2024/2025 Welcome from
Kendrick Williams
Dear Mimosa Ladies,
I am so excited to begin our 2024-2025 Mimosa Garden Club season! It is going to be another wonderful year gathering together with old and new friends! I am honored to serve as your President, and I look forward to our first meeting at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens on September 24th. You will receive a Punchbowl invitation soon with meeting details.
I want to start by expressing my deepest gratitude to Parker Tekin for an extraordinary 2023-24 year! Parker’s easygoing and relaxed demeanor made every meeting a breeze, ensuring everything ran beautifully and smoothly. Parker was incredibly organized, and a joy to work with all year! I know I have some big shoes to fill, and I’m honored to follow in her footsteps.
Please join me in welcoming our three new members: Beverly Briggs, Laura Troup and Ashley Whitehurst! They are such fun, smart, and hard working women! Wawa and Rae hosted a beautiful luncheon a couple of weeks ago to welcome them! Thank you, Wawa and Rae! We had a lovely time! Please introduce yourself to them in September at our first meeting.
It is time to collect dues again! Liles Thompson and Amanda Orr are our membership and dues chairs. As a reminder our annual dues are $100. You may bring a check payable to Mimosa Garden Club to the meetings, pay via credit card at the meetings, or mail a check to Liles Thompson at the address below by December 1st to avoid a late fee:
Liles Thompson: 65 North Muscogee Avenue, NW, Atlanta, GA. 30305.
If anyone needs to change their contact information, or if you have a question regarding the website, please contact Jennifer Hill at 404-379-3760 or jenniferfrazierhill@gmail.com. We are grateful that Jennifer has worked on our website tirelessly for years! She has put so much time and effort into Mimosa! She has done a fantastic job!
We have an exciting line up of speakers this year thanks to our wonderful Program Chairs, Mims Hill and Jennifer Raulet! They have been working hard all summer to plan our wonderful meetings!
Our meeting dates and programs can be found via the Calendar link in navigation. Please help the hostesses plan for lunch and seating arrangements by submitting a timely response when you receive your Punchbowl invitation.
Parker and her board did an amazing job last year! A special thank you to all of them! Also, I could not do this without the help of this year’s Board. Thank you SO much!
The 2024-2025 Mimosa Board can also be found under the Board & Bylaws link abo e. Also, the May minutes will be uploaded to the website for your review before the September meeting.
Our club has such rich history and purpose! I had the privilege of going to the Cherokee Garden Library this summer to look through the old scrapbooks of the Mimosa Garden Club. They are filled with old memorabilia that reminded me of how special it is to be a part of an organization that has been thriving since 1928! Some of us have many generations of family in Mimosa and some of us have the best of friends. Either way, Mimosa has brought us all together. As we begin Mimosa’s 96th year, I wanted to reflect upon Mimosa’s Purpose as it was written in 1928 at Mimosa’s inception and as it still stands today:
“The purpose of this Club shall be to promote among its members a love for and an intelligent interest in the cultivation of flowers, of gardens and of landscapes, the beautification of local streets and highways, the encouragement of love of nature, and the conservation of plants and trees throughout the State of Georgia.”
My grandmother, Emily Smith Hill, joined in 1940, so I grew up hearing about how much she enjoyed being a part of Mimosa. In 2005, my Mother, Dicksie King, proposed me for membership to continue the tradition. Now, nearly 20 years later, I have come to deeply appreciate the relationships I have in Mimosa. I look forward to another awesome year with friends and family! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns! Let’s make this Mimosa year magnificent!
Kendrick Williams
Parker Tekin
August 7, 2024
Dear Mimosa Members,
Hope you all have had a wonderful summer thus far! What a great year this was for Mimosa! I already knew Mimosa was strong on many levels, but delving into it increased my understanding and appreciation for it. And as it enters its 96th year, I’m thrilled for its longevity and new leadership.
This is my last letter to you and so I want to share a couple more things with you. Being president of this special Club was such an honor. I enjoyed it tremendously, learned an enormous amount, strengthened current friendships and enhanced my gardening knowledge. The Board and Committees are where I owe most of my gratitude and I’m extra thankful for everyone’s support. Please bear with me through this long letter or skip halfway down for a link (in green) to the party pictures:)
We couldn’t have had a better year of educational and motivating programs. Starting in September 2023 and continuing to May 2024, our Program Chairs Britt Hill and Alden Potts planned a perfect year. They worked with the hostesses to ensure that the programs and lunches at all the member meetings were fun and enjoyable! We kicked off our first meeting in September at the Atlanta Botanical Garden with William T. Smith giving us an overview of his landscaping and architectural projects. In October, we had our annual workday at the Quarry Garden followed by lunch under the Tree Table. For those that attended our November meeting, we had a sneak peek of Amanda Tucker’s beautiful home with a design of a seasonal floral arrangement by Holly Bryan. Our January 2024 meeting was business per usual at the Atlanta Speech School. February’s meeting was at Oakland Cemetery with Deb DeWitt speaking about bees and pollinating. Transitioning into spring at our March meeting, we learned about silver, its history, uses and care by Bruce Grant of H.G. Robertson & Silver. Rena Anne Peck spoke in April at Nancy McGuirk’s home about the importance of the Okefenokee and how we, individually and collectively, can support the cause. We finalized our year of programs at our last meeting in May with learning about organic farming by Matt Bowman.
There were some special projects in which we also participated. In November, we decorated the Kiser Mausoleum at Oakland Cemetery as part of their annual Victorian Holiday event. In December, we had our annual amaryllis contest led by Alden Potts, Sarah McElroy and Mary Mac Southerland. We started 2024 by participating in the Cathedral by Design event and donating some floral arrangements (designed by our members.) Kendrick Williams organized a workday in March at Sarah’s Garden, the garden at Second Ponce Church dedicated to two of our Sarahs, Sarah Kennedy and the late Sarah Clarke. Lastly, our most fun and special event was our fundraising party. It was a huge success thanks to the Party Chairs Liles Thompson and Amanda Tucker!!! Held at Amanda Tucker’s lovely home, everything was perfect. The guests, food, floral arrangements (by the new members) and the weather all cooperated with us ensuring that everyone had a very enjoyable time. In addition to being on the website, please click for a link to the party pictures here. They are free to download if you wish:)
We had a couple of membership changes this year. Unfortunately, we had three members resign: Liz Irby, Leslie Morgan and Anna Muir. They were all great members and their time, talents and friendship will be missed. We had a big loss with Catherine Fleetwood’s mother, Jane Sterne, as she passed away in May. She had moved back to Atlanta and was present at the January meeting. She was a member for 35 years.
As the By-laws govern, we added three new excellent additional members this year for 2024-2025. Beverly Briggs, Laura Troup and Ashley Whitehurst were successfully nominated and unanimously voted into our Club. Their new member luncheon, hosted by Rae Knox and Wawa Hines, is already planned for later this month. I’m confident that these ladies will bring knowledge and enjoyment to all our members and I’m equally thankful to the membership for welcoming them.
Mimosa Garden Club received two generous donations this year by Bettye Maddox and Caroline Davis. We plan to use these funds for a special outside project, maybe even at the Atlanta Speech School. Please let Kendrick know if you have any other ideas!
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention all the hard work and time that Jennifer Hill has dedicated to our Club. She has spent countless hours working on our website making improvements, transitioning our server and easing the functionality of it. I am extremely grateful for her efforts and time.
Our last meeting was bittersweet as I ceremoniously gave the gavel to Kendrick Williams. I’m confident she will be the best President this upcoming year and there’s no one I feel more confident that can lead our Club. She is beyond capable and has the warmth, humor and time to make Mimosa even better than it is.
As I close this letter and chapter, please know how much I appreciate all of you. Your support, friendship and encouragement were monumental in my role and it was such an honor to serve as your President. I will greatly miss the interaction and opportunities. Lastly, I want to especially thank Aimee Nix, Tricia Allen and Louise Moore for answering all my calls on the Tuesday mornings of our meetings.
With love and gratitude,
Parker Tekin
Dear Mimosa Garden Club Ladies,
I’m thrilled to welcome you to our 2023-2024 Mimosa Garden Club season. I am honored to serve as your President during Mimosa’s 95th year. I hope everyone had a fun summer and I look forward to seeing you at our first meeting on September 26th. The Punchbowl invite will be sent out very soon with the meeting details.
All the past presidents, and most recently Aimee Nix, have been fantastic role models that have led our Club. No words can express my gratitude for Aimee as she was a wonderful President last year. She was delightful, organized and mentored me into this new role of leadership with time, patience and grace.
Please join me in extending a warm welcome to our new members – Abby Echols, Allison Felton, Shannan Hill, Alice Phillips and Kellie Spalding, They are all excellent additions to our Club. In mid August, Jennifer Raulet and Susan Virgin hosted a lovely luncheon in their honor at Susan’s home. The food was delicious, the flowers were beautiful and everyone enjoyed welcoming them. It was the perfect way to start our year and formally welcome our five new members.
Since our year starts soon, I’d like to remind you of our annual dues. Mary Mac Southerland has graciously agreed to collect our membership dues this year. As a reminder, our Annual Dues are $100. You may bring a check to the meetings, pay via credit card at the meetings or mail a check to Mary Mac at the address below:
Mary Mac Southerland, 4127 N. Broadland Road, Atlanta, Georgia 30342
As for our year ahead, Brittany Hill and Alden Potts have worked hard this summer putting together an exciting year of programs. The September meeting’s details will be sent out shortly. Similar to all our meetings in the past, you will receive an email invitation via Punchbowl. Please help the hostesses plan for lunch and seating arrangements by submitting a timely response and indicate whether you’ll be staying for lunch. The hostesses make every effort to make our meetings comfortable and enjoyable.
As for the website, Jennifer Hill has tirelessly been working on it so please help me in thanking her for all her time and expertise. She’s spent countless hours refreshing the design and rebuilding major portions of our website. A new site with basic functionality will be available at our first meeting. Afterwards, we’ll be rolling out other updates and our plan is to have the following in the coming months:
- A glitch free login’
- Upgrades to the member directory
- An event calendar that auto-syncs to your personal calendar/Outlook
Also, if anyone would like to read the May meeting minutes, please use this direct link: https://mimosagardenclub.com/minutes/2023-meeting-minutes/may-meeting-minutes/
Aimee and last year’s Board did an outstanding job! A special thank you to those that are continuing their role (Jackie Cushman, Jennifer Hill and Katie Bockstedt) and I’m also grateful for those that joined this year to help. We are hoping for a seamless transition and a wonderful year for everyone!
I joined Mimosa in 2011 after being nominated by Sarah Clarke. My grandmother, Louise Allen, was one of the early members and the familial ties have continued. I have four other family members currently in Mimosa. With all of its dedicated members, long history and worthy causes, it grows in strength and value every year to me and I’m confident it will continue to prosper.
If you ever have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Hope to see you at the September meeting or very soon.
Parker Tekin
Aimee Nix,
President 2022/2023
Outgoing Letter
Shelby Drinkard,
President 2021/2022
Sanford Dunklin
Dear Mimosa family,
It is with the heaviest of hearts that I must share some sad and shocking news.
Our own Sanford Dunklin passed away on Saturday, October 23rd. Sanford was surrounded by family at the time, which includes her sweet sister, Lisa Hinson, Mimosa member and former President.
Sanford was one of the first people I met when I joined Mimosa. Her bubbly personality, always present smile, twinkly eyes, and amazing laugh made me a big fan right away. Sanford’s husband, Philip, wrote that Sanford “was kind, joyful, giving, had a grateful spirit and was always willing to help everyone.” Indeed.
Please keep the Hinson and Dunklin families in your thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.
In Sanford’s memory, Mimosa Garden Club will lovingly make a memorial gift to a charity of the family’s choosing.
