The workday began in the garden with the new curator Sarah Roberts.
Marcy called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone.
She thanked the hostesses. Wawa Hines. Mary Huntz, Leslie Morgan, and Mary Mac Sutherland for the luncheon and the lovely fall flowers.
Old Business:
Nancy Powell read the Sept minutes, which were approved and submitted.
New Business:
Speech School: Terri Alston talked about work days at the SS and got people to sign up for the workday on Fri. Nov. 4 at 10am. There will be another work day in the spring.
Quarry Garden: Jinny introduced Sarah to all who may not have attended the cleanup earlier, and thanked everyone who worked in the quarry garden before the meeting.
Treasurer’s report: In Amanda’s absence, Marcy stated that 75 members have paid their dues, which comes to $3750 thus far. Marcy reminded everyone to pay their dues if they have yet to do so.
Yearbook: Leslie Morgan reminded everyone to pick up there yearbook membership section.
Scrapbook: Edwina reminded everyone to take pictures of our activities, meetings,etc and any other items for our scrapbook and turn them in to her as soon as they can.
Party: In Catherine Fleetwood’s absence, Marcy stated that Catherine Fleetwood, Mandy Culpepper and Lori Kennedy will be meeting in the next few weeks to begin plans for the party on May 9th.
Signing up for meetings in 2013 is in better shape but we still have some openings. There was talk about discussing options for hosting since we do not have enough active members to fill the hosting slots (i.e. non-resident hosts possibly hosting, etc.)
Reminder that The Fulton Federation of Garden Clubs is having their November 14th meeting at Heeneys Wholesale Floral.
Reminder of the John Muir Exhibit at the History Center.
As there was no more business, the meeting was turned over to Mary Huntz, who introduced Sarah Roberts, the new Quarry Garden curator. Sarah explained in detail the new database and tagging system she is working on, that will allow for a detailed interactive map of the garden to be available in the future. She also talked about her history and herself.