Minutes: April 28, 2015

Allen Pool House

HOSTESSES: Louise Moore, Sharena Hall, Frannie Hilsman, Mary Ella Hill

CALL TO ORDER: Jackie Cushman

Jackie called our meeting to order at 11:47 a.m. Thirty- nine members were in attendance. Jackie thanked everyone for attending and she also thanked our hostesses.


As there were no corrections to the meeting minutes from March’s meeting, they were approved as submitted. Jackie announced a change in May’s meeting location. It will be at her house on May 12th.


Parker reported that there are lots of plants blooming in the garden and lots of new arrivals. The maintenance has improved over the last 12 months and Rosemary is there every day for upkeep and weed reduction. The garden has a newly crowned state champion fringe tree, Chionanthus virginicus.


Terri has received one proposal for the garden landscaping and is still waiting for two more. The spring workday has not been scheduled yet.


Sallie recently met with Nadine Jones Lawton and learned about Mimosa Garden club activities in the early days. Nadine moved to Atlanta from San Francisco in 1945 and joined Mimosa in 1946. She had very fond memories of getting dressed to the nines and enjoying tea during the meetings.

OTHER BUSINESS: Jackie Cushman

Website: Jackie apologized for any frustrations that occurred during voting for new members on the Mimosa website. The website is being updated.

New Members: Jackie announced that Mimosa voted for three new members. They are Jessica Sayer Brown (sponsored by Jennifer Euart), Mary Ayres Griggs (sponsored by Emily Ferguson), and Molly Hill West (sponsored by Lois Yates). She will reach out to the new members but also asked that the sponsors let them know.

Slate of Officers for 2015-2016: The nominating committee met and would like to announce the slate of officers for 2015-2016. There was a motion to approve the new slate and it was unanimously approved.

Ex-Officio – Jackie Cushman

President – Mary Huntz

Vice President – Margaret Warren

Speech School – Caroline Davis, Terri Alston

Quarry Garden – Parker Tekin

Recording Secretaries – Sharena Hall, Rae Knox, Louise Moore

Corresponding Secretary – Mary Mac Southerland

Treasurer – Julie Harlan

Dues Treasurer – Sarah McElroy

Website- Margaret Glenn

Programs – Jinny Keough, Aimee Nix

Membership – Marianne Craft, Mandy Culpepper

Publicity/Scrapbook – Sophie Mason

Historian – Sallie Smith

New Member Mentor- Mariea Sibley, Maggie Fischer

Parliamentarian- Libby Lanier, Betty Glenn

Flower Show- Lindsey Sones, Leslie Morgan

Party Chairs – Emily Ferguson, Jennifer Euart


Jennifer Euart introduced John Oetgen, a native Atlantan and founder of John Oetgen Design. He presented photographs of past interior design projects and recounted stories of the design process for these homes. Several of the rooms he discussed were from Mimosa members’homes.

Jackie Cushman thanked John Oetgen, thanked everyone for attending, and ended the meeting with the doorprize drawing. The meeting concluded at 11:35 for lunch.

Respectfully submitted,

Aimee Nix