Shelby Drinkard
[expand title=”Welcome Letter from Shelby Drinkard, 2021/2022 President“]
Hello Mimosa Garden Club!
Welcome to the 2021-2022 season, our 93rd year. I am honored to be your president and am looking forward to in-person meetings and our garden party in May!!
I want to thank my sweet friend, Terri Alston, for leading us through last year. Her reign as President may have been limited to one meeting but she worked tirelessly behind the scenes all year. The MGC videos were her brain child & were a hoot to film. Cheers & olé to you, Terri!
This summer was a whirlwind and now fall is in the air (wishful thinking?!). In August, I had the pleasure of attending a lovely, delicious & fabulously floral New Member Luncheon hosted by Harden Powell & Esther Garges. Let me tell you that our new members ROCK! Alden Potts, Amanda Tucker and Leslie Neeley are delightful and energetic additions to our membership. I cannot wait for you to meet & get to know each of these ladies.
Since last year was cut short, Terri & I asked the 2020 Board to stay on for another term. I am incredibly thankful to all who stayed and to those who joined. Our 2021 Board is updated here on the site in the About Us tab.
We are working on a great slate of Programs & our September hostesses are busy with final prep for our first meeting on Tuesday, September 28th. That week is fall break for my children so, sadly, I will be out of town. Past President, Lindsey Sones, has kindly agreed to stand in & run the meeting on my behalf. Thank you, Lindsey!
As a reminder, our meeting dates and hostesses for this year are:
Sept 28 – Nell Mitchell, Amy Underwood, Jennifer Raulet, Liz Irby
Oct 26 – Harden Powell, Nancy Powell, Shelby Drinkard, Jo Phelps
Nov 16 – Terri Alston, Gayle Alston, Jennifer Euart, Jessica Brown
Jan 25 – Sarah Kennedy, Caroline Davis, Edwina Johnson, Duvall Fuqua
Feb 22 – Margie Hutchison, Susan Virgin, Guerry Redmond, Mildred Spalding
Mar 22 – Margaret Warren, Elizabeth Head, Blair Mann, Bess Chambliss, Katie Bockstedt
Apr 26 – Lindsey Sones, Hallie Crawford, Beth Nix, Deborah Childers
May 17 – Maggie Fischer, Julie Yates, Lois Yates, Amy Smith
Out of respect for our Hostesses, please RSVP to the email invitation every month. There will be instructions on how to indicate if you plan to stay for lunch. Each hostesses group will greatly appreciate a high and timely RSVP rate so they can adequately plan for seating & food at their meeting.
September meeting invitations will be emailed in the next few days so be sure your contact information on our website is correct. Please reach out to Jennifer Hill (jenniferfrazierhill@gmail.com) with any changes asap.
It’s that time again! Annual dues of $50.00 are now due & are payable by check or via our website. Feel free to bring your check to one of our fall meetings or mail it to Rae Knox, 2610 Woodward Way NW, Atlanta, GA 30305. Payment is due by December 1st to avoid a late fee.
This year will continue to involve some COVID protocols so I ask for your patience as we navigate the months ahead. While I want to see all of you, I understand that there will be different comfort levels to gathering in person. Please take care of yourselves and be mindful of the health of others.
We are going to have a fun year, y’all — I can feel it!
See you soon,
Shelby Drinkard
[expand title=”February Letter from Terri Alston“]
Hello Mimosa Friends,
I hope you all are doing well this month. It seems so strange to send you so many updates via email instead of our fun meetings together. Here is what is happening this month with Mimosa.
Meetings/Party Update
There has been much discussion and thought put into the rest of our meetings for the 2020/2021 year and with great sadness I need to inform you that we will not have our February, March, April or May meetings as planned. We will also be postponing our May party to 2022. Please know that these decisions were not made lightly, and I do wish it could be different but until we can assure safe gatherings it is the way it has to be. Our hope is to kickoff our September meeting in great style. Until then I will continue to keep you informed and please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, ideas or just to say hi.
New Member Proposals
We do have 3 spots available this year for new members. I have had a couple of people ask about putting someone up and we would love to welcome more Mimosa members. The deadline to get your forms to me is March 16, 2021. All the paperwork is on the Mimosa website as well as instructions. The online voting will take place April 1-15 and I will announce the results at the end of April.
Dues Payment
If you have been trying to pay your dues – Thank you. We have had an issue with the PayPal on our website. It seems there are some updates that need to take place but do not fear – Rae Knox is still accepting checks in the mail (the old fashion way). I apologize for any inconvenience and Jennifer Hill is working on resolving the issue. In the meantime, please send any dues to Rae Knox, 2610 Woodward Way NW, Atlanta, GA 30305. The amount is $50.00 made out to Mimosa Garden Club.
From Lindsey Sones
Great news! If you did not get a chance to register and view the Cherokee Garden Club, Doug Tallamy zoom lectures Staci Catron, Director of the Cherokee GL, has made their You Tube recording of the lecture available to all of us. Click on this link to enjoy https://www.atlantahistorycenter.com/event/cherokee-garden-library-talk-douglas-w-tallamy/#TallamyRecording Thank you Lindsey for sharing with us.
I miss you all and appreciate your patience and understanding. I will be in touch soon.
[expand title=”New Year Letter from Terri Alston“]
January 26, 2021
Hello Mimosa Family. I do hope this finds you well. When I agreed to be President of Mimosa this year, I had no idea that most of it would be virtual. I have had several emails from members saying how much they miss our meetings and being together. This goes without saying for the rest of us I am sure!
Today was supposed to be our January Business Meeting. Normally we have this at the Speech School but the COVID pandemic had other plans. Since we cannot be together, I wanted to share with you what is happening in the “Mimosa World”.
Committee Reports:
Quarry Garden: Blain Allen and Amanda Brady
The winter work in the Quarry Garden includes cutting back all the perennials that have turned beige or brown over winter. We leave them up to protect the crown of the plants while undergoing fluctuating temperatures, but towards February we begin cutting them all down in earnest. The spring ephemeral wildflowers will be up soon, and this gets old growth out of the way.
We usually mulch trails this time of year but are delayed this winter because 2 of our utility vehicles need significant work to get them operational again. We hope to have them back within the month though and will take up this annual task at that point.
The most exciting news is that we are going to be building a new bridge over the Quarry pond in honor of Anne Spalding. The bridge will be a straight across, connecting the two paths on either side of the pond. It will have a metal deck called a bar grate – meaning horizontal bars spaced a few millimeters apart so water can drop through. This will prevent it from getting slippery, a current problem on the wooden deck that requires regular power-washing to keep it safe from algal growth. That is the functional aspect of the bridge.
The artistic element is in the handrails. This also must meet code, which presented some challenges aesthetically. I proposed handrails with pickets that look like reeds or iris foliage and hired Andrew Crawford to elevate and hammer out this concept and bring the design to life with little animals and flowering plants woven into the reeds. Assuming all goes well with the fabrication, it should be open in April.
Atlanta History Center Cherokee Garden Library Talk
Author: Douglas W. Tallamy, Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard.
Date/Time: Feb 2 @ 7pm
Venue: Virtual
Registration: Click here or read more on the AHC website
In this new book, award-winning author, Dr. Doug Tallamy, takes the next step and outlines his vision for a grassroots approach to conservation. “Nature’s Best Hope” shows how homeowners everywhere can turn their yards into conservation corridors that provide wildlife habitats. Through his lecture, walk away with specific suggestions you can incorporate into your own yard. If you are concerned about doing something good for the environment, “Nature’s Best Hope” is the blueprint you need. By acting now, you can help preserve our precious wildlife—and the planet—for future generations.
Speech School: Caroline Davis and Aimee Nix
It has been pretty quiet at the Speech School. Russ Chism and Solterra are still maintaining the garden. We look forward to having a Mimosa workday as soon as it is safe for all.
Treasurer: Jo Phelps
We are doing fine with our expenses and will be able to make our commitments but no extra as we have not been able to have our party.
Membership/Dues: Rae Knox
We sent an email last week asking for all to please pay your dues. I realize that without seeing each other in person things can slip your mind but it is so imperative that we all do our part as Mimosa members. These dues are even more important these days to meet our day to day operations as well as our commitments to the Quarry Garden and Speech School. Without our party this is what we have to work with. Dues can be paid directly on our website or you can mail a check to Rae Knox, 2610 Woodward Way, NW, Atlanta, GA 30305. Thank you for your support.
Programs: Elizabeth Mann
Elizabeth had been working on some wonderful speakers and locations for our meetings. We will keep these in mind as we plan for our post COVID meetings.
Bonus Material:
Sarah’s Garden:
Several members have passed along information for Sarah’s Garden at Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist Church. It is a garden honoring Sarah Kennedy and in memory of Sarah Clarke. Click here for the article that was recently in the AJC. Such a beautiful garden, such a wonderful cause and such wonderful “Sarah’s”. We are looking into how Mimosa can be a part of it. More to come on that but please check out the article.
New Member Prospects:
I have had several questions about putting up new members for Mimosa. I love the idea of growing our family even in these crazy times. We have updated the information on our website for this process and the deadline to submit a prospective member form is March 16, 2021. Voting will begin online April 1, 2021 through April 15, 2021. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thank you all for your support during this year and for your thoughts and ideas for Mimosa. We are certainly navigating new waters together and I could not do it without you. Please keep your ideas coming and I will do what I can to keep you informed and maybe have a little fun.
Stay safe and hopefully we will all be back together soon.
Warm Regards,
[expand title=”Welcome from Terri Alston, 2020-2021 President“]
August 28, 2020
Dear Mimosa Friends,
Welcome to Mimosa 2020/2021! It is and has been an unusual time with the Coronavirus. I have certainly never been through anything like this and I assume that is the case for most of you. With that being said, I’m looking forward to being President of Mimosa Garden Club this year, whatever that looks like. There are so many unknowns still so I believe all we can do is take one day at a time.
My first act of business is to thank Karen Brown for her leadership last year. I have enjoyed working with her and realize I have big shoes to fill. I know that you all agree that she did an outstanding job as President. I especially loved her monthly gardening tips and her humor. Many thanks to Karen!
This year I am excited to welcome our new board members as well as the returning ones. We have a great team put together to make this year a huge success. Many thanks to last year’s board for all of your hard work. We had to do most of our transitions virtually and both the outgoing and incoming members handled it very well. Thank you all for being team players. Our new slate for this year will be listed on our website. I look forward to working with you ladies.
Our three new members for this year deserve a big warm welcome. They are Bess Stembler Chambliss, Jennifer Roberts Raulet and Amy Bonesteel Smith. Our New Member Mentors, Gayle Alston and Jennifer Euart, are busy planning a luncheon for them and I know it will be lovely. Welcome to Mimosa. Currently Elizabeth Hogan is working on our meetings for this year. It has been decided not to have a September meeting. It makes me sad to do this but until we have a better idea of where the Covid-19 cases are going we feel it is best. Our October meeting is normally in the Quarry Garden at the Atlanta History Center. We are working with them to see if we can have our workday and maybe a picnic lunch safely. The plan is to keep you informed and updated as we go along so please stay tuned. Until then here are our proposed meeting dates and hostesses for this year:
- September 2020 No meeting
- October 27, 2020 Tee Davis, Kyle Garges, Esther Garges, Anna Muir
- November 17, 2020 Kendrick Williams, Dicksie King, Penny Nunnally
- January 26, 2021 Rawson Grobety, Nancy Hatcher, Michelle Mitchell, Liz Crew
- February 23, 2021 Mandy Culpepper, Lisa Hinson, Sanford Dunklin
- March 23, 2021 Catherine Fleetwood, Emily Jordan, Shelby Neely, Sallie Smith
- April 27, 2021 Liles Thompson, Wawa Hines, Rae Knox, Mary Mac Southerland
- May 18, 2021 Lamar Smith, Sharena Hall, Marianne Craft, Nancy McGuirk
As luck would have it my Presidential year has turned into a party year. Jessica Brown and Mary Ayres Griggs have agreed to chair the party for us. They are already working hard to secure a date and venue. I love a good party and cannot wait to see you all there in May 2021!
