Minutes: October 25, 2016


HOSTESSES: Maysie Beeson, Elizabeth Morgan, Sissy Davis, Aimee Nix

Margaret welcomed everyone to our Quarry Garden work day, and thanked those who worked in the garden.  More than 15 members worked alongside the staff clipping back hibiscus and pulling perennials. The staff really appreciated our efforts and the combined 15 hours of work made a huge difference in the appearance of the garden.  She thanked the hostesses (Maysie Beeson, Elizabeth Morgan, Sissy Davis and Aimee Nix) and reminded everyone to sign in.

PROGRAM:    Shelby Drinkard introduced our speaker, Sheffield Hale, President and CEO of the Atlanta History Center.  Sheffield gave an update on the anticipated move of the Cyclorama to its new home at the History Center. The expected completion date is mid-2017. Sarah Roberts, the vice president of the Quarry Garden, gave an update on the condition of the Quarry Garden, mentioning that this is the 40th anniversary of the garden. Many mature trees and plantings are well established thanks to the foresight of Mimosa Garden Club forty years ago. She mentioned that 30,000 children tour the Garden annually.

Sadly, we recently lost long-time member, Mickie Keough, on October 6th.  Mickie is the mother of Shayla Rumely and Eileen Millard, and the mother-in-law of Jinny Keough; Mimosa has made a donation to the Forward Arts Foundation in Mickie’s memory; we continue to keep Shayla, Eileen and Jinny in our thoughts and prayers.

There was a motion and a second to approve the minutes from the September meeting; the members present voted unanimously and the minutes stand approved as submitted. They have also been posted to the website.


* Vice President (Hostess Chart) – Jinny Keough – reported that the slots for next year are filling up, and reminded any members who are due to host next year to please sign up asap.

* Membership & Dues – Lindsey Sones – Lindsey reminded everyone that dues are now payable, and may be mailed to her or paid on the Mimosa website via PayPal.

* Treasurer – Julie Harlan – no Treasurer’s report was given.

* Speech School – Karen Brown, Caroline Davis – no report was given.

* Quarry Garden – Parker Tekin, Louise Moore
Most of the summer has been about keeping our plants watered and weeded in there, but also selective removal of some small trees that were causing too much shade or had poor form, and finding better plants for those locations. We’ve reused a lot of rock that was dug out from the mulch trails and raised to show the edges of the beds in locations where it had been lost.

We hosted an event in the Quarry for the first time in late spring/early summer, a cocktail party with some of our Board in attendance that was auctioned off as a fundraising event for our animal collections. That was a lot of fun and great exposure for the Quarry Garden to a new audience. I gave a talk about its beginning, the collections, and Mimosa’s involvement from inception to today. Also on the exposure topic – GardenSmart is played repeatedly on GPB on early Saturday mornings I believe where I took the TV crew into the Quarry as part of the show and talk about our native plants and Mimosa’s original vision for this garden. Also the bald cypress we planted for the Bartram exhibit have nearly doubled in size! They are very tall now. Lots of blue mist flower coming into bloom, and goldenrods which makes for a nice combination.

* Flower Show (also known as Amaryllis Project) – Leslie Morgan, Sharena Hall – Margaret gave the report in their absence.  As we mentioned at the last meeting, in lieu of the Amaryllis Project, we are going to do a holiday floral arrangement workshop instead, led by our very own Jennifer Euart!  An Evite for the event will be sent out on November 1st, so be on the lookout for that; space will be limited, so please respond quickly if you would like to attend.  Details are as follows:

Tuesday, December 6th – 11:00am – 1:00pm
Location: Swan Coach House
Cost:  $50, which includes lunch and all supplies

* State Garden Club Liaison – Mary Huntz – no report given

* Website – Margaret Glenn – no report given

OLD / NEW BUSINESS:  Margaret Warren
Margaret reminded everyone that we will have room to accept three new members this year; the new member proposal form is on the website under the “Member Info” tab, or if you’d rather, you can send me an email, and I will make sure you receive the form; we will begin accepting the forms in January 2017 and the deadline to submit will be March 2017

ADJOURN:  Margaret Warren
That concludes our meeting.  Our next meeting is Tuesday, November 15th at the Magnolia Hall in Piedmont Park.  Just a reminder, that is the 3rd Thursday, not the 4th.  The meeting is adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth Hogan