2009 Minutes

Mimosa’s Minutes 

Minutes for 2009

January 27, 2009

Atlanta Speech School

Sanford called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. The Speech School welcomed Mimosa members with green and pink balloons, flowers, and a beautiful garden cake to celebrate Mimosa’s 80th birthday. Sanford introduced Comer Yates, the executive director of the Speech School. Comer spoke, and he introduced some of the Hamm center children who sang “Happy Birthday” to us. Sanford and Comer thanked Caroline Davis who helped to arrange the celebration. Sanford also thanked all the hostesses: Fran Hilsman, Shelby Neely, Emily Jordan, and Molly Smalley.

Sanford also extended sympathy to Betty Smith who lost her husband of 62 years, Alex Smith. Also to Liz Crew, Betty’s daughter, and Rawson Grobety, Betty’s granddaughter. Mimosa has made a donation to the Cathedral of Christ the King in Mr. Smith’s memory.

Official Business:

The November minutes were reviewed and approved as submitted.

Remember to sign the attendance sheet, so you can get credit for attending meetings.

Committee Reports:

Treasurers Report: Sissy Davis:        She stated that there are still 5 members who need to pay their dues. Sissy also passed around a “Statement of Accounts,” detailing the amount in Mimosa’s checking, savings and party accounts. This sheet also stated what our “two year commitments” are and for what amounts.

Speech School: Eileen /Emily/ Caroline:          Eileen thanked Mary and Libby for coming to help in the garden. She encouraged everyone to come look at the pictures that were displayed to show how the speech school uses the garden throughout the year. Eileen put forth a motion to increase annual donation to $2,000 from $1,800. Motion was agreed upon. $2,000 doesn’t cover the entire amount needed to keep up the garden, so it is understood that we can pull more from Mimosa account as needed.

Quarry GardenJinny /Terri Alston / Shelby Neely:   Jinny read John Manion’s note thanking Mimosa for our help / donations. They have also made proposals for additional projects that we can discuss at a later date.

Hostess Chart: Mildred stated that she didn’t have any hosts for the month of May.

Recording Secretaries: Margaret and Kendrick:        Margaret stated that the following members have had perfect attendance this year thus far:   Sanford Dunklin, Lisa Hinson, Edwina Johnson, Jinny Keough, Blair Mann, Sophie Mason, Marcy McTier, Shelby Neely, Sallie Smith, Lindsey Sones, Margaret Warren.

Flower Show: Sophie, Lois and Mary:  Sophie encouraged everyone to go to the Flower Show because it is so easy and accessible this year because of the new location. There is free parking also. Sophie also mentioned the mannequin that Sallie, Leslie and Julie have been working so hard on. The display is called “Splendor in the Grass.”

New Business:

New Member Proposals:

Sanford reminded everyone that if you were a sponsor or endorser last year, you may not sponsor or endorse a different person this year.

Sanford recommended that we put forth a motion to increase the number of spaces for new members from 3 to no more than 5 for this year only. She said that we currently have 63 members in the 4 classes that make up quota, and quota is 70.   After much discussion we decided to table the issue until February.

Sanford said to see her after the meeting for forms. Proposals are due before the March meeting.

 Nominating Committee:

 We need to nominate 1 active and 1 associate to serve on the Nominating Committee to put together a slate of officers for next year. Nominees were: Shelby Drinkard-active and Elizabeth Morgan-associate. If anyone is interested in serving on the Board please let Sanford know!

Yearbook Guideline revision:

Sanford suggested we change the wording of a paragraph on page 16 of our handbook under the section Party Money. It currently reads: “In accordance with guidelines previously set, party proceeds shall alternate between our two special projects the Atl. Speech School Garden and the Mary Howard Gilbert Garden at the Atlanta Historical Society. “

The board proposed that we change the wording “shall alternate between” to “shall be paid to”

The board also proposed that we add the following paragraph to detail the process by which the club disburses additional party funds raised. This paragraph should read:

“In the event that party proceeds exceed the amount designated for the two special projects, the excess monies will be disbursed in the following manner: Members may submit a thoroughly investigated request from a charitable organization for monies that will be spent in keeping with Mimosa’s purpose as set forth in Article I of the by-laws. These requests shall be presented to the membership for a vote. The excess proceeds will be allocated to the various organizations which can include the Speech School Garden, and the Quarry Garden, based on interest from the membership.”

The motion was agreed upon and passed.