Dues are an important part of our organization and I hope that you will join me in paying them early this year. Even though we may not have had our meetings our dues are still needed to ensure our day to day operations are met as well as our commitments to the Atlanta History Center Quarry Garden and the Atlanta Speech School Garden. Please mail your dues of $50.00 to: Rae Knox, 2610 Woodward Way, Atlanta, GA 30305. Reminder – Honorary members do not pay dues.
Our website looks so good and as I have been planning for my year, I have had a chance to really dig into it. To help us keep it up to date please login and make sure your personal information; address, phone numbers, etc. is up to date. Also, please check your class of membership to see if it has changed. The classes of membership are on the website under bylaws/amendments if you have questions. If you do have any changes please send them to Jennifer Hill at jenniferfrazierhill@gmail.com.
To login to the website, go to mimosagardenclub.com
- Click on login tab
- Type in your username and password
- Click on Member Directory tab at top of page
- Scroll down to your name and check details
In closing, I wanted to share a little something that I came across on our website that I am not sure I had ever read. It is a part of our “Purpose” and I would like to pass along to you.
The purpose of this Club shall be to promote among its members a love for and an intelligent interest in the cultivation of flowers, of gardens and of landscapes, the beautification of local streets and highways, the encouragement of love of nature, and the conservation of plants and trees throughout the State of Georgia.
Mimosa Garden Club is a special club and yes, I have learned some gardening tips but more than that I have made new friendships, young and old. My challenge to you is to get to know someone new this year. When we are back together, I encourage you at a meeting to sit with someone you do not know. I value this club and all that we do. I am honored to be serving as your President and look forward to seeing where this year takes us.
[expand title=”Karen Brown, 2019-2020 President“]
August 9, 2020
Dear Mimosa Ladies,
What an odd year this has been. No need to elaborate as we are all living through it. I have been working on this farewell letter all summer. So many things we were all excited about for 2020 were definitely redefined and changed or just cancelled. However, there have been a few positives which have come from COVID. We have all slowed down and taken a pause, possibly even a reset. For the first time ever, I saw neighbors out walking every day – couples, families, and siblings. There is an older couple near us who sat outside on their porch together each morning, and one of our neighbor walks his dog, Cinderella (who might not be as beautiful as her name indicates), three times a day up and down the street like clock work. We have had time to make phones calls and talk to those we were unable to visit. There has been time to really just be with our families. In a house of with three teenagers, this has been a blessing. I have loved the gift of being able to really see them, watch them slow down, and listen to them. (I am not denying that school better start this week. Classes, teachers, or naught; I am pointing my three to Lovett at 7:30 AM Thursday morning with their backpacks and masks. They can hang out in the outdoor Plaza if the school’s doors are locked.) I will say the one thing it seems I did not “have time to do” was improve my cooking – I think that is a lifetime lost cause. Luckily.
Of course, as we have been at home, the spring and summer granted us ample time to work in our gardens and enjoy its’ beauty: the flowers and plants that came back alive in the spring after the winter and the garden as it then changed from March and April though the summer. Not only the landscape, but the red birds, the owls and hawks, the hummingbirds and the butterflies – the whole ecosystem. I have loved all of this.
Over the few months we had together this year, the energy and enthusiasm of our Board was contagious, and Membership proved this to be true with great attendance at meetings.
Mary Ella and Jennifer worked hard and were very successful planning interesting and exciting speakers for our meetings. A few highlights include hearing Cooper Sanchez speak of renovating the Cator Woolford Gardens, and Paige Kubik speak of The Frazier Center in September. Lindsey has shared a link to a video Cooper made as a tribute to Ryan Gainey. It is “The Well-Placed Weed: The Bountiful Life of Ryan Gainey”. The link is: https://vimeo.com/310385881?ref= Lindsey says it is very enjoyable. Ryan was quite a talent. In November, Jody Nolan presented her book “Leave Nothing Unsaid”. Sophie Mason and Lisa Henson lead a fun morning in December decorating the Jacobs’ mausoleum at the Oakland Cemetery for their Victorian Holiday. In January, we held our Business Meeting at Agape. At this meeting, an increase of our dues was addressed. However as the March, April and May meetings were cancelled and the uncertainty of the fall, it has been decided to hold on a change in dues another year. Our last meeting was at my house and Lindsay Mann, Blair’s daughter, impressed us as she spoke of her company Sustenance Design. Not to be overlooked, a huge thank you is due to all our hostesses who provided our good lunches this year!
Blain and Shelby kept us informed on the Quarry Garden, and Caroline and Aimee on the garden at The Speech School Garden. Who knew one day we would all crave time to work in these beautiful gardens together while chatting and wearing our gardening gloves.
Kyle, Elkin and Liles were our Recording Secretaries and took great notes at our meetings for the Minutes.
Thankfully, Sissy was at hand again as our Parliamentarian.
Rae and Jessica collected our dues, and Jo Phelps served as our Treasurer.
Jinny and Lindsey were quite a team this year. They were our Historians, keeper of our scrapbook, Lindsey was our liaison to the State Garden Club and they were both so kind as I flooded them for their help and guidance.
I wanted to thank Nell and Margaret for being so patient with me. Nell kept Membership informed of meetings and updates. Margaret kept our website current and easy to navigate.
As the New Member Mentor, Mary Ayres Griggs hosted a lovely lunch welcoming Amy and Brittany last fall and was on call to make them feel at home as new members of Mimosa.
We are delighted to welcome Bess Stembler Chambliss, Jennifer Raulet and Amy Bonesteel Smith to Mimosa this year. I am sorry we have not had a chance to meet and greet them in person, I look forward to us all being able to do so this fall.
Sadly, Mimosa lost three remarkable women and members this year: Sandy Jones, Sarah Clarke, and Helen Price Gilbreath. They are and will be very missed.
It has truly been an honor and a privilege to serve as Mimosa’s President this year. Thank you for granting me this responsibility. I have made many great friends, learned a lot, and I look forward to many more years being a member of this wonderful garden club!
I am looking forward to this coming year with meetings starting again, our May Party “Take Two”, eating delicacies from Mimosa’s 1970s cookbook, and now I pass the gravel to my good friend, a better speaker, and the very hilarious Terri Alston!
[expand title=”Lindsey Sones, 2018-2019 President“]
August 28, 2019
Dear Mimosa Ladies,
It truly has been a privilege and also a great pleasure to serve as Mimosa’s President this past year. Thank you for honoring me with this responsibility. My goal was to have the year be informative, by branching out to other parts of the city; productive, by giving back to the community, and fun with entertaining speakers. We successfully achieved these goals and more thanks to a hard-working board and our incredible members. Being President is a pleasure when you have a reliable, effective board. The board this year has been amazing in both ways. I am sincerely grateful to each of them for their time and dedication.
A sincere thank you to our hostesses who always graciously agree to host when called upon. Our Program Chairs, Mary Ella Hill and Jinny Keough provided excellent, varied and interesting programs. The year kicked off at Chastain Horse Park with information about their highly successful hippo-therapy program followed by a delightful presentation on Butterfly Gardens in the Backyard Habitat by Teri Nye of Park Pride. Our October Quarry Garden workday had a record turn out during which we planted 90 bulbs honoring our 90th year anniversary, cut back the spent perennials and toured the new Olga Goizueta garden near the Quarry Overlook. In November our meeting was held in the Julie Harlan room at the Agape Family Center, named in memory of our dear member, Julie Harlan, Tee Muir’s daughter. We learned about Agape’s extensive community outreach and service to both children and seniors. In December over 20 members participated in our lively, fun amaryllis Christmas floral workshop and luncheon at the Swan Coach House, lead by Sandy Jones, assisted by Esther Garges and Jinny Keough.
In our January business meeting, the Speech School provided a birthday celebration in honor of the end of our 90th year. Thank you to Caroline Davis for organizing this and to the Speech School for the cake and favors. At this meeting, Jinny Keough lead our members in the collection of items for donation to Agape for their Seniors program. We filled Jinny’s trunk!
Esther Garges and Lois Yates mentored last year’s new members and guided them through our lovely entry into the Cathedral Antique Show entry in January, in lieu of the Flower Show.
Our February meeting was in the charming Lanier House at the Cathedral of St Philip. Garden and labyrinth designer, Margaret Bobsyshell gave a most interesting presentation on labyrinths, their design and history. Lunch was followed by a walk in The Cathedral’s labyrinth. Oakland Cemetery welcomed us in March with a brief walking tour, followed by a presentation on Oakland’s gardens in the lovely Beau Allen Greenhouse, named in honor and memory of Beau for his dedication and leadership at Oakland. Our members brought garden items for donation to Oakland for their Green Elephant Sale, which is the major support of the gardens at Oakland.
In April, we met at the Atlanta Beltline Partnership offices on the new Eastside trail of the Beltline where we learned more about this transformative, city-wide project from Rod Brawner, Executive Director. Several of our members rode their bikes to the meeting. One less car on the road! Spalding Nix’s humorous presentation, “Millennials Don’t Polish Silver” at the Botanical Garden was most enlightening, entertaining and educational on the topic of how interior decorating has changed and evolved. What a fun way to end the year.
With pleasure we recognize Betty Glenn who became an Honorary member, having participated in Mimosa for over 50 years! Thank you for your continued interest and dedication.
We were delighted to welcome two new members, Brittany Hill and Amy Underwood. Both have deep family ties to Mimosa. We are so pleased they have chosen to be a part of this wonderful club. Regretfully we received resignations from Lori Kennedy and Marcy McTier.
In May, the gavel was passed to Karen Brown and her talented board. Terry Alston will serve as Vice-President. Under their leadership, there are exciting plans for next year. Another year of interesting programs you won’t want to miss!
Lindsey Sones
[expand title=”Jinny Keough, 2017-2018 President“]
August 31, 2018
Dear Mimosa Members,
It has been an honor and privilege to serve as your President during Mimosa’s 90th birthday year. Our smart, creative, strong and funny members made the past year a pleasure! A strong board, hardworking committee chairs and always-helpful past presidents smoothed any rough spots and kept the club moving forward.
Sadly, member Emily Hill Ferguson passed away in January. Anne Gowen Spalding, a member since 1956 passed away in summer 2017. Also, past president and former member Joan Smith Zillessan passed away in December 2017.
Blair Mann and Harden Powell “graduated” to Honorary Member status. Deborah Childers, Sanford Dunklin, Sarah Kennedy and Duvall Fuqua became Sustaining members.
A working committee consisting of Margaret Warren, Sissy Davis, Sandy Jones, Lindsey Sones and myself revised and updated the Mimosa Bylaws. The revision was voted on in April 2018 and passed unanimously.
Our Program Chairs, Karen Brown and Parker Tekin, organized 8 fun and educational meetings, including a tour of The Fernbank Forest and the Blue Heron Nature Preserve. We also learned about monogramming, English gardens, local food and fabulous fabrics!
The Atlanta Flower Show was held at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens in February, with the theme “A Toast to Georgia’s Film Industry”. Claire Marie Huff won a blue ribbon and 2 Honorable Mentions for her camellia entries. Mimosa’s 2 new member groups each won an Honorable Mention for their entry. Jennifer Hill, Blain Allen and Katie Bockstedt’s entry was titled “Pretty in Pink”. “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” was created by Molly West, Jessica Brown, Mary Ayres Griggs and Jennifer Euart. Many thanks to Jennifer Euart and Emily Jordan for their guidance. The Flower Show will be a biennial event at the Botanical Garden.
