairs – Elizabeth Hogan and Julie Yates
Website – Margaret Glenn
State Garden Club Liaison – Mary Huntz
Motion passed unanimously and the slate of officers was approved.
PROGRAM: Tasha Moody of Simply Staged provided the group with a presentation on 10 Simple Ways to Refresh Your Home
ADJOURN: Margaret Warren
Our next meeting is Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at Lucy’s Market.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectively Submitted,
Nell Mitchell