Disbursement of party funds:

We have received proposals for the party funds from: the Quarry Garden, the Speech School, Historic Oakland Cemetery, Skyland Trail, The Atlanta Food Bank-Community Gardens, Morris Brandon School. Sanford stated that we would receive a mailing describing the proposals and a ballot in order to vote.


Kendrick Williams had a baby boy named Ridley Hill Williams on December 4th. Congratulations to Kendrick and grandmother Dicksie as well.

Stay tuned for the date for the Birthday party in May. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned for lunch.

Respectfully Submitted,

 Margaret Warren

Kendrick Williams

Recording Secretaries

 March 24, 2009

At the Allen’s Playhouse

Sanford brought the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. She thanked our hostesses: Liz Crew, Rawson Grobety, Lamar Smith and Jennifer Calhoun, and also thanked Sally Allen and Tricia Allen for graciously opening the Playhouse for today’s meeting.

Sanford reminded everyone to sign the attendance sheet; all Actives must attend 5 meetings per year.

OfficialBusiness: The February minutes were reviewed and approved as submitted.


Committee Reports: 

Teasurer’s Report- Currently, our balances are as follows: $4,960 in checking account; $5,334 in savings account; $46,181 in party account.

Speech School Report  No report.

Quarry Garden Report- (Jinny Keough) – Jinny read a very nice note from John Manion thanking Mimosa for our recent gift; he encourages members to visit the garden often; the plant database system has been purchased and a stone mason is currently at work in the Quarry Garden. John is also looking for volunteers to do some computer work (3-4 hours per week) to help set up the new database system.

Special Committee Reports None



New Business: 

Disbursement of Party Funds (Maysie Beeson) – We have $32,000 to distribute. After surveying the membership, the following donations were approved: $4,000 to the Speech School; $11,500 to the Quarry Garden; $6,500 to Skyland Trail; and $10,000 to Oakland Cemetery.

New Member Proposals – We have spots for three new members this year. The ballots will be mailed out shortly, and must be returned by the April meeting (you may bring your ballot to the April meeting).

80th Birthday Party (Michele Mitchell) – Mimosa’s 80th Birthday Celebration will be held at the home of Blair Mann on May 20th. The cost is $15 per person ($30 per couple). Invitations will be mailed soon.


The following members have Perfect Attendance through February: Sanford Dunklin, Lisa Hinson, Edwina Johnson, Jinny Keough, Sophie Mason, Marcy McTier, Shelby Neely, Sallie Smith, Margaret Warren. Keep up the good work!


With no further business, Marcy McTier introduced our speaker, Ben Jordan. Mr. Jordan is the Supply Chain Strategist for Coca-Cola North America Focusing on Environmental Sustainability. Mr. Jordan gave an interesting talk on the methods Coke uses to minimize its environmental impact.

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret Warren

Kendrick Williams

Recording Secretaries


April 28, 2009

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston

Sanford brought the meeting to order and welcomed everyone. She thanked our hostesses:   Catherine Fleetwood, Jane Sterne, Jane Tracy and Nancy Tracy.

Sanford reminded everyone to sign the attendance sheet; all Actives must attend 5 meetings per year. She also mentioned that Sophie Mason’s mother-in-law passed away, so our thoughts and prayers are with her family.

Official Business: The March minutes were reviewed and approved as submitted.

Committee Reports:

Teasurer’s Report – The distributions from the party funds have been sent to the various recipients.

Speech School Report –  No report.

Quarry Garden Report – Jinny read a very nice note from John Manion inviting all Mimosa members to visit the garden before it gets too hot.

Special Committee Reports – None



New Business 

New Members – Sanford announced our three new members: Anna Muir (Tee’s daughter-in-law), Nancy Powell (Hardin’s daughter-in-law), and Lori Kennedy (former member Mary Bird Kennedy’s daughter-in-law, sponsored by Claire Marie Huff). We look forward to welcoming our new members at the May meeting.

Slate of Officers –  Sanford announced the Slate of Officers for the 2009-2010 year:

President-  Maysie Beeson

Vice President –  Eileen Millard

2nd Vice President – Speech School– Caroline Davis, Hazel Hilsman

3rd Vice President – Quarry Garden- Jinny Keough, Caroline Millican

Recording Secretaries– Kendrick Williams, Mary Huntz

Corresponding Secretaries– Jackie Cushman, Leslie Morgan

Treasurers – Amanda Brady, Elizabeth Morgan, Hardin Powell

Yearbook – Emily Ferguson, Rawson Grobety

Programs – Michele Mitchell, Shelby Neely

Membership – Shelby Drinkard, Catherine Fleetwood, Nancy Tracy

Flower Show – None

Historian – Sophie Mason

Parliamentarian –   Sophie Mason

Publicity and Scrapbook– Lisa Hinson

Party -Terri Alston

The Slate of Officers was voted on and unanimously approved.


