Minutes: March 2023 Meeting

Welcome & Call to Order

Aimee welcomed everyone and thanked Hostesses – Kim Austin, Jinny Keough, Eillen Millard, Shayla Rumely

Aimee wished a Happy Birthday to Shelby Drinkard, Lindsey Sones and Gayle Alston

Reading & Approval of Minutes

Printed copies were provided.  The minutes were approved, first motion by Susan Virgin, second by Shelby Drinkard.   

Officer Reports

Vice President N/A         

Second Vice President (Speech School) – Kendrick Williams. Kendrick announced the upcoming workday at the Speech School on Apr. 12th.  The workday is a day full of planting new plants and shrubs.  Pictures will be posted of the workday on the website.   

Kendrick sent an email with the photos of the beautiful daffodils blooming in the Speech School Garden.

Third Vice President (Quarry Garden) – Molly West. Molly passed photos of the Quarry garden.        

Corresponding Secretary N/A

Treasurer N/A

Committee Reports

Programs N/A

Membership & Dues N/A

Historian N/A

Parliamentarian N/A

Website- Jennifer Hill. Jennifer sent notes to the meeting: A new provider is being established, please reach out to her if you have any questions.  An email will be sent out regarding nominees and voting will be Apr 1-15. 

State Garden Club Liaison – Lindsey Sones. Aimee announced that if you would like to attend the convention, please email Lindsey directly. 

Reminder – Dogwood District is hosting: “Garden Magic on the Mountain.” to celebrate The Garden Club of Georgia’s 95th Anniversary at their annual convention, April 18-20 at Stone Mountain. There will be workshops, demonstrations, lectures and many vendors.

New Business

  • Aimee announced the following:
  • We have 5 candidates for membership. Voting will be open April 1 – April 15. New members were announced at the April meeting. 
  • As a reminder, at our Business Meeting in January it was decided that we will increase the number of new members from 3 to 5 for this year (one year only) to make up for our hostess shortfall and increase our membership. We will need to vote today on this increase to make it official (because to amend our bylaws notice should be given to members 2 months before voting on the proposed amendment). 

A motion was made to approve the increase of the number of new member openings in 2023 from 3 to 5. It was approved, motion by Jinny Keough and second by Beth Nix. All members were in favor. 

  • The nominating committee met to work on the slate of officers for next year. Please consider saying yes if you are called because our garden club runs on volunteer work. A reminder was made to vote for new members Apr 1-15.
  • Important announcement for our meeting at the Governor’s Mansion on Tuesday, April 25th! The tour will begin at 10:00 and last until 11:30. We will be divided into 2 groups. Everyone who attends must be on a list sent the day before the meeting and everyone should have their ID with them. The ballroom is not available for us that day so we are not able to have lunch at this meeting. 
  • Historic Oakland Cemetery Tour – Thursday, April 20th, at 10:00 a.m.

We still have room for a few more members to join the Oakland Cemetery tour on Thursday, April 20th, at 10:00 a.m. Space is limited to 20 participants. Please respond to Aimee Nix if you can attend: aimeenix@gmail.com  Currently 10 members have signed up. 

  • Mimosa members have been invited to celebrate 100 years of Peachtree Garden Club on Wednesday, April 19th at 6:30 at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. Aimee will forward the invitation with details and links to purchase tickets.
  • Saturday, April 22nd the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation is having their Spring Ramble in Ansley Park. Mimosa member, Mildred Spalding, will have her house on the tour. 
  • Other new business:

Shelby made a reminder about the need for a new treasurer. This is 2 year position.  It is necessary to know Excel, file an annual report with the GA Garden Club and the GA State Secretary. More information can be provided about the position from Aimee.  


  • Sarah McElroy introduced Blake Segars. Founder of T. Blake Segars Architecture and Landscapes.  Blake discussed classical and traditional architecture and design philosophies and how they can be modernized to bring fresh perspective and greater function to today’s home and garden designs. He said his motto is “home is where the heart is= LOVE”.  He stressed the importance of maintaining the sentiment, that the love of family should transcend from your home to your garden.
  • Two of his favorite books are: GET YOUR HOUSE RIGHT AND THE AMERICAN VIGNOLA. 

Adjournment & Lunch

  • Aimee thanked our hostesses: Kim Austin, Jinny Keough, Eillen Millard, Shayla Rumely
  • The meeting was adjourned for lunch.