HOSTESSES: Karen Brown, Claire Marie Huff, Claire Benedict, Lori Kennedy
Call To Order: Emily Jordan
Emily called our meeting to order and welcomed everyone to the meeting. She thanked the hostesses for providing lunch and organizing the meeting and thanked Sara Roberts for directing the work day. She also started a new tradition by asking each hostess to stand up and name the Mimosa members in her family.
As there were no corrections to the meeting minutes from September’s meeting, they were approved as submitted.
Treasurers Report– The announcement was made that dues in the amount of $50 are due by December 1, 2013. Members may use the Paypal link on the Mimosa website, give their check to Emily Jordan, or send their payment to Shelby Neely, 2083 Bohler Road, NW, Atlanta, GA 30318. Please remember a late fee of $25.00 will be charged to all Members who have not paid their dues by December 1.
Party Mary Huntz reported that the party will be at the Atlanta History Center in the amphitheater overlooking the Quarry Garden. The party will be May 1st, 2014. Weather permitting, there will be tours of the Quarry Garden and a blue grass band. We are also considering having all the ladies wear wellies with their party dresses. Sign up sheets will go out in November for party committees.
Speech School – Terri Alston reported that our workday at the Speech School is scheduled for Thursday, November 7th. All members who attend should bring rakes. A sign up sheet was passed around, and a reminder email will go out closer to the date.
HOSTING DUTIES FOR NEXT YEAR: Emily Jordan reported that we will start signing up for hosting duties for next year soon. We are working on the possibility of signing up online.
The business meeting was adjourned, and Lori Kennedy introduced Kelly Whitfield from the Atlanta History Center, who gave a talk and showed a video on the farm that was relocated to the Atlanta History Center campus.
Respectfully submitted,
Liz Irby