The following members have Perfect Attendance through March: Sanford Dunklin, Lisa Hinson, Edwina Johnson, Jinny Keough, Sophie Mason, Marcy McTier, Sallie Smith, and Margaret Warren. Keep up the good work!

Sanford informed everyone that the Flower Show has been cancelled for 2010. If you have a suggestion for a related activity that Mimosa could participate in, please forward your ideas to her.

Invitations have been mailed for Mimosa’s 80th Birthday Celebration. Please mail your checks as soon as possible to Amanda Brady, as this represents your RSVP to the party and will allow the organizers to plan the food and drinks appropriately.

Sanford also mentioned that the May Mimosa meeting will be held at the Atlanta Botanical Garden. Our meeting will include a tour of the new Visitor Center, as well as a guided tour of the Henry Moore exhibit. There are no hostesses for this meeting, so lunch will be Dutch Treat. Additional information on this meeting will follow shortly.


With no further business, Marianne Craft introduced our speaker, Harriett Kirkpatrick. Harriett is the Chair of the Garden Committee of the Friends of Children’s Healthcare Foundation, and gave a very interesting talk on the history of the CHOA Garden, as well as Mimosa’s relationship with the Garden. Following her talk, members enjoyed a tour of the lovely CHOA Garden.

Respectfully submitted,

Margaret Warren

Kendrick Williams

Recording Secretaries

August 19, 2009

Maysie welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order. Committee Chairs were introduced.

 President -Maysie Beeson

Vice-President – Eileen Millard

2nd Vice-presidents/Speech School – Caroline Davis, Hazel Hillsman, Lois Yates

3rd Vice-presidents/Quarry Garden – Jinny Keough, Caroline Millican 

Recording Secretaries – Kendrick Williams, Mary Huntz

Corresponding Secretaries- Jackie Cushman, Leslie Morgan 

Treasurers–  Amanda Brady, Elizabeth Morgan,Hardin Powell 

Programs – Michele Mitchell, Shelby Neely

Membership – Shelby Drinkard, Catherine, Fleetwood, Nancy Tracy

Historian Parlimentarian –  Sophie Mason

Publicity & Scrapbook– Lisa Hinson

Yearbook- Emily Ferguson, Rawson Grobety 

Party Chairman- Terri Alston

Flower Show Chairman – Sophie Mason, Lois Yates, Mary Huntz

Committee Reports: 

Teasurer’s Report: – None                                

Checking Acct:  $1312.

Investment Acct:  $5300.

Party Acct:   $7600.

All members remember to send in their yearly dues of $50. to: Elizabeth Morgan 2112 McKinley Road, Atlanta, GA 30318


The board decided to continue holding three of the monthly meeting at 10:00am; the remaining five monthly meetings will begin at 11:15am.

The Program Committee will be working to make the meetings fun, e.g. gifts, drawings.

There was discussion around the fact that the Atlanta Botanical Garden is now charging to hold meetings at their facility. The Atlanta History Center allows us to hold one meeting for free. There was discussion around being sure that we do not hold meetings at more than once at a location.

Duties of the Hostesses should be explained for each meeting location, e.g. table cloths, center pieces, chair rental—as applicable. There was discussion about including this in the yearbook.


The Yearbook should be ready by the September 22 meeting.


The Committee is assembling a list of the Hostesses for the 2010-2011 season.

New Member Party will be a Luncheon on Wednesday, September 9th at 11:30am.

Location TBA.

Guest List :

2009 Member Elect

2008 Member Elect

2009 Member Elect Sponsors

President and Immediate Past President

Flower Show Committee

Party Chairman

Flower Show:

The new, revised Southeastern Flower Show will be held February 5-7, 2010 at the Cobb Center.

The Flower Show Exhibition Committee will consist of:

22008 Members Elect (Hallie Crawford, Nicole Warren, Sallie Smith) shall be responsible for the exhibit.

2009 Members Elect (Anna Muir, Nancy Powell, Lori Kennedy) shall assist in the creation of the exhibit.

Flower Show Committee (Sophie Mason, Lois Yates, Mary Huntz), Advisors

At the September meeting Mazie will ask Mimosa members to become a “Buddy” to a member of the Flower Show Exhibiting Committee, e.g. assist in design, assist in construction.