Mimosa elected 3 new members this year – Kyle Garges, Elkin Taylor and Liles Thompson. Esther Garges and Lois Yates will mentor them during their first year.
The highlight of the year was Mimosa’s 90th birthday party, chaired by Julie Yates and Elizabeth Hogan and held at the Atlanta History Center atrium. Mimosa’s extensive, multi-generation “family tree” was featured along with our archived scrapbooks from the Cherokee Garden Library. A wonderful evening was had by several hundred members and friends! The party and Mimosa were featured in the Northside Neighbor newspaper.
I look forward to the coming year with Lindsey Sones as President. Thank you all for your support!
Jinny Keough
[expand title=”Margaret Warren, 2016-2017 President“]
September 25, 2017
Dear Mimosa Members,
It has truly been an honor and a privilege to serve as your President this past year. Although a difficult year, the true strength and spirit of our membership was evident throughout.
With deep love and respect, we remember the Mimosa members we lost this year: Betty Bowring, Jean Fleming, Mary Ann Frazier, Julie Harlan, Mickie Keough, and Eugenia Wilson.
One of the highlights of the year was recognizing our Honorary Members at the January business meeting. The following ladies were acknowledged for having 50+ years of membership in Mimosa: Gayle Alston (50 years), Linda Beth Loughlin (50 years), Linda Maddox (50 years), Lyn Glenn (53 years), Jean Glenn (54 years), Elkin Alston (57 years), Bettye Maddox (57 years), Anne Spalding (60 years), Betty Bowring (63 years), Pattie Boykin (63 years) and Nadine Lawton (70 years).
Our Program Chairs, Shelby Drinkard and Nancy Powell, put together wonderful programs, including a very fun, hands-on “pumpkin centerpiece” meeting in September; enlightening presentations by Mark Banta, CEO of Piedmont Park Conservancy and Kim Wilson, owner of Lucy’s Market; and educational talks by Dough Scott of Redeem Your Ground and Tasha Moody, owner of Simply Staged.
In addition to our regular programming, on December 6th we held a Christmas floral workshop at the Swan Coach House. The event was attended by 20 members, and by all accounts was a huge success! Jennifer Euart instructed the group on creating and decorating amaryllis pots which members were then able to take home. We hope to add more workshops like this in the future.
This year, Mimosa accepted the resignations of Margaret Hatcher, Libby Lanier, and Julian Williams. We also welcomed three new members: Blain Ashmore Allen, Katie Stembler Bockstedt, and Jennifer Frazier Hill.
I want to sincerely thank the entire Mimosa membership for supporting me this year, and in particular, the Mimosa Board Members who worked tirelessly to ensure a wonderful and engaging year for Mimosa. Our club is in very good hands with incoming President, Jinny Keough. Jinny and her Board have some exciting programs in the works, and the party in May 2018, celebrating Mimosa’s 90th anniversary, is sure to be spectacular!
Sincerely yours,
Margaret Warren
President 2016 – 2017
[expand title=”Mary Huntz, 2015-2016 President“]
August 9, 2016
Dear Mimosa Members,
I want to thank the members of Mimosa for allowing me the privilege and pleasure of serving as your President. I have enjoyed getting to know all of you; many of us have become friends as a result. I appreciate your expressed support as the year progressed. I simply could not have functioned without my speed dial girlfriends—Jackie Cushman and Margaret Warren!
The lifeblood of any organization is its members. This past year we reached a pivotal point that required a change in the By Laws regarding Membership in order to maintain a continued influx of new members for the health and growth of Mimosa. I especially appreciate and respect those of you who served on the Special Membership Committee led by Emily Jordan. Libby Lanier and Betty Glenn, thanks for your advice and counsel.
Marianne Craft, Mandy Culpepper, Mariea Sibley and Maggie Fischer welcomed and mentored our newest Mimosa members, Jessica Brown, Mary Aryers and Molly West. Marianne and Mandy, that Hostess Chart was a work of art!
This was also the year of “the party”, our biennial fundraiser. I am pleased to report that we met our financial goal and will be able to fund our commitments to The Atlanta Speech School and the Quarry Garden at the Atlanta History Center for the next two years. A very special thanks to Party Committee Chairs Emily Ferguson and Jennifer Euart, committee members who produced a beautiful party, and those of you who attended a really lovely evening. Sophie Mason will be adding some beautiful new photographs to our scrapbook.
Parker Tekin kept us informed on the health and progress of the Quarry Garden. Under the guidance of Terri Alston the Speech School Garden has been completely renovated and a new maintenance schedule is in place. Both Gardens are clearly something of which we can be proud thanks to the diligence of Parker and Terri.
Meetings: How would we have great meetings without great Programs, therefore, great attendance–all due to the good work of Jinny Keough and Aimee Nix. Our Flower Show Ladies, Lindsey Sones and Leslie Morgan, thanks for making “our” flower show fun and easy to enter. The Dynamic Trio of Sharena Hall, Rae Knox and Louise Moore kept us duly “recorded” as the year went on.
Mary Mac Sutherland mastered two new databases and kept us informed as to meetings and events. Thank you also, Margaret Glenn who is a genius when it comes to websites. It is so easy and fun to go to our new website: www.mimosagardenclub.com. We can easily log in, make charges to our profiles and keep up with what is happening with Mimosa.
On completion of this Mimosa year I am confident that Mimosa Garden Club is in good hands. Margaret Warren has a great new Board in place and we are financially sound under the guidance of Treasurer, Julie Harlan. We have restructured several of the Board positions to streamline some of the duties to be more efficient. Membership is at capacity with a group of remarkable and enthusiastic women who make our meetings fun and exciting. Margaret, we are looking forward the next Mimosa year.
Gratefully yours,
Mary Huntz
[expand title=”Jackie Cushman, 2014-2015 President“]
Dear Mimosa Members,
Due to your enthusiasm and energy, we had an outstanding year. Thank you for allowing me to serve as your president. I leaned heavily on past president Emily Jordan for her advice and counsel – thank you Emily!
The Mimosa Board members did a fabulous job this past year. Thanks to Emily Ferguson and Jennifer Euart, for the great programs. Thank you to Caroline Davis, Kendrick Williams and especially Terri Alston for their work on the Speech School garden. Terri – can’t wait to see what is in store!
Nancy Powell, Parker Tekin and Louise Moore were our Quarry Garden liaisons – thank you ladies – loved the workday in October. Our recording secretaries, Maggie Fischer, Margaret Glenn, Aimee Nix and Sarah McElroy were able to cover every meeting! Awesome teamwork.
Nancy Glenn and Caroline Millican hosted a yummy and lovely new member luncheon, and wrangled our members for the hostess chart. Thank you both!
Liz Irby and Lori Kennedy were our new member mentors for Elizabeth Mann Hogan, Julie Perno Yates and Nell Custis Mitchell -Liz and Lori – thank you for the cute name tags!
Thank you to Mary Mac Southerland who graciously served as our corresponding secretary this year, and Sandy Jones, who diligently collected dues.
Julie Harlan once again served as our treasurer – which allowed me to rest easy! Margaret Warren, who ably served battle duty as website coordinator – is moving over to Vice President where the service is lighter. Thank you Margaret for your patience and persistence.
Sallie Smith regaled us with her member histories – I loved them! Shelby Neely graciously served as scrapbook coordinator and member Guerry Redmond went above and beyond the call of duty by not only taking headsets of Mimosa members, but more importantly photoshopping them!
Ester Garges and Wawa Hines did a superb job of creating and running the amaryllis contest – loved all the prizes.
Luckily for Libby Lanier and Betty Glenn, we did not have any major parliamentarian issues – but knowing they were ready allowed me to rest easy.
We voted in three new members in April, Jessica Sayer Brown (sponsored by Jennifer Euart), Mary Ayres Griggs (sponsored by Emily Ferguson), and Molly Hill West (sponsored by Lois Yates). We welcomed them during our May meeting where we explored Mimosa’s Roots and look forward to getting to know them better this coming year.
It was such an honor to serve as your president this past year. I’ve made many great friends through our club and look forward to our meetings, I hope you feel the same.
I am looking forward to this coming year are we are led by my good friend, and a better gardner than me, Mary Huntz, who provided sound advice and counsel as Vice President this past year. Mary – I’ll be on the front row cheering you on!
Have a great summer, drink a few Mimosa’s and we will catch up this fall!
Jackie Gingrich Cushman
[expand title=”Emily Neely Jordan, 2013-2014 President“]
It has been a honor to serve as Mimosa President this year. With a great board and multi-talented members, 2013-2014 has been a wonderful year for Mimosa. A huge thank you to our board, I could not have done it with out you!
Lori Kennedy and Leslie Morgan did a terrific job with programs this year. Visits from Garnie Nygren, Holly Bryan, Mary Katherine Greene and Georgia Olive Farms were informative and fun. Our usual meetings were held at the Botanical Gardens, the Speech School and the History Center, we we ended the year with a visit tot the State Botanical Garden in Athens. In business news, we made a sizable donation to the History Center to sponsor their exhibit, Following in the Bartrams’ Footsteps: Contemporary Botanical Artists Explore the Bartrams’ Legacy. We revised several by laws at our business meeting, and celebrated our 85th anniversary. We created an electronic ballot to use for new member voting, and welcomed three new members: Elizabeth Hogan Mann, Nell Custis Mitchell and Julie Perno Yates. All three have strong ties in Mimosa and we are thrilled to have them in our club. On May 1st, Mandy Culpepper and Mary Huntz, along with their very creative party team threw a fabulous party over looking the Quarry Garden at the History Center. Mary and Mandy created an incredible evening for our members and their friends- once again it was the place to be. The evening was a beautiful way to kick off Spring and raise money to benefit our two gardens.
I pass the gavel on to Jackie Cushman’s capable hands and know we can look forward to 2014-2015 in Mimosa.
[expand title=”Catherine Fleetwood, 2012-2013 President“]
Thank you all for giving me the wonderful opportunity to serve as President of Mimosa this year. This year would not have been so successful had it not been for my hard working board and our hostesses. What a wonderful year!
Our program chairs, Wawa Hines and Lois Yates, worked hard planning a year full of interesting and exciting speakers. We had overwhelming attendance and enthusiasm at each meeting. The club showed great support at the Quarry Garden work party in October where we raked leaves, pruned, and planted some new seedlings in the garden.
At the business meeting in January, our Treasurer, Julie Harlan, announced that Mimosa’s financial state is very sound. Due to the overwhelming success of the 2012 spring party, Mimosa was able to increase it’s donations to it’s charities. We proudly donated $7200 to the Atlanta Speech School and $10,800 to The History Center. What an accomplishment!
Also at our business meeting, Eileen Millard, our website chairman, introduced the Mimosa Website to the membership. She has worked tirelessly to get the website in full working order. This is a big step for Mimosa!
Once again, Mimosa had excellent representation at the Southeastern Flower Show. The flower show chairmen, Claire Marie Huff and Shelby Drinkard led the club toward many ribbons and trophies. Mandy Culpepper and the new members did a tremendous job on their group display. Claire Marie Huff won the Emma Tippins Trophy for her camelias. Sandy Jones won the Gena Moran Trophy for her Ivy class. Not to mention, the club won many more ribbons. Great Job!
In April, the club was proud to accept three new members, Rae Knox, Sharena Hall, and Louise Moore. We look forward to having them in the club. The club also approved a motion to begin our meetings in 2013-2014 at 10:30 am.
The gavel has been passed to Emily Jordan. We look forward to her enthusiasm and leadership. Thank you again for such a special year![/expand]
[expand title=”Marcy McTier, 2011-2012 President“]
The year began with the disappointing news that there would not be a Southeastern Flower Show in 2012, an annual event in which Mimosa members, particularly our members-elect, proudly garner any awards for their creative talents. Not to be daunted by this decision, we enthusiastically persevered and Mimosa had another great year.
