VENUE: Atlanta History Center
DATE: October 23, 2018
HOSTESSES: Maggie Fischer, Esther Garges, Julie Yates, Lois Yates
After a most productive work day, in which we planted 90 phlox perineal bulbs to honor our 90th anniversary, Lindsey called the meeting to order at 11:53 a.m., extended a warm welcome to the group, thanked our hostesses and those who participated in the work day.
In honor of our 90th anniversary we will have a celebration at our business meeting in January, and a group photo before the meeting at the Speech School. Mildred Spalding suggested that the usual Speech School meeting date be changed from January to April or May so that we may see the garden when it is in bloom.
New member mentors Esther Garges and Lois Yates have spent a lot of time leading new members Liles Thompson, Elkin Taylor and Kyle Garges in creating two fresh flower wreaths for the Cathedral Antiques show in January. The theme is English flowers– Jennifer Euart, our in-house professional, will help out.
Minutes from the September meeting have been posted on the website. There was a motion to approve, seconded, and all voted in favor. The minutes stand approved.
Vice President: Karen Brown
Please sign up to be a hostess if your name is on the list of those whose turn it is this year.
Treasurer: Jo Phelps
Report supplied via email on 11-26-2018
Our current balances are:
Checking – $6,320.14
Party Acct – $24,696.76*
Savings Acct – $5,360.33
Huge thank you to Elizabeth Hogan and Julie Yates for a tremendously successful 90th anniversary party last spring. Income from Tickets and Auction brought in $35,034.93!
This enables us to continue our support of both the Quarry Garden and the Speech School garden for 2 years and award them both an additional gift.
Membership and Dues: Leslie Morgan
Please remember to sign in before every meeting; An attendance book is located at the check in desk. Remember 5 meetings are required a year.
Dues are due – $50 by December 1st payable by check to:
Leslie Morgan, P.O. Box 111, Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Self-addressed envelopes were made available at the check in desk. Checks can also be handed in at any of the meetings, or pay via PayPal on the Mimosa website. Membership dues will increase to $75 after December 1, 2018.
Program Chairs: Jinny Keough & Mary Ella Hill
The next meeting will be at the Agape Youth and Family Center in memory of Julie Harlan.
Speech School: Caroline Davis / Maggie Fischer
Be on the lookout for a work-day sign up as we help restore the Mimosa Garden at theSpeech School after their construction has finished.
Quarry Garden: Louise Moore & Mildred Spalding
Nothing to report.
Flower Show:
There is no flower show this year.
State Garden Club Liaison: Mary Huntz
Nothing to report.
Website: Margaret Glenn
Nothing to report.
New Member Mentors: Esther Garges, Lois Yates & Shayla Rumely
Esther and Lois will lead the new members in entering the flower show which is part of the Cathedral Antique Show, January 20-27, 2019.
Sheffield Hale, President of the Atlanta History Center spoke to club members. He thanked everyone for the stewardship of the AHC Quarry Garden. It is most important due to location on property. He discussed the new Goizueta Garden opening on November 15, 2018. Sarah Roberts, a master gardener at AHC, gave a report of plants in the Quarry Garden from this summer and fall. It was a tough year due to losing two huge oaks and taking 5-6 months to clear out correctly.
Member update: Lori Kennedy has asked for professional status.
Amaryllis project: (Sandy Jones), to get you in the holiday spirit, Lindsey announced on behalf of Sandy, there will be an amaryllis workshop and lunch at the Swan coach house on Dec. 4th. We can accommodate 20. The fee will be $50 for lunch and your take home arrangement. We sold out quickly last time we offered this, so we are doubling the size. Please sign up early with Sandy.
In honor of the end of our 90th anniversary as a garden club, we will have a group photo made at our January meeting taken by our own professional photographer, Guerry Redmond. Please plan to arrive on time as the photo will be first on the agenda. White gloves not necessary.
That concludes our meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 12:16 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Blain Ashmore Allen