Sophie, Lois and Mary have agreed to organize the Amaryllis bulb project again. Last year the project was enjoyed and successful by those members who participated.

Spring Party:

The Party plans are underway. Location and date TBA. Mazie to stress attendance by all members and bring guests.

New Business:

Mimosa has 65 Active members; 111 members including out of town members.

Currently members are asked to act as Hostess every three years. However, with resignations, moving, and deaths, we no longer have enough members to fulfill Hostess obligations at the monthly meetings. Should the class of 2010 have a one time increaase of membership to 5?

Maysie would like for us to focus on strengthening, revitalizing, and to be more enthusiastic members of Mimosa. She is planning to re-introduce skits, and to be more inclusive of “fringe members”, and the not so active members. We need to remind everyone about the 5 meeting requirement each year.   She asked that board members call a friend to make sure she remembers the meeting, maybe offer to pick her up.   We need to remind all members that each member has an obligation to work at the Quarry Garden for two hours on two separate shifts.

The Board discussed creating a Book about the members of Mimosa. The Rotary Directory was mentioned as a model. Perhaps to include a photo, college, spouse, number of children, grandchildren, hobbies, and work. The Book could be included on a new, informative Mimosa Website, password protected. Updating is a concern. Funds to pay for the creative and management of the site is an issue. Jackie Cushman volunteered to investigate the development of a Mimosa Website.

Everyone enjoyed the Mimosa 80th Birthday Party last spring. Should we consider having a party like this on alternate years from the fund raising spring party? No pressure, just Mimosa members and spouses, just for fun.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Huntz and Kendrick Williams

Recording Secretaries

October 27, 2009

The Atlanta History Center

Maysie called the meeting to order, and she welcomed everyone. Maysie stated that our theme this year is, “Get Excited and Get Involved!” She thanked the Board members, and Sanford Dunklin for a great 2008-2009 year!

Additionally, we all need to thank Jackie Cushman, Elkin Alston, Gayle Alston and Terri Alston for being so understanding last month when we had to cancel garden club because of the flooding.

Thank you to our hostesses Laura Blackburn, Emily Ferguson and Gail Wilson for today’s meeting!!!

Maysie reminded us to sign the attendance sheet. Member- Elects and Actives are required to attend at least 5 meetings during the year – Associates and Professionals must attend 1, but we hope you attend more!!

Official Business:


The May minutes were reviewed and approved as submitted.

Maysie welcomed our new members: Anna Muir, Nancy Powell, and Lori Kennedy! Catherine Fleetwood and Nancy Tracy hosted a luncheon in September for the new members which was a huge success!

Sadly, Mimosa has lost long time members Tatty Hill and Laura Smith. We have given donations in their honor to the Speech School for Laura Smith and First Presbyterian for Tatty. They will be greatly missed. We have also received a resignation request from Kathy Jones Davis.

Executive  Committee Reports: 

Treasurer Report: Maysie reports that as of 9/30/09, the balances are as follows:

Business Checking is $3,699.00; Investment Savings is $5,337.89; Party Account is $7,681.70. Elizabeth Morgan reminded everyone to pay their dues if they haven’t already. After December the dues will be $75.00

Speech School Report: Vice Presidents for Speech School are Hazel Hilsman, Lois Yates and Caroline Davis. Maysie reported that only she, Hazel, and Lois were present at the past Speech School work day. The garden did not look good at all, so they discussed having Planters come in and do a big clean up in the garden to trim overgrown bushes, clean out leaves, etc. There will be another work day on the Tuesday before our January Business meeting at the Speech School.

Quarry Garden Report: Jinny Keough reminded everyone about the Quarry workdays that will be available the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month, and the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month. Also, the 3rd Saturday in months to come will be available. Mimosa members are encouraged to work 2 hours in the fall and the spring in the garden.

Yearbook: Maysie thanked Rawson Grobety, and Emily Ferguson for all their hard work getting the yearbook out. Thank you, Shelby Drinkard, for stepping in and helping them out! That is the true Mimosa spirit!

Program Chairmen: Michelle Mitchell and Shelby Neely have been working so hard this summer to compile our fabulous program line up! You are not going to want to miss any of them!

Hostess Chart: Shelby Drinkard- The hostess chart is here please check to see if your name is on it and sign up to hostess for next year! We are on a 3yr. rotation. Also, the please keep number to no more than 4 a meeting unless you are family.

