April 2022 Meeting Minutes

Welcome & call to order.

March minutes approved.

Hostesses thanked: Deborah Childers, Beth Nix, Lindsey Sones, Hallie Crawford

Announcements & Reminders

  • Purchase Party tickets TODAY!
  • New Members: Mims Bledsoe Hill, Amanda Orr, Genie Ison Gray. Sponsors were asked to call & welcome new members plus invite them to our Garden Party.

Committee Reports

Vice President- Aimee Nix – No report

2nd VP (Quarry Garden) – Blain Allen & Amanda Brady – Shelby read the report for Blain:

The Quarry Garden steep hillside near the bridge has been fortified from erosion.  A concrete wall was added and plants put back in place. The historic wagon that once marked where the wagons and mules were once used is still out for repair. Native flowers are blooming this spring.  The flowers know how to survive the elements, but to us spring in the Southeast produces color, foliage and natural beauty.  Native plants to Georgia are throughout the path.  All are encouraged to walk through and enjoy.

3rd VP (Speech School) – Caroline Davis & Kendrick Williams – No report

Corresponding Secretary – Elkin Taylor & Liles Thompson – No report

Treasurer – Jo Phelps – No report

Membership/Dues – Rae Knox – No report

Historian/Scrapbook – Jinny Keough – Jinny announced that she would be happy to add anyone’s old flower show ribbons or memorabilia to the scrapbook. She would prefer they go in our scrapbook versus the trash.

Parliamentarian – Sissy Davis – No report

State Garden Club Liaison – Lindsey Sones – Lindsey read a proclamation from Governor Kemp dedicating the week of April 17 “Georgia Garden Week.”

Party Chairs – Mary Ayres Griggs & Jessica Brown – MA & Jessica reminded all to purchase their tickets. They have secured the caterer, tents, golf carts and valets for the party. They thanked Liles Thompson whose husband has graciously arranged donations from his business, ASW Distillery, for the bar.

-New Business

Shelby presented the slate for 2022-2023, which was approved.

-Program – Lindsey Sones introduced Sandy Kruger, Executive Director of the Olmsted Linear Park Alliance. Sandy introduced speaker Spencer Tunnell II, a landscape architect and co-author of a new book, Olmsted’s Linear Park.  On the occasion of Olmsted’s 200th birthday, we heard about the beginning of planned Druid Hills neighborhood and the evolution of the planned parks.

-Adjourn for lunch