November Meeting Minutes

Location: Westside Park
Recording Secretary: Kellie Spalding
  • Margie Hutchison
  • Guerry Redmond
  • Kellie Spalding
  • Mildred Spalding

Kendrick Willaims welcomed everyone and thanked our hostesses, calling the meeting to order at 10:47 a.m.


N/A (Kendrick to request approval and affirmation of October ‘24 minutes at January ‘25 meeting, along with approval/affirmation of these November ‘24 minutes).


Mildred Spalding stepped up to provide a brief, personal introduction of our speakers, noting that the PATH Foundation is celebrating its 30th anniversary and recounting several happy memories of using PATH trails with fellow members over the years. Mildred also recognized Sarah Kennedy for all the work she has done with and for The Path Organization. 


Vice President: Kendrick Williams, as proxy for Louise Moore

Kendrick announced that Louise has updated the Hostess Chart, and that Louise is again requesting that all members due to host in 2025-2026 continue to sign up to do so.  Please see Louise to determine if and when you are due to host, if you are unsure.

2nd VP Speech School: Alden Potts


3rd VP quarry garden: Brittany Hill


Treasurer: Margaret Warren



Membership & Dues: 

Kendrick asked that each member please continue to get their dues paid, and noted that Liles Thompson was present for any members who wished to pay in person.  Kendrick also reiterated that late fees will applied on all dues not paid by December 1st.

New Member Liason:


Correspondence & Website: 


State Garden Club Liaison:






  1. Unfinished or New Business

Kendrick announced that the amaryllises had arrived, and to please see Mary Mac Southerland to collect yours if ordered.

Mimosa’s decorating day for the Dodd Mausoleum at Oakland Cemetery is set for December 6th, and Kendrick requested that members continue signing up to assist, in addition to the eight (8) already signed up to do so.  Kendrick also asked those already signed up or planning to sign up to please bring lots of trimmings and materials for day-of decorating.

Cathedral Giving By Design is set for January 24, 2025, and Alden Potts is one of the Homes Tour Co-Chairs.  Abby Echols has graciously agreed to do two (2) arrangements for this on behalf of Mimosa.  Kendrick circulated a sign-up sheet for additional members to volunteer to assist with this favorite event.

Kendrick finally announced that the Garden Club of Georgia was holding a fundraiser selling wreaths and circulated a sign-up sheet for those interested in purchasing.

  1. Adjournment 

The meeting officially ended at 11:27 a.m.

  1. Program

Speaker Names: Greta DeMayo, Executive Director of PATH Foundation, and Pete Pellegrini, Project Manager at PATH Foundation, both introduced by Jennifer Raulet

Topic: Celebrate PATH Foundation’s 30 Years

Greta opened with a few Mimosa-related trivia questions for members and noted that, together with the Beltline Foundation–with whom the PATH Foundation frequently collaborates–PATH provides a vision for a more connected Atlanta.

Greta and Pete stated that, to date, there are more than 327 miles of PATH trails running through Atlanta, and many miles running through additional counties and even other states (Alabama), as well.

Member Amy Smith recalled to Greta and Pete that she wrote an article on PATH for Atlanta Magazine many years ago.

Greta and Pete stated that PATH is aiming to connect its current Chastain Park section with its “PATH 400” section in the imminent future.  Plans are already underway to connect the Standing Peachtree section into the Silver Comet Connector with a bridge across Peachtree Creek.  Eventually, Standing Peachtree will be connected to downtown Atlanta and Centennial Park, hopefully by 2026, just in time for Atlanta’s hosting of the World Cup soccer tournament.

PATH is working now to connect its northwest Atlanta section through Bobby Jones and Peachtree Hills, but this effort has been slowed somewhat given the need to obtain permissive easements through numerous private properties.

Currently 1 in 5 Atlantans live within ten minutes of a PATH trail, but of course, PATH wants that number to keep climbing higher with the passage of time.

Westside Park, the site of today’s meeting, was once a functioning quarry; the City of Atlanta bought it and instituted drilling nearby and all the way up to the Chattahoochee River, and that is how the water in the Reservoir came to be.  Greta and Pete invited all present members to join them on a walk down to the Reservoir upon the conclusion of the meeting.

Greta and Pete ended by passing out dark green baseball caps emblazoned with PATH’s logo, along with paper copies of current PATH trails, to all members present.  They encouraged everyone to follow PATH on social media (Instagram: @pathfoundationatlanta; Facebook: and to sign up for periodic newsletters at


  1. Miscellaneous 


October Meeting Minutes

Welcome and Call to Order

Kendrick Williams welcomed everyone and thanked our hostesses: Shelby Drinkard, Harden Powell, Nancy Powell, and Jo Phelps. She remarked on what a treat it was to be at the tree table. She then thanked those who participated in the Quarry Work Day and commented on how awesome it was to have such beautiful weather.

Reading and Approval of Minutes

       Kendrick asked to approve the minutes from the September meeting, which had been posted on the website. Shelby Powell and Amy Nix motioned to approve the minutes and Susan Virgin and Mary Mac Southerland seconded. Minutes were approved.