Flower Show Report: Maysie thanked Sophie Mason, Lois Yates and Mary Huntz for stepping up to the plate to volunteer to head it up again along with their other board duties! Sophie talked about the Amaryllis project, and encouraged everyone to participate. There are going to be three possibilities of bulbs, and the bulbs are $20 each. They come with the pot, instructions, and they will deliver it!! Please make the check out to Mimosa Garden Club if you are interested. The flower show is Feb. 4-6th this year at The Galleria. 

Party Chairman : The party this year will be chaired by Terri Alston and our Vice President Eileen Millard. Eileen stated that they need to find a place for the party. Please contact her if you have any ideas. There will not be a silent auction this year, but we will have a raffle. Tickets are $75.00, and the party will most likely be either May 5th or May 12th. Please sign up to help with the decorations, flowers, and food.

New Business: 

Mimosa Website: Jackie Cushman spoke about the website idea. The website would post the minutes, work days, and other announcements. There would be information about our members, and the website would be password protected. Please contact Jackie if you think of any ideas regarding the website.


The Peachtree Garden Club will be holding their Christmas Home Tour on December 10th from 10-3. I have a copy of their brochure if you want to see it. Also, please contact Elizabeth Martin at 404-351-8208 for tickets. Tickets are $20.


With no further business, Jinny introduced our speaker, Travis Spilker. Travis has been the gardens director for The Atlanta History Center for 7 ½ years. Travis gave a very interesting over view of the plans for the gardens. Travis showed us the master sight plan, and stated that they are working on plant labeling. He estimated that there are about 150 species of plants in the Quarry garden, and over 611 species in the whole garden. This labeling was made possible, in part, because of The Louise Allen Memorial Fund. Travis thanked Mimosa for all of the support we have given over the years.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Huntz

Kendrick Williams

Recording Secretaries

November 17, 2009

Atlanta History Center

President, Maysie Beeson, welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order. Hostesses, Anne Gordon Bonner, Caroline Davis, and Cookie Jones, were acknowledged and thanked for lunch. The beautiful flower arrangement was donated by Dan Martin.

The October 27, 2009 meeting minutes were approved as submitted.

Executive Committee Reports:

Treasurer’s Report:All members remember to send in their yearly dues of $50.00 to:Elizabeth Morgan, 2112 McKinley Road, Atlanta, GA 30318 Effective December 1st, the dues will be $75.00

Yearbook:The new 2009-2010 yearbooks are available. Please be sure to pickup yours on the way out.

Hostess Chart:Shelby Drinkard asked everyone to sign up for the monthly hostess duty.

Flower Show:Sophie Mason explained that the Flower Show will not print an Exhibitor’s Guide this year. It will be available online at www.flowershow.org.

The new members-elect are responsible for the Mimosa Garden Club group entry. Catherine Fleetwood reported that the group has selected a table top entry with Green Acres as the theme. Zsa Zsa Gabor will be at lunch!   Details to follow.

Quarry Garden:Jinny Keough reported that it has been very wet! The new bridge is open. John Manion has scheduled workdays 6-7 days each month. Please remember that our By-laws require each garden club member to give five workday hours to the Quarry Garden each year.

Spring Party:Terri Alston and Eileen Millard surprised us as they appeared in Mexican costumes to announce that the Spring Party will have a Cinco de Mayo theme.   It will be held at the Allen’s Playhouse on May 5, 2010. Thank you, Tricia Allen.   Any raffle ideas? Please sign up to help.

Speech School:Please sign up for the workday in January.


Unfinished Business:

Julian Williams’ husband is in serious condition in St. Joseph’s hospital.

New Business:

Gail Wilson resigned after being a Mimosa member for 23 years. Gayle wishes Mimosa the best and said it has been a privilege to be a member.

Sally Allen reminded us that there is a very important upcoming city of Atlanta election in December. Please vote. Absentee ballots and early voting are available for anyone not going to be in town.   Please request an absentee ballot for your college age children.

Edwina Johnson announced that the always fabulous Chelsea Flower Show tickets are now available online. The dates are May 25-29, 2010.

Mary Huntz demonstrated the quick and easy way to plant your amaryllis bulb. Hopefully your amaryllis will be blooming at just the right time to be entered in the Flower Show. 30 bulb kits were purchased by club members.


Michelle Mitchell introduced our speaker, Shirley Weller of Wildlife Habitat Design. Shirley, a designer of wildlife habitats, gave a very impressive and informative slide presentation on the wild birds in our area. We learned about designing our gardens using the favorite foods and favorite plants of wild birds.   The program was well received by all in attendance. Shirley is available for on site consultations in your garden for $100 per hour.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Huntz 

Kendrick Williams, Recording Secretaries

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