Tuesday, February 28, 2017
HOSTESSES: Libby Lanier, Jean Glenn, Caroline Millican, Amanda Brady and Margaret Glenn
WELCOME / CALL TO ORDER: Margaret Warren
Welcome everyone; please remember to sign in. Also, please put your name in the basket for our door prize. Margaret introduced Karen Touches, creative director for the Gallery, who spoke briefly on the current installation.
We received several lovely notes from Honorary members thanking us for the flowers last month.
All Mimosa members are invited to a lecture series at the Atlanta Speech School entitled, “How to Raise Caring, Successful Kids in a Plugged-In, Trophy-Driven World: Practical, Proven Ways to Raise Good Kids.” The lecture is Thursday, March 16th at 7:00pm in Love Auditorium at the Speech School. The lecture is free, but you do need to register online. Info for that is on the Mimosa website.
Member updates:
Mildred Spalding reminded everyone of the upcoming Urban Bike Tour with Mildred, Lindsey Sones and Sarah Kennedy. Meet at 9:30am at Piedmont Driving Club and then head out on bikes at 10 AM to tour the Belt Line. Eat Lunch at Krog Street at 11 AM. Email Mildred if interested.
Margaret reminded everyone about the Cherokee Garden Club flower show entitled “Amazing,” on Thursday, April 20th. Details about the flower show are posted on the Mimosa website.
Today, we will be approving the minutes from the January meeting, which have been posted on the website. There was a motion to approve the minutes as submitted, a second, and all voted in favor. The minutes stand approved.
Vice President (Hostess Chart) – Jinny Keough – The hostess chart for 2017-2018 is filled. There are three members who had not picked a month, so they have been assigned to the May meeting.
Membership & Dues – Lindsey Sones – dues are 100% paid.
Treasurer – Julie Harlan – no report
Speech School – Karen Brown, Caroline Davis – no report
Quarry Garden – Parker Tekin, Louise Moore – no report
Flower Show (also known as Amaryllis Project) – Leslie Morgan, Sharena Hall – no report
State Garden Club Liaison – Mary Huntz – no report
Website – Margaret Glenn – no report
NEW BUSINESS: Margaret Warren
New Members – we will have room to accept three new members this year; the new member proposal form is on the website under the “Member Info” tab, and I also have hard copies to hand out today. The proposal form and supporting letters must be received by March 15th. We will vote online during the first two weeks of April, and the new members will be announced at our April meeting.
Nominating Committee – the Nominating Committee has been hard at work, and I’m so pleased to announce that we have a full slate! Mimosa will be in very good hands next year. We will vote on the slate of officers during our March meeting.
PROGRAM: Redeem Your Ground
Shelby Drinkard introduced our speakers, Doug Scott and Holly Brooks of Redeem Your Ground.
- Exterior Design Studio
- RYG Blog- has won several awards and is featured in Southern Living
- Create outdoor living spaces
- Growing Plants
- Entertaining, play, family
- How do you want to live outside?
- Choosing the right plants and the rights places, then be able to maintain them
- Good drainage systems
ADJOURN: Margaret Warren
That concludes our meeting. Our next meeting is Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at the Atlanta History Center. The meeting is adjourned.
Respectively Submitted,
Julie Yates