Officer Reports    

Margaret Warren gave the Treasurer report and explained that we have three accounts. The operating account has $13,486; the savings account which has $7,879 and the party account which has $17,298. She went on to hand out copies of the detailed operating budget and said that we would pull out some money for the speech school and some for the history center. Lastly, Margaret explained that most of our budget comes from dues and that we must pay fees to the Garden Club of Georgia.

New Business

       Kendrick asked us to please pay dues on the website or to Amanda Orr who had to leave early. After December 1st a fee of $25 is applied. Then Mary Mac Southerland discussed the Amarilys project and said that she doesn’t know the cost of each Amarilys yet since the price depends on the number of orders she receives. Then, Kendrick said that Mimosa is going to participate in the “Victorian Holiday at Oakland” this year. Our day to decorate is December 6th and Mimosa has been assigned to the Dodd Mausoleum. She brought a photo and passed around a signup sheet. She asked us to please sign up to help and told us how much fun it is. Then she encouraged us to be creative and bring trimmings from our own yards.


       Kendrick introduced Sara Carter, who has had a twenty plus year career in horticulture. She was the curator of the New York Botanical gardens; attended Berry College and Garden Design school in England.

         Rosemary retired after ten years and we wish her the best after the loss of her husband. Sara explained that the Atlanta History Center staff had shifted members of the team with the addition of Ginna Tiesler. Ginna obtained her masters from Harvard in horticulture. She said that she likes to blend the balance of aesthetically beautiful plants and flowers with ecological sustainability. She recommended the book “American Sheep of cultural history” by Brett Bomar, which is for sale in the gift shop at the history center. Then, she went on to discuss the Interpretation Project that the center is undergoing to write interpretive panels for all of the gardens. There are 200 panels to be written to describe why the garden was planted there, what it is and who planted it. Also, they are rolling out more plant labels as there are over 12,000 plants in the entrance gardens up top. They plan to include the plant family, latin name, year of introduction as well as the reason the plant is relevant here (for example, how was this plant used as medicine or by Indian culture). She then told us about a few upcoming events like the great trick or treat, which is for littles in costumes (preferably historical) which will take place there at the history center. Also, there is an event for Veteran’s day on November 11th and a Holiday lighting in December. On January 11th, they are opening a new children’s exhibit. Other upcoming projects include the Civil War, Native land, Hank Aaron and Margaret Mitchell exhibits.

         Kendrick asked her to give us a brief history of the tree table. She explained that it was a large white oak near the parking garage and was dying. The tree was over 100 years old the center wanted to provide another way to describe history so they decided to turn it into a table. It was cut into sections by local artisans. They left as much wood as possible to be sanded and re-oiled to preserve it. It was done in February of 2020 by Curt McCalken.


Location: Atlanta History Center

Minutes: Allison Cobb Felton

Hostesses: Shelby Drinkard, Harden Powell, Nancy Powell, and Jo Phelps

September Meeting Minutes

September 2024 Minutes

Kendrick Williams welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 10:45am. She welcomed us to Mimosa’s 96th year and thanked everyone for the opportunity to be President. She thanked the hostesses for planning a wonderful meeting. She thanked Parker Tekin for serving as last year’s President. She presented Parker a lovely gift from the Garden Club. Kendrick welcomed our three new members, Bev Briggs, Laura Troup, Ashley Whitehurst. She thanked Wawa Hines and Rae Knox for hosting a wonderful new member luncheon at Wawa’s home in August. She thanked Louise Moore for the pretty new member nametags and Guerry Redmond for taking photos of the new members.


Kendrick reported that the meeting minutes have been uploaded to the website. Jinny Keough motioned that the minutes be approved, and Mary Huntz seconded. Minutes were approved.


Kendrick announced the sad news of Aimee Nix’s Father in Law’s passing. Lewis Nix passed away in August. In his memory, Mimosa is donating to the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation.

Kendrick reported that Bettye Maddox’s husband and Sissy Davis’s father, John Roberts Maddox passed away in August. In his memory, Mimosa will be donating to the The Historic Oakland Foundation.

Lastly, Kendrick reported that our own Jane Sterne passed away in June. She was a member of Mimosa for 35 years. Mimosa donated to Circle Camps in memory of Jane.

Kendrick recognized Tricia Allen and Esther Garges as Honorary Members, having now been members for 50 years.


Vice President: Louise Moore

Louise shared the hostess chart and requested that those who are due to host during the 2025-26 year please sign up. She will also follow up. Kendrick clarified that members are required to host a meeting every three years, and new members are required to host a meeting every two years.

2nd VP Speech School: Alden Potts

Alden shared an update from The Speech School. The garden is flourishing, and she will be scheduling a workday.

3rd VP quarry garden: Brittany Hill

Brittany Hill could not be present, but there is no report – Kendrick reminded everyone to come to the meeting in October.

Treasurer: Margaret Warren

Margaret could not be present. Kendrick provided the balances of our accounts.

  • Operating Account: $11,288
  • Savings Account: $7,879
  • Party Account: $17,298
  • Total Cash Balance: $36,465

Kendrick reported that our financial commitments are $2,000 annually to the Speech School, and $3,000 annually to the History Center Quarry Garden.

During a party year, the proceeds from the party are divided as follows: 60% to The History Center Quarry Garden, and 40% to the Mimosa Garden at The Atlanta Speech School.

Specifically, the funds from The May Spring Party were approximately $10,000, so we will contribute $6,000 to the AHC Quarry Garden and $4,000 to the Mimosa Garden at Speech.

Kendrick thanked the party chairs, Amanda Tucker and Liles Thompson for their hard work planning a wonderful party!


Kendrick announced the Standing Committee Chairs for the 2024-25 year as follows:
  • Rec Secretaries are the new Members form last year-Abby Echols, Allison Felton, Shannan Hill, Kellie Spalding and Alice Phillips
  • Programs (Mims Hill and Jennifer Raulet)
  • Membership & Dues (Liles Thompson and Amanda Orr)
  • Historian/Scrapbook (Jinny Keough)
  • Corresponding Secretary (Genie Gray and Amy Underwood)
  • New Member Mentors & Luncheon (Rae Knox and Wawa Hines)
  • Parliamentarian (Sarah McElroy)
  • Website (Jennifer Hill)
  • State Garden Club Liaison (Esther Garges)
Membership & Dues:

Liles asked that each member please pay their dues. She’s collecting today and requested that if you send a check, to let her know. Mary Mac reminded everyone to pay.

Correspondence & Website:

Jennifer Hill provided a website report about internet security. Jennifer mentioned you might be having trouble getting into the site. There is a lot of content and a lot of older things on the server. She will be working with Jinny to archive.


Jinny is keeping old records. She has notebook from past presidents but the last one she has is from 2011. She’s looking for pictures from the party for the scrapbook. She requested flower show ribbons or other memorabilia. When turning them in to her, please include names and years. Jinny is willing to take anything for scrapbook and archives. Jennifer Hill clarified that we did have a photography at the party and that Jinny can download photos from the website.


Mary Mac Southerland reported that we will continue with the amaryllis project this year. She will be placing orders of the Sunshine Nymph variety. She passed around a sign up sheet and requested sign ups on quantity and participation. It takes 7-10 days to receive the bulbs, so she will place orders at the end of October. She will bring a sign up at the October meeting as well. The more we order, the less they are. We’d like to distribute them in November.Cathedral Giving by Design is on Jan. 24 and 25, and the beneficiary is Wellspring Living. Kendrick asked us to please keep these dates in mind if anyone would like to help design a flower arrangement.  Last year we donated two arrangements.

It was reported that the Oakland Cemetery Holiday Mausoleum Decorating will happen on Thursday, Dec 5. The tour is Dec. 7 and 8.  A sign-up sheet will be passed around in October.

Kendrick reported that a new activity will include a joint meeting with the Peachtree Garden Club to have a meet/mingle for our March 25 meeting which will include speaker, Lady Henrietta Spencer Churchill

Kendrick reported that Mimosa has space for 3 New Members this year. We will begin accepting proposals in January. Voting will begin April 1st


 Meeting adjourned at 11:15am.

  • Mims Hill introduced Zac Harrison, Founder of Fresh Harvest, an online farmer’s market that delivers groceries to customer’s doors. Mims has been a customer for two years and touted the high-quality meats, dairy and vegetables.
  • Zac Harrison, founder of Fresh Harvest, shared a wonderful program. He started Fresh Harvest in 2012 and was inspired while on a motorcycle trip visiting an organic farm.
  • Zac explained their business model to buy food from small farms that they then deliver to customers using small vans. They use small family farms.
  • He shared information about his team. They are based in Clarkston which is a refugee resettlement city. 70% of their team are refuges.
  • Zac invited the garden club for a workday in the fresh harvest garden.
  • Zac shared a video of an aerial footage of several fresh harvest farms. Some are 2 acres, some of 25 acres, but they are small. He shared some examples of some of the farms they work with.
  • 50% of food from Fresh Harvest goes back to the grower compared to 14% of grocery store revenue going back to the grower.
  • Zac shared the Fresh Harvest business model of being a subscription model so it helps farmers project their business. Subscriptions are something they can count on and enables farmers to plan revenues and crop planning and budget predictability.
  • Fresh Harvest gives away 10% of profits.
  • Zac shared the map of where they deliver. They have a commitment to place and staying local.
  • Zac stayed after his presentation to offer members the opportunity to subscribe.
  • Meeting Location: Atlanta Botanical Gardens
  • Recording Secretary: Shannan Hill
  • Hostesses: Jessica Brown, Mary Ayres Griggs, Jennifer Raulet, Susan Virgin

May Meeting

Program: Staci Catron, Cherokee Garden Library Director at the Atlanta History Center talks about her book, Seeking Eden: Historic Gardens of Georgia