President-Elect/Party Chair, Catherine Fleetwood and her wonderful committee set right to work planning our biennial party/fundraiser to be held at her house in May. Because of their recent renovation of the former Noles’ home, one of Buckhead’s lovely period houses, Catherine chose the theme “Vintage Mimosa”, and the committee planned an exciting event reflecting that time period. The menu, flower arrangements, raffle items, and even mannequins garbed in beautiful gowns owned and worn by some of our earliest members, decorated the rooms and tented patio . It was an elegant evening, enjoyed by over 300 people, while also raising $20,000 for the Quarry Garden and the Atlanta Speech School Garden.
As it so happened, “Vintage Mimosa” crept into the year’s activities in other subtle ways. Several of the interesting programs planned by Sophie Mason and Mary Huntz also leant themselves to that theme. For example: “It’s All About Silver” was a fun presentation on antique silver pieces and their history. The Restoration of Olmstead Park in Druid Hills” reminded us of the old trolley line and mansions that lined the park during the 30’s, and “Medicinal Plants from the Southern Appalachia” was an informative slide show of ancient plant cures for all that ails us.
Historian, Sallie Smith, also chose to interview several of our oldest members during the year and report on their recollections of the early days as Mimosa members. Betty Haverty Smith even shared and old family album that delighted many members as they spotted some of their own family among the historic photos. Sallie also donated to the Cherokee Garden Library, in Mimosa’s honor, the #1 copy of a leather-bound, limited edition of “Gardens of the South” produced by “Southern Accents” in 1985. The club also voted to spend $350 for the purchase 2 more books from the library’s “wish list” as a gift from Mimosa.
Finally, as if providential, in March Mimosa received a belated Historic Preservation award from the Fulton Federation of Garden Clubs for Mimosa’s many years of dedicated care of the Speech School Garden
Regrettably I have only named a few of the very competent members of this years board, who patiently supported me in every way. But thanks to this special team, our membership dues stands at 100% paid. We have transitioned from the world of paper copy to that of modern technology. Our financial records are also now electronic and in good order with extra funds to serve our projects and we voted to elect 4 great new members: Maggie Fisher, Margaret Glenn, Sarah McElroy, and Aimee Nix to keep the membership at our limit of 70, while sadly losing former members, Elkin Alston, Rosa Hatcher, and Marion Hilsman.
Yes, it was a very good year and an honor to serve as Mimosa’s President. It is also a great privilege to be a part of such a delightful group of women with their long history of civic commitment to Atlanta, while having so much fun.[/expand]
[expand title=”Eileen Millard, 2010-2011 President“]
My focus this year was our rich, long history dating back to 1928. The original 30 members were family and friends that enjoyed being together and learning about flowers. The love of flowers, gardens, landscapes, conservation, family and friends brings us together too. The Board wanted to capture that spirit as we moved through the year.
With that in mind, it is a pleasure to report on the 2010-11 year for the Mimosa Garden Club. We enjoyed great success this year that can be credited to the enthusiasm and talent of Members of the Board and to the increased participation of our Membership.
We were proud of our stellar performance at The Southeastern Flower Show – ‘In Tune with Blooms: Prelude to 25 years of the Flower Show’. Our Members-Elect under the direction of Lori Kennedy won a Blue Ribbon for their Bob Marley inspired window box entry in the Artistic and Garden Design Division. Mandy Culpepper, WaWa Smith Hines, Louise Mann, Sandy Jones and Mary Mac Sutherland made us so proud. Our Flower Show Co-Chairs, Claire Marie Huff and Shelby Drinkard, worked hard on our Amaryllis bulb project and as a result we swept the category with Blue, Red and Yellow ribbons. We had lots of participation in the Horticulture Division and the Artistic Design Divisions. Mimosa also sponsored the ‘Best Topiary’ in The Southeastern Flower Show in memory of Candy Simmons.
Sophie Mason and Mary Huntz provided our membership with interesting and fun programs for the year. A few highlights include a workday in the Quarry Garden at The Atlanta History Center. We had over 45 Members come out to work – such a show of support.! In November, our own Edwina Johnson led us in a demonstration of Faux Desserts made with flowers. It was fabulous and creative, just like Edwina. In April we took a bus trip to Madison, Georgia for beautiful garden tours. Mary Huntz’s showed us her incredible garden at Long Meadow Farm. We hope to go back there!
At our January Business we decided to phase out our little black yearbook and go digital. We will print out the contact list for the next year or two but all the other information will be made available online on a new website that is being developed. Therefore, we had to change the By Laws to include a Website Standing Committee. We also had to clarify hostess duties in the guidelines. With the help of Amanda Brady, we got our financial house in order. Also, Gregg Irby got ALL of our Members to pay their dues this year!
In April we welcomed three enthusiastic new members with strong family ties to Mimosa: Jennifer Alston Euart, Elizabeth Day Irby, Parker Allen Tekin. We are so lucky to have them!
Sadly, Hazel Hilsman and Betty Garges passed away this year. They will be missed. In addition and with such reluctance, we accepted letters of resignation from Van Flanagan and Lynne Yancey.
The gavel was passed to Marcy McTier. She graciously said yes when asked and is planning to have an exciting year. It has been a joy to serve as your President and I feel lucky to be part of such a talented, fun, capable group of women.[/expand]
[expand title=”2000s“]
[expandsub1 title=”2009–2010 Maysie Spalding Beeson, President“]
Dear Mimosa Ladies,
Welcome to the 2009-2010 year! I am very excited about being Mimosa’s president!!
We recently had our board meeting and I was thrilled to find out that everyone in the room was on the same page. This year we would all like to focus on “getting excited and getting involved!”. We discussed how unique Mimosa is…most of us are related either by blood or marriage or our families have known each other for generations…we are truly a special group of women!
The meetings are going to be informative and fun. Shelby Neely and Michelle Mitchell have been hard at work this summer lining up some great programs. “How to Attract More Birds to Your Backyard Habitat”, “Let er rot” (all about composting), and touring the improvements that our party money helped pay for at Oakland Cemetery, are just a few of the fabulous programs they have planned!
The big news is that the Southeastern Flower Show WILL be happening in 2010. Along with their other board duties, Sophie Mason, Lois Yates and Mary Huntz have agreed to head it up once more. Please be sure to thank them at the September meeting. Since the Amaryllis were so successful last year, we will be entering them again….I can’t think of a better way to “get involved” than by “adopting” one.
Terri Alston has agreed to chair the party. She is already hard a work planning what is sure to be a fabulous occasion!
The yearbooks are currently going to print and will be available at the September meeting, so please be sure to pick one up.
Dues are now due please submit $50.00 to the Mimosa Garden Club to Elizabeth Morgan, 2112 McKinley Road, Atlanta, GA 30318.
I would like to welcome our new members, Anna Skiles Muir, Lori Roesler Kennedy, and Nancy Dorough Powell. Please be sure to introduce yourself at the September meeting.
We are saddened by the loss of two of our members, Laura Maddox Smith and Tatty Wallace Hill. Regretfully, we have received letters of resignation from Deedy King Cousar and Kathy Jones Davis.
I am looking forward to a wonderful year! Let’s all “Get Excited and Get Involved!” the club is only as great as we, the membership, make it!
Maysie Spalding Beeson[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”2008–2009 Sanford Dunklin, President“]
This year Mimosa proudly celebrated her 80th birthday! With e-mail notices and all of the 21st century advancements, would our founding members recognize us? I don’t know, but I do know they would be proud of us. Mimosa Garden Club is an exceptional group of ladies, and I was honored to serve as President this year.
My sincere thanks go to everyone on the Board who gave generously of her time and helped make for an enjoyable year. We had a wonderful line-up of monthly programs which were both entertaining and informative. The Atlanta Speech School transformed our January meeting into a grand 80th birthday party, with the children singing Happy Birthday and a beautiful garden cake. It was a kind gesture of gratitude for the many years of dedication. Mimosa has shown to the Speech School. Mimosa members came away from the Southeastern Flower Show with many ribbons and awards. We commended our members-elect for their entry “splendor in the Grass” for which they received second and third-place ribbons. Our new amaryllis project garnered the club five first place ribbons.
Once again, Mimosa was fortunate to be able to make generous contributions with monies from our spring party. We made donations not only to our two special projects the Atlanta Speech School and the Quarry Garden, but also to Skyland Trail and Oakland Cemetery. We welcomed three new members, Lori Kennedy, Anna Muir, and Nancy Powell and are so pleased that they have chosen to be a part of this wonderful garden club. Regrettably, we received the resignation of Deedy Cousar, and we were deeply saddened by the loss of our dear member Tatty Hill.
We ended the year with a cocktail party at Blair Mann’s lovely home to celebrate 80 years of Mimosa Garden Club. It was a beautiful May evening and a nice occasion to enjoy each other’s company. Kudos to Michele Mitchell for orchestrating such a lovely evening.
The gavel has been passed to Maysie Beeson, who with her board will plan another great year for Mimosa.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”2007-2008 Edwina Johnson, President“]
Dear Mimosa Members,
What an incredible year it has been
It is hard to believe it has come to an end
I have enjoyed and cherished it all
And for me this term has been a ball
I’ve had the best board all around
There are no finer ones in this town
You made this year lots of fun
Awards galore, we should have won
I am grateful to each of you
Now that my term is through
My memories will be the very best
Of that I must honestly confess
Our garden club is so much fun
But it does take many folks to make it run
Thanks for the honor of leading you this past year
I love you all and let’s stay near
Now on a serious note, Mimosa Garden Club had a successful year because of your commitment and the part each of you played. Catherine Fleetwood and Nancy Tracy brought us exciting new programs. Jenny Keough, Marianne Craft, Eileen Millard, Caroline Davis and Emily Jordan made each of us aware of the importance of our community projects. The Quarry Garden and the Atlanta Speech School. They made it fun for us to take part in reviewing our participation and dedication in these projects. Mimosa also contributed to the beautification of Skyland Trail.
Thanks to Gregg Irby and our membership, we are now able to send out most of our notices by email. By doing so, we are able to direct more of our money to our projects.
A special thank you to Sophie Mason, Lois Yates, Mary Huntz, Emily Jordan and the new members, Jennifer Calhoun, Emily Ferguson and Rawson Grobety for their hard work and dedication to this year’s Southeastern Flower Show. I want to give a very big thank you to all our flower show winners.
Our garden party was picture perfect in the Allen’s Meadows. Hoodie Troutman, our party chair and 23 volunteers made it the most fun and successful party! The total party revenue was $45,000.
Sadly, we have lost two of our inspiring honorary members this year. Louise Allen and Margaret Tarver. We will never forget them.
2008-2009 will mark our 80th year. The gavel was passed to our new President, Sanford Dunklin. I know that she will be a very outstanding leader.
Thank each of your for making my joy easy because you were willing to step up and answer your commitment to Mimosa.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”2006-2007 Hoodie Troutman, President“]
What a wonderful year this has been for the Mimosa Garden Club. Much of the credit goes to my hard working Board who gave so generously of their time and talent along with their direction and support.
Our meetings were interesting and informative. Boyd Coons with Atlanta Preservation Center fascinated us with future plans for the garden at the Peters Mansion as well as green space in and around the Atlanta parks. October provided us with beautiful weather to work in the Quarry Garden and to take a tour of the Cherokee Garden Library. Scott Brown shared his entertaining, “behind the scenes” stories of the Atlantic Station development. Throughout the year, we picked up tips for holiday decorations, learned how to plant water-resistant planters, and toured Vince Dooley’s fabulous gardens in Athens. The April meeting, “Mimosa’s and Tappa’s,” was held at 5:00 pm. It was a great idea and resounding success for a “non party” year. Many thanks go out to all our gracious hostesses who welcomed us into their lovely homes.
At the Southeastern Flower Show’s French Experience, the Mimosa Garden Club was a proud contender. Both of our group projects won ribbons as well as dozens more for numerous horticulture entries from our members. Our success was due in part to our three new members: Jennifer Calhoun, Emily Ferguson and Rawson Groberty who worked diligently on their entries. Let’s keep the enthusiasm going!
A committee was formed to disperse the money raised from last year’s party. Mimosa members voted overwhelmingly to distribute funds to the Atlanta Speech School, Atlanta History Center’s Quarry Gardens and, Skyland Trails as well as smaller contributions to Piedmont Park, Trees Atlanta. Morris Brandon School, Odyssey Family Counseling Center and the Community Garden Initiative of Atlanta Food Bank.
We welcomed three new Mimosa members in April: Julie Muir Harlan, Leslie McPhail, Morgan and Mary Elizabeth Huntz. Laura Irby Smith became a non-resident member after moving to North Carolina. Regrettably, we received letters of resignation from longtime members Valerie Alston, Carl Dean Davis, Rosa Hatch, and Kathy Guyton. With deep sadness, we lost our dear member, Candy Jones Simmons.
The gavel was passed to Edwina Johnson. She and her enthusiastic board are already hard at work and planning out another wonderful year.
Mimosa is a unique garden club with an outstanding group of talented women. It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve you this year. I will always treasure the memories.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”2005-2006 Liz Crew, President“]
It has been a wonderful year for Mimosa and most rewarding year for me as your President. Thank you all for honoring me with this responsibility. Also, many thanks to my hard working board and to our hostesses, who opened up their homes. Each of you has added to a successful and very fun year.
Edwina Johnson did a remarkable job as Program Chairman with Vince Dooley as one of our highlight speakers. Our attendance has never been better, as we burst from the seams of several homes.
A committee was formed, at the request of Dottie Fuqua, to see that the gardens with Mimosa’s name are maintained at Skyland Trail.
We passed a motion in January to exempt honorary members from hosting meetings. We also raised our party Ticket prices from $50 to $75 each.
At the Southeast Flower Show’s Italian Experience, we had more ribbons than ever –70. This was in part due to our eight new members, Claire Marie Huff, Gregg Irby, Jinny Keough, Sophie Mason, Marcy McTier, Shelby Neely, Kendrick Williams and Lois Yates, who worked so diligently on their entries, including Photography, Artistic Floral Design, and Horticulture.
We had a most amazing “hot” garden party at Duvall Fuqua’s home, with bright colors all around. Party co-chairs Hoodie Troutman and Eileen Millard did an outstanding job, along with all of their committee chairs: Esther Garges, Lois Yates, Lisa Hinson, Sissy Davis, Sanford Dunklin, Sophie Mason, and Van Flanigan. Our “Non-auction” ended up generating nearly $10,000. Congratulations to everyone who participated!
Regretfully, we lost two long time members: Eloise Witham and Ann Jones. Resignations include Betty Garges, Nancy Wilcoxen, Carolyn Kreimar, Jana McCann, Saunders Bohen, Jane Sibley, and Peggy Ridley.
We welcome this year’s three new members into Mimosa: Jennifer Calhoun, Emily Ferguson and Rawson Groberty.
The gavel was passed to Hoodie Troutman. Her talented board will do a fabulous job next year. Mimosa is such a special organization and it is all of you who make it that way. I’ve enjoyed getting to know so many of you. Thanks for a great year.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”2004-2005 Lisa Hinson, President“]
Thank you all so much for giving me the wonderful opportunity to serve as President of Mimosa this year. I want to thank each one of you, but especially my hard working board and our hostesses. Each of you added to a fun and successful year.
We had informative and lively meetings. We also had excellent representation at the Southeastern Flower Show, bringing home many ribbons and an Award of Excellence. I hope the enthusiasm of our hard working newer members is contagious to our incoming group.
Once again Mimosa proudly made financial contributions from our uncommitted party funds. This year’s recipients were the Quarry Garden, Historic Oakland Cemetery, Hillside, the Path Foundation, and Heritage Sandy Springs. It is always a deep feeling of accomplishment to give back to our community.
As the result of a one time motion passed in January, we have eight new members. Claire Marie Huff, Gregg Irby, Jinny Keough, Sophie Mason, Marcy McTier, Shelby Neely, Kendrick Williams and Lois Yates were introduced and welcomed at our last meeting. Regretfully, we lost Mary Bray, Sr. and Mary Bray and Sarah McDaniel have resigned.
The gavel has been passed to Liz Crew who, with her board, will enthusiastically lead us on! As I’ve said before, Mimosa is such a special group, and it is the members who make us special. Please answer Liz when she calls on you and stay tuned for another great year.
Again, thank you all.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”2003-2004 Mildred Spalding, President“]
It has been a fun and interesting year to serve as president. I want to thank my enthusiastic board and all the hostesses.
Eileen Millard and Shayla Rhumely came through with great meetings. The highlight was the spring tour of the Williams-Payne House and Gardens.
We passed a motion to use Breast Cancer stamps in all our mailings.
For our first Southeastern Flower Show trophy ever, we are excited to honor Candy Simmons. She has been such an inspiration with her vast umber of trophies and ribbons in so many different classes. The trophy is a silver bud vase engraved with Candy Jones Simmons Trophy – Most Outstanding Topiary.
Thanks to Esther Garges and Tee Davis for leading us in the Flower Show. Once again our three new members Emily Jordan, Caroline Millican, and Molly Smalley won two different trophies and a blue ribbon. Jane Tracy also won a trophy. Thanks to all our Southeastern Flower Show winners, many who are fairly new to the club. A total of 46 ribbons were won.
We had another incredible garden party! A big thanks to Kim and Sam Austin for hosting it. We raised $22,000 for our gardens. Co-chairs Hoodie Troutman and Lisa Hinson worked so hard all year with their committee chairs: Maysie Beeson, Van Flanigan, Laura Smith, Nancy Hatcher, Claire Benedict, Jane Sterne, Penny Nunnally, Sissy Davis and Eileen Millard. Congratulations to everyone in our club who participated!
It was very sad to lose three long time members: Octavia Birney, Harriet Tarver and Mimi Carrere. Betsy Lane, Bonnie Meredith, Josephine Robinson and Pam Bray resigned. We welcomed three new members into Mimosa, Shelby Drinkard, Nancy Tracy and Catherine Fleetwood.
The gavel was passed to Lisa Hinson. I know she is ready with a dedicated board!
It has really been rewarding to work with everyone in Mimosa this year. I have enjoyed getting to know so many of you. Thanks![/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”2002-2003 Jane Tracy, President“]
What a great pleasure it has been for me to be the president of such a wonderful garden club. Many thanks to the hard working board, the hostesses for our meetings, and all of you who participated in so many ways to make this a very successful year.
Liz Crew and Sarah Buchly were responsible for our interesting and informative programs and our attendance at the meetings was exemplary.
Susan Virgin and her committee did a great job on the study for how we should disburse our uncommitted party money. Under their superb direction, we gave a total of $30,000 to some very deserving organizations. Our gifts were as follows: The Quarry Garden – $11,000, The Garden at Skyland Trail – $5,300, The Historic Oakland Foundation – $3,600, Trees Atlanta – $5,000, The Atlanta Botanical Garden (for Conservation) – $2,500 and the Nature Conservancy of Georgia – $2,500. We can all be very proud that we have been able to make such an impact on our community.
In addition, Dottie Fuqua gave a most generous gift of a sculpture of Great Blue Herons by Thomas Prochnou of Madison, Georgia to the Quarry Garden in honor of Mimosa. They are a wonderful addition to our garden.
Thanks to our flower show co-chairmen, Mildred Spalding and Hoodie Troutman, we were again very successful. We won a total of 64 ribbons and Candy Simmons won 3 major trophies in horticulture. Also, we were very proud of our members who won artistic awards, Terri Alston and Jackie Cushman. The World Congress Center was a challenge, but the results show that we conquered!
We welcomed three enthusiastic new members in April: Emily Neely Jordan, Caroline Glenn Millican, and Molly Hilsman Smalley. Regretfully we received a letter of resignation from longtime member Laura McDaniel.
I would also like to thank all of you who said “yes” when you were asked to serve on the board and chair committees for the next year. Mimosa could not function without so many dedicated people who are willing to participate. You are truly a great group!
The gavel was passed to Mildred Spalding and she and her enthusiastic board are already at work planning for another wonderful year.
Thank you again for the privilege of serving as your president.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”2001-2002 Sissy Davis, President“]
What a great pleasure it is to report on this superlative year for Mimosa Garden Club! We enjoyed so many successes, and I credit them all to the direction and support provided by everyone on my superb board, and the increased participation of our wonderfully talented members.
For the first time, Mimosa won the Southeastern Flower Show Sweepstakes Trophy for the Garden Club with the most points in the show. Under the leadership of Candy Simmons, our members won individual trophies, group trophies, and dozens of ribbons in the strongest showing we have ever had. Ladies, we can do flowers!
Our Spring Party, led by Co-Chairs Jane Tracy and Hoodie Troutman, was a resounding success! Tricia and Inman Allen were so generous to open their beautiful home to us once again for our party. Elkin Cushman, Jane Sterne, and their committee provided the gorgeous flowers, and the weather cooperated to make it truly a magical evening. Linda Beth Loughlin headed up a tremendous Silent Auction committee that raised $19,340, which when added to our ticket sales brought our net income to over $41,000! Our newest members were working everywhere – Laura Irby Smith chaired the food committee for a gastronomical feast, Eileen Millard was indispensable as head of set-up, and Nancy Hatcher was there to the bitter end on the Clean-up committee. Jane reported afterwards that almost 50% of the entire membership contributed in some way to make our party achieve our fund raising needs, and more importantly, a fun evening.
Dicksie Hill and Lamar Smith provided our membership with interesting and diverse programs his year. We visited Skyland Trail and not only learned about the Garden Therapy that is being done at this facility, but also how the Mimosa Rose Garden contributes to this program. October provided us with a beautiful day to enjoy the Quarry Garden and a wonderful presentation by florist Robert Long. Through the year we picked up tips for holiday decorations, learned about new and old roses, and toured the Egyptian exhibit at Emory’s Carlos Museum. We had our March meeting at the newly opened Fuqua Orchid House, and had the unique opportunity to see the orchids as well as learn about the ongoing orchid research and conservation programs from expert Ron Determann. How lucky we are to have Dottie Fuqua in or midst! We ended our year with a wonderful presentation by Marcia Bansley of Trees Atlanta.
At our January Business meeting, we voted on several changes to the By-Laws as well as several “housekeeping” matters. One change of note is that Members-Elect are no required to participate in the Flower Show and the bi-annual party. The membership voted to continue to use the maximum cap of three new members per year, regardless of the number of openings according to the quota. Also, a procedure was approved to reinstate members who had previously resigned from the membership. All of these changes will be reflected in the new yearbook.
Our May meeting was held at the Atlanta Speech School, where our members were able to stroll through the newly replanted Mimosa Garden that was generously donated by our member Margaret Tarver. The weather cooperated for a lovely lunch in the garden, and everyone was treated to the beautiful display. Comer Yates, executive Director of the Speech School, thanked Margaret and Mimosa, and spoke about the integral role the garden plays in the lives of the students, teachers and visitors to the Speech School. Our thanks to Shayla Rumely and Bettye Maddox who were instrumental in this replanting project.
We welcomed three enthusiastic new members in April: Terri Furr Alston, Karen Mariea Thomas Brown, and Jackie Gingrich Cushman. Sanders Glenn Bohan became a non-resident member after moving to Virginia. Regretfully, we received letters of resignation from longtime members Marion Hilsman and Natalie Morris.
The gavel was passed to Jane Tracy, and she and her enthusiastic board are already hard at work planning for another wonderful year.
I have truly enjoyed serving as your President, and I am privileged to be a part of such a wonderful group of women.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”2000–2001 Caroline Davis, President“]
The Millennium year for Mimosa was extremely successful and unbelievably well attended. My goal was for us to have an entertaining and educational year, and I am pleased to announce we achieved these goals beyond expectation. We accomplished this because of our incredible members. Thank you for your hard work, participation and support.
What an unbelievable group of talented and hardworking board and committee members we had! Penny Nunnally and Deborah Childers worked diligently throughout the year as Program Chairmen. Julie George and Margaret Warren, our Yearbook Chairmen, were extremely conscientious and had the directories available at the first meeting. Shayla Rumely, the Speech School and 2nd Vice President, as well as Van Flanigan and Elizabeth Morgan, our Rock Quarry and 3rd Vice Presidents brought us exciting news throughout the year. Our Recording Secretaries, Lisa Hinson and Margie Hutchinson, had door prizes at each meeting for our lucky members. Valerie Alston, Betsy Lane, and Lynne Yancey, our Corresponding Secretaries, did a fantastic job getting the notices our promptly. Laura Blackburn and Jean Starke, our Treasures, were banker’s delights. Sissy Davis, our Vice President, did a ban up job for the Flower Show. Harden Powell and Maysie Beeson had so many fabulous new ideas for membership. Mariea Sibley and Jane Sibley had great suggestions for publicity and our new scrapbook. Our Historians, Louise Allen and Betty Bowring; our Parliamentarian, Betty Glenn; and Networking Chair, and wonderful past President Claire Bendict, were invaluable. Thank you for all your superb work and continual support.
In January, we had our very first millennium year group photograph taken by Guerry Redmond, one of our talented members. Our May Mother’s Day celebration at Louise Allen’s family home Broadlands honored Louis and all our mothers. Margaret Tarver made a very generous donation to the Speech School Garden at our final meeting. We will all enjoy the beautification of the garden for generations to come.
We would like to welcome three new members: Nancy Mitchell Hatcher, Eileen Keough Millard, and Laura Irby Smith.
The gavel was passed to Sissy Davis and her talented new board, and I know they will do a fabulous job.
What a joy it has been to be your president. Thank you for giving me the honor to serve you and our wonderful club.[/expandsub1]
[expand title=”1990s“]
[expandsub1 title=”1999–2000 Claire Benedict, President“]
What an interesting and busy year we have had! Thanks to everyone for their participation and especially to the Board for their enthusiasm and hard work.
We have enjoyed a variety of fun and enlightening programs this year. Candy Simmons, our Flower show Chairman, assisted by co-chair Deborah Childers, got the year off to a good start by sharing and demonstrating proven “know how” for entering and winning ribbons at the Southeastern Flower Show. Marcie Webber showed us how to use whatever is available at hand to create interesting floral arrangements. Always popular, Mary Palmer Dargan talked to us about Kitchen Gardens; Rand Wentworth from the Trust for Public Land shared his vision of Atlanta’s important greenspaces and what we can do to help create and maintain them; and Steve Eaton entertained us with his delightful demonstration of box gardens. Our field trip to Catalpa Plantation was great fun. Renee Smith entertained us all with her herb lore expertise, her home and garden. Many thanks to the Program Chairs, Shayla Rumely and Lindsey Sones, for their planning.
Van Flanigan and Elizabeth Morgan did a great job as Quarry Chairs. “Quarry Appreciation Day” was initiated in October with a good turn out. It replaces the “Quarry Work Day”. Workers came early and were joined by members who were unable to work but wanted to contribute to the camaraderie. All enjoyed an instructed tour of the garden before lunch to learn some of the practical uses, past and present, of our native plants.
The garden at the Speech School remained in good shape under Beth Nix as Speech School Chair. Garden improvements funded by 1998 party proceeds were completed and looked wonderful.
Valerie Alston, Lynne Yancey, and Betsy Lane, continued to create and mail enticing meeting notices. Laura Blackburn and Jean Starke kept track of our finances; Margaret Hutchinson and Lisa Hinson, Recording Secretaries, mailed the minutes each month and kept track of our meeting attendance; and Kim Austin and Liz Crew, Membership Chairs, kept up with membership changes. Margaret Warren and Sissy Davis revised and updated the yearbook.
The spring party at Nancy and Terry McGuirk’s wonderful home was a tremendous success! Tatty Hill, with her hard working and talented committee, orchestrated a delightful evening. Everyone who pitched in is to be congratulated, especially Sanford Dunklin and Libby Lanier for the fantastic auction, Harden Powell and Deborah Childers for again being excellent executive chefs, and Jane Sterne and Penny Nunnally for the beautiful flowers. Over $28,000 was made to benefit our projects. Congratulations to everyone who worked on the party!
Mimosa was so fortunate to have these dedicated members on the Board and key committees this year and I am very grateful to each of them for their help. Many thanks to each for all their efforts.
Claire Sherrell resigned her membership this year having become a permanent resident of Highlands, NC, and Susan Jones became a non-resident member after moving to Colorado. We welcomed three new members into Mimosa, Edwina Johnson, Carolyn Kreimer, and Hoodie Troutman, and welcomed back Betty Smith and Nadine Lawton.
It has been a wonderful year and great fun. Thanks to all of you for your enthusiastic support. Caroline Davis and Sissy Davis, our new President and Vice President, have an exciting year planned for us next fall. Enjoy the summer; I will see you in September.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”1998–1999 Sarah Kennedy, President“]
What an action-packed year this, our 70th year has been! We enjoyed investing or time in getting to know one another better, and we worked diligently on gently changing and modernizing our club. These had been my specific goals, when I started by term as your president, and they have been handily met.
Fall started out with the excitement of the Flower show in the air and an enthusiastic promotion by Chairman, Pat Tuff. In October, John Danzier talked to us about the history of the garden seat, and November prepared us for thoughts about Christmas with Lynn Zieglar’s presentation. We got business taken care of in January, and February shared a meeting between Ed McBrayer of the Path Foundation and awards of ribbons by Chair Claire Benedict for our Flower Show participants! March was a joint meeting with Cherokee Garden Club featuring an update on the Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeepers from director Sally Bethea. Blair Mann opened her lovely home to us on a beautiful April ay as we heard from Mary Palmer and Hugh Dargan on garden design. In May, we invited “guests” to join us as we celebrated the conclusion of a fabulous year – with a field trip to Ryan Gainey’s magical gardens.
The hard work, input and ideas from my Board made my “job” so much easier and fun. Claire Benedict inspired us to participate in the Flower Show in so many ways. Kim Austin looked after the Speech School garden, while Van Flanigan and Elizabeth Morgan tended to the Quarry and terrific plans for a future “Quarry Day.” Valerie Alston and Betsy Lane stayed on that computer and came up with a perky monthly meeting notice card, and Laura Blackburn and Jean Starke took turns counting all last year’s party money! Marianne Craft and Sissy Davis took the minutes for our meetings and didn’t even bat their eyes when I suggested we mail them out to the membership each month. Susan Jones and Shayla Rumely were resting on their laurels after a fine job done on the yearbook the previous summer. Duvall Fuqua and Frances Schultz worked hard that summer, as well, to get the programs pulled together.
Many thanks and hugs to all of you – the best Board I could have hoped for!
As my Board and I brainstormed and discussed changes that would benefit Mimosa’s membership, long term, we found support every step of the way – from our members. To meet certain challenges, two special committees for this year were appointed. The Membership Study Committee re-evaluated our categories of membership and recommended several important changes to improve the members’ categories and club quota. These and other amendments to the By-Laws are reflected in our 1999-2000 yearbook. The Program Study Committee explored and polled the club on ways to expand our dollar support for the Speech School’s and Quarry’s special needs this year and other projects that we might contribute to, for this year, as well As a result, we are making specific donations to the needs of the Speech School Garden and the Quarry, the conservation program at the Atlanta Botanical Garden, area enhancement of Path’s park trails, garden landscaping at Skyland Trail Health and Education Center and the cloister garden at the Shakespeare Festival’s Conant Performing Arts Center. Thanks to both those committees and their leadership teams of Nancy Glenn and Susan Virgin, Sally Allen and Tricia Allen. Mimosa also voted to make a sponsorship donation to the Southeastern Flower Show, to contribute to the Garden Club of Georgia’s “I believe in Trees” campaign and to support the Cherokee Garden Library with a donation. Be proud of us! Mimosa has touched the Atlanta community in so many ways.
Welcome to this year’s three new members: Amanda Glenn Brady, Saunders Glenn and Libby Glenn Lanier!
Mimosa is a unique and talented group of ladies, and it has been an honor to serve you this year. Thank you for the wonderful memories![/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”1997– 1998 Jane Sterne, President“]
Our Spring Party held at Sarah and Jim Kennedy’s fabulous home and garden was a huge success. Under the direction of Sarah Kennedy, the party held May 20th had over 500 in attendance. Congratulations to Harden Powell and her committee who did an outstanding job on the food and to Elkin Cushman and her committee who did the gorgeous decorations. The Silent Auction committee headed by Caroline Davis brought in $26,000, the largest amount to date. The membership voted to increase the price of the party tickets to $35 each to eliminate the need for a cash bar. As of this date Kim Austin, Party treasurer, collected revenue from donations from garden club members, ticket sales and the silent auction and the grand total raised was $44,500!!
With the hard work of our interested and active Board, Mimosa did “housekeeping”. First the Operating Account needed a boost which was done with a By-Laws change increasing annual dues to $50 with a late fee of $25 imposed, if dues are not received by December 1st. Also, the amount of Memorial Contributions were increased to $50 and it will be the responsibility of the family and friends of the family to notify the treasurer as to which charity the family would like the donation to be made. In an effort to make a timely donation, this should be done within 6 months. A form will be added to the yearbook to help facilitate in getting this information to the treasurer. In regards to the yearbook it was voted to mail the yearbook upon its printing to non-residents, associate and sustaining members. To encourage participation in the Southeastern Flower Show, a clause was added to the Mimosa Guidelines regarding reimbursement of member’s expenses. The total amount o reimbursement any year will not exceed $1500. All of these By-Laws changes will be reflected in our new 1998-99 yearbook.
Our programs were great and the highlights were a tour of the Fuqua Conservatory at the ABG and a field trip to Jim Gibb’s house and garden in Ballgound, GA. Van Flanigan, Quarry chairman, tried something new this year by organizing two workdays in April which were well attended.
It has been a fun and fulfilling year for me and I encourage all of you to participate in our great garden club. Thank you all for your help and support this year.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”1996–1997 Elkin Cushman, President“]
This has been a wonderful year for Mimosa Garden Club, and a most gratifying year for me as your President. Thank you so much for all your help and support of me and our Board. My goals of high meeting attendance, high Quarry workday attendance, and continued strong Southeaster Flower Show participation were met handily and happily and I congratulate each of you.
We started our year in September, 1996 at Josephine Robinson’s new home and only incidentally learned all the inside info on the February 1997 Southeastern Flower Show as we were so busy viewing Josephine’s new “pad”. The October meeting at the Quarry fell on a delightful Atlanta fall day and was well attended…maybe the Seydel gift certificate helped. In November, Martha Tate brought us her Media-1 slide show of a wonderful summer garden, Turnipseed Garden, in Fayetteville, just 45 minutes south of Atlanta. We learned all about arranging roses from Kathy Reiner, gardens of historical Charleston from Jim Cothran, and shade gardening from Hastings Garden Center. Perhaps the highlight was our field trip to Barnsley Gardens.
The Speech School Garden continues to look good and the new maintenance is working well. The Quarry is beautiful and is surely a treasure for Atlanta. The Flower Show participation led by Jane Sterne was huge and our many ribbons are proof.
We were able to add three new active resident members this year. They are Marianne Craft, Nancy McGuirk and Lindsey Sones. We look forward to welcoming them at the September meeting.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”1995–1996 Sally Allen, President“]
It has been a wonderful year for our Garden Club and I am pleased to report on our activities and our progress.
A most exciting proposal is under consideration for our Quarry Garden at the Atlanta History Center. Sue Vrooman, our curator, has outlined a proposal for a water garden to be constructed in the center of the Garden near the bog area. The current conditions are exceptionally well suited for the addition of a water feature to showcase additional native Georgia plants which are require standing water. Cost estimates are being reviewed and it is our hope that Mimosa will be able to contribute significantly the project. We have already agreed to utilize the $5,000 we had set aside for a new quarry entrance, as this is no longer being considered in the overall plan for the History Center.
During our February business meeting, we discussed our involvement with the Mimosa Garden at the Atlanta Speech School. After reviewing the need for and difficulties involved in coordinating two separate maintenance services, we voted to turn over day-to-day upkeep our Garden area to the Speech School. We will be contributing an annual check for $1,000 to the School for the cost of maintaining our Garden. We are very proud of the effort our Club made to establish the Garden at the Speech School and it continues to be a lovely area for the students, their families, and the staff to enjoy.
There was plenty of entertainment provided by our program chairman, Mary Bray. Our fall agenda consisted of a beautiful September luncheon at Octavia Birnie’s, the annual Quarry work day in October, and most entertaining presentation by Mimosa member Frances Schulz in November. January’s meeting at ACOG really inspired us for the Summer Games – Billy Payne is a real hero! A “new tradition” was begun in March with a joint meeting at the Atlanta botanical Garden with Peachtree and Cherokee Garden Clubs. It was a great event and we hope to do this every two years. William Banks graciously opened his Newnan home to us in April and for those of us who were able to share his treasures and his tales, it was a most memorable day.
Mary Bray, Sr. was a terrific last minute hostess for our rained-out tour of Ryan Gainey’s garden and we were most appreciative of the opportunity to have Ryan come to us at Gayle and Jimmy Alston’s home. Elkin Cushman and her many committee members put on a real event that continues to be one of the most sought-after evenings on Atlanta’s May social calendar. Thanks to everyone who was involved – this is the foundation that keeps Mimosa going!
I am grateful to all the members who do their part in so many different ways to make our Club such an outstanding organization. It has been a fun and successful year for me.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”1994–1995 Gayle Alston, President“]
What a grand year Mimosa has had! We truly went in new directions and then conquered not only old, but new horizons.
One of the first things we did was to make a by-law change thereby changing our active membership from 50 to 55 and our total membership from 100 to 105. Because of our additional 5 places and the 3 created by changes in membership status of Mrs. Rex Fuqua, Mrs. Jim McElroy, and Mrs. Carl Reith, Mimosa welcomed 8 new members into its fold? They are Kim Austin, Sissy Davis, Van Flanigan, Shayla Rumely, Jean Starke, Frances Schultz, Lamar Smith and Margaret Warren.
Elkin Cushman, as Program Chairman, expertly guided Mimosa through a “City Awareness” year that was both educational and fascinating. We toured the Michael Carlos Museum, heard Ginny Plumber give us all the inside information abut the then upcoming Flower Show, listened raptly as Barbara Sahs told us about Atlanta’s Battered Women Council, learned from Kathy Guyton how to begin our own businesses and found out from Annesley Howland exactly what the International Rescue Committee does. Probably, the highlight of the year was the tour of INFORUM and getting to see and hear first hand about ACOG. Over half of the membership attended this function! Elkin and Bob Holder put together a marvelous and very special happening.
Our Work Day at the Quarry was not quite as well attended, but it too was a huge success. It was a gorgeous, crisp October day – you know the kind when the sky is that blue, BLUE that Atlantans see only in May and October – and all who were there enjoyed the day.
Our corresponding Secretaries, Barbara Thome and Candy Simmons created a computer labeling system enabling them to keep all names and addresses current throughout the year. This was a terrific improvement over our old system, and kept all communications up to date.
Pam Bray did an outstanding job overseeing the maintenance of The Speech School. She took the allotted moneys, rearranged and prioritized garden needs, and actually created a living, breathing, workable budget. (Maybe Congress needs our Pam!). She also hired a new maintenance group led by Steve Poulos who was ever faithful to his promises and, more than not, went beyond the call of duty for us. A giant thanks to Pam!
The absolute zenith, however, was Mimosa’s participation and overwhelming success in The 1995 Flower Show. Sally Allen allowed no one to drag her feet and one way or another had all of us involved. We won so many awards, blue ribbons and all other colors too that we truly could not count them all! Excitement was a feverish pitch and Mimosa really showed her strength and abundant talent. We are so proud of us![/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”1993–1994 Linda Beth Loughlin, President“]
Mimosa had a very busy and exciting year. The members had such fun working in the Quarry in October that it was decided to make that meeting permanently “Quarry Work Day.”
The Flower Show had very good participation from our membership under the leadership of Margaret Hatcher and Cookie Jones. Mildred Spalding created an “entryway” and won an honorable mention. Many ribbons were won, hard work was shared, and enthusiasm for this project continues to grow.
The Speech School Garden is looking more beautiful thanks to the effort of Mary Ann Frazier and advisors, Bettye Maddox and Betty Mitchell. A contract to “green b. eans” landscape services means the garden will be maintained on a quarterly basis.
Our party this year was a grand success! The setting, Sarah and Jim Kennedy’s beautiful home and lovely gardens, was the perfect spot for a May garden party. Gayle Alston and her committee worked long and hard, and with wonderful results! The club made nearly $14,000.00, enabling us to continue to fund our projects. We voted to make the tickets to the party $25.00 a piece. It was truly a magical evening, and we are so lucky to have members who are so interested and enthusiastic.
I had a very helpful and active Board of Directors this year. I am most grateful for all of their advice and efforts on behalf of our club. Mildred Spalding’s programs were always interesting and informative.
Regretfully, we lost long time and much-loved member Mrs. Anne Glenn. Dee McElroy moved to New Orleans and requested to change her membership to non-resident. This opened up the places for our two new members, Lisa Mitchell Hinson and Maysie Spalding Beeson.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”1992- 1993 Esther Garges, President“]
Mimosa had a very busy and interesting year. Valerie Alston, our program Chairman, did an outstanding job on an entertaining and useful variety of programs. We had a fun work day at the Speech School, and our trip to Goodness Grows was certainly the highlight.
The Speech School Garden received a much needed “facelift” this winter. The funds for this were made available through the generous contributions of our Sustaining members. Under the watchful eyes of Bettye Maddox and Betty Mitchell and with the help of Dicksie Hill and Mary Ann Frasier, the garden changed considerably and really looks wonderful. Mimosa is truly fortunate to have members that are so willing and talented.
We had our last meeting in the Quarry Garden, and Alan Sistrunk told us about the overall plan for the History Center and the focus that will be on the Quarry Garden. Next year will be important to Mimosa and our participation in the Quarry. Sue Vrooman continues to keep the garden in peak condition, but she needs more participation from our members.
I had a very interested and active Board of Directors this year. We researched and developed a new category of membership, but after discussion with the membership we felt it was too early to make a permanent change to the by-laws. As a result, I appointed a membership committee of myself, Betty Glenn and Caroline Davis to follow up on privileges and obligations to Mimosa.
We had a really wonderful participation in the Atlanta Flower Show, and several people won trophies and ribbons. We really have a lot of talent in our club.
Jana Hall, Mary Ella Hill, and Bonnie Meredith moved from the city and changed their membership to Nonresident. Their moving opened up the places for our three new members: Julie George, Hazel Hilsman and Elizabeth Morgan.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”1991–1992 Carole Ridley, President“]
Mimosa’s Spring Party was the highlight of the 1991-92 year. Held at the lovely home of Gayle and Jimmy Alston, under the expert direction of Esther Garges, it was a huge success. Over $9,000 was netted to be shared by the Rock Quarry and the Speech School Garden.
Many exciting plans are in the making for the Quarry Garden which we hope to implement this fall. The Speech School Garden received some new landscaping and plans are being made to substitute one or two work days in the gardens for programs next year. The Rock Quarry has a new curator, Sue Vrooman. She is enthusiastic and has already initiated several improvements in the garden.
The interesting and unusual programs this year were skillfully planned by Susan Jones and Sanford Dunklin. The most outstanding being the October meeting/field trip to The Rare Plant in Sharpsburg where much interest was generated in the Atlanta Flower Show.
Jane Sterne did a marvelous job inspiring members to enter the Atlanta Flower Show in March and Mimosa won several ribbons.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”1990–1991 Susan Virgin, President“]
Mimosa 1990-91 began with a field trip to Crabapple to visit Olive Robinson’s home and perennial garden. This lovely day set the state for a fun and informative year for Mimosa.
Jo Phelps and Jane Sterne, our program chairmen, chose “Landscaping Present, Past and Future” as their theme. The programs were outstanding and Mimosa was awarded a certificate from the Fulton County Federation of Garden Clubs noting their excellence.
Once again Mimosa participated in the Atlanta Flower Show. Thanks to the participation of many Mimosa members, and the tireless efforts of Carole Ridley and Jane Sterne, Mimosa placed fourth in overall points.
With the beginning of construction at the Atlanta History Center, Mimosa realized the need to plan ahead for the Quarry. The membership voted to transfer $2,000.00 from the general checking to the quarry account, and to give the proceeds of the 1992 party to the quarry. This money, up to $5,000.00, will be earmarked for replanting the Quarry entrance.
With much reluctance, Mimosa accepted the resignation of Raleigh Bryans as curator of the quarry Garden. Sue Vrooman will replace Raleigh, and Mimosa will continue to pay $3,000.00 a year for her services.
In April, Sanford Mitchell Dunklin became Mimosa’s newest member.[/expandsub1]
[expand title=”1980s“]
[expandsub1 title=”1989–1990 Penny Roberts, President“]
A $25.00 fine + terrific programs planned by Caroline Davis = success in Mimosa’s attendance. It was delightful meeting in more members’ houses this year.
Our projects, the spec School Garden and the Atlanta Historical society’s Rock Quarry Garden benefited by our financial support and physical efforts. Jane Tracy, with the help of Raleigh Bryans led the way in caring for the Quarry Garden. The speech School garden is doing beautifully thanks to Jo Phelps.
A highlight of Mimosa’s year was the Atlanta Flower Show entitled “Windows on the World.” It was held February 14th-18th at the Atlanta Apparel Mart. Carole Ridley’s efforts at motivating and organizing members paid off beautifully!
First place ribbons were won by Octavia Birnie, Jane Tracy and Penny Roberts. Second place ribbons were won by Peggy Ridley and Carole Ridley. For the second year in the children’s classes, Sally Allen’s daughter, Sarah, won several first and second place ribbons.
Mimosa voted in three great new members this year – Deborah Childers, Duvall Fuqua and Rebecca Shiver. Susan Virgin expertly spearheaded our party graciously hosted by Tricia and Inman Allen. Sally Allen acted as auction chairman. The party was wonderful! Sandy Craft and her Committee outdid themselves on the food. Linda Beth Loughlin and her committee’s decorations were enchanting. Thanks to our leader and her helpers, the party was a tremendous success bringing almost $8,000.00 to be shared by the Rock quarry Garden and the Speech School Garden.
The year ended with Anne Stembler, Julian Williams and Patti Boykin hosting a trip to our Georgia State Botanical Gardens where we toured and had a delicious picnic lunch.
It’s been a treat for me to get to know and better appreciate Mimosas and