February Meeting Minutes

1.     Welcome and Call to Order


    • Welcome and thank hostesses (Mandy Culpepper, Catherine Fleetwood and Lisa Hinson)

    • Richard Harker – Oakland’s Executive Director – in charge for 4 years… Spoke about the Bell Tower where we were meeting – built in 1899, originally a chapel and office, and was the visitors center. Now just for events/meetings.

2.     Announcements


    • Liz Irby requested her resignation from Mimosa. She joined in 2011 and will be missed.

3.     Reading and Approval of Minutes


    • I’d like to approve the January minutes which have been posted on the website. Is there a motion to approve the minutes? A second? All in favor? Seconded, All in favor

4.     Officer Reports


    • Vice President (Kendrick Williams): Workday in Sarah’s Garden March 18? Sarah’s Garden – named after Sarah Clark & Sarah Kennedy at Second Ponce. Need 5 volunteers for 1.5 hours.


        • Second Vice President / Speech School (Mary Ayres): The children enjoyed a lovely Valentines Day party in the Mimosa Garden with wonderful weather. If you would like to see some pictures, let me know.


    • Third Vice President / Quarry Garden (Elkin Alston): NO REPORT


    • Corresponding Secretaries (Katie Bockstedt and Leslie Neely): NO REPORT


    • Treasurer (Margaret Warren):


        • The three account balances are:
          • Operating account: $10,596
          • Savings Account: $7,879
          • Party Account: $14,779


            • Total $33,254

The CPA who has prepared our annual tax returns for the past several years has retired so we are in need of a new CPA to prepare our returns. Please reach out

to Margaret if you know anyone who might be willing to take this on fro Mimosa. Her email is magswarren@me.com or 404-934-9906.

5.     Committee Reports


    • Programs: NO REPORT


    • Membership & Dues: Mary Mac


    • Historian: Jinny Keough –

    • I went to the Cherokee Garden Library this weekend and took a look at the old MImosa scrapbook.

    • The first official Mimosa meeting was July 16, 1928. The original officers were:

    • President: Mrs. William F. Shallenberger

Vice President: Mrs. Luther Rosser

Recording Secretary: Mrs. Dan MacDougald

Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Walter Colquitt

Treasurer:  Mrs. Alexander MacDougald


    • There were 30 original members. The club was chartered with the Garden Club of Georgia in January 1930. The club’s first civic project was the garden at The Crippled Children’s Hospital (predecessor of Scottish Rite/CHOA).


    • The club participated in the first Atlanta Flower Show on May 22, 1929.

    • The scrapbook was started in 1937 at the request of the Garden Club of Georgia. Club scrapbooks were judged for ribbons prizes at the GCG annual convention.


    • Mimosa participated in the May 1934 Atlanta Flower Show and the following description appeared in the May 19, 1934 Atlanta Constitution:

    • “A red bamboo gate opens upon the Chinese garden representing the Mimosa Garden Club, flanked by jade plants placed on either side and a grass plot centering the garden. A half-moon bridge spans the lagoon on which water lilies float upon the surface. Flowering oleanders form the background with iris and lilies in the foreground. A garden seat, painted in Chinese blue and a Chinese lantern lend atmosphere to the scene.”


    • Parliamentarian: Jackie Cushman


    • Website: Jennifer Hill


    • State Garden Club Liaison: NO REPORT


    • Party Chairs (Liles Thompson and Amanda Tucker):

    • As for party tickets, non-honorary members are required to buy 4, but you can buy more. The price is $300 for 4 tickets. You can purchase these thru Shelby – she is here/not here today. Can buy tickets online thru the website. MAY 8 6-9pm

6.     Business



    • New Member Nominations – No full nominations, but I should have 1 by next week. There are 2 other inquiries. The proposal form and supporting letters are due March 26th. Online voting will begin April 1st and last through April 15th. They will need 1 sponsor and 2 people to endorse them. Also, a member cannot write a letter if they’ve supported a nomination within the last three years.

There are 3 available spots


    • Oakland Cemetery has offered to give us a guided tour of Spring trees or Oakland Oaks as a thank you for our participation in the Victorian Holiday Event. We are working on a date. Will keep you updated on date.

7.     Program


    • Britt Hill will introduce our speaker, Deb DeWitt

    • Deb DeWitt – 2018 arrival of her first hives, Terra Beekeeping in Decatur, involved in education and raising awareness of bees and their vital roles. Also works with prisons to develop beekeeping skills and arborists to save bee hives in dead trees.

    • Beekeeping 101 –
      • So many products come from the hive. Beeswax (candles, lotions, hand salves, soaps), honey


        • Atlanta – 40% tree/greenery coverage, so a wonderful habitat for bees


    • Beginning of the year for bees starts in Fall. hive management so that they can last thru the winter.
      • Queen bee lays 1500 eggs/day – biggest bee. Red dot on back.
      • Urban beekeeping is interesting b/c there are so many options
      • IN THE HIVE – Queen, worker bees (build hives) drone bees (just mate, then die)
      • Bees smell with their antennae, communicate by phermones. Lemongrass = good. Bananas = bad, alarm!
      • Deb makes: turmeric paste/honey/milk healthy drink, lip balm, beeswax, lotion bar, doggie balm, cut honeycomb, candles, creamed honey, honey.


        • Honey is anti-viral and anti-microbial b/c it has natural peroxide in it. Good for allergies b/c it de-senstitizes you to local trees, flowers, etc.

8.     Adjournment & Lunch


    • Thank speaker and hostesses (Mary H, Lisa H and Mandy C)


    • Our next meeting will be March 26th with Bruce Grant of H.G. Robertson Silver & Gifts talking about how to pair flowers with silver. You will receive the Punchbowl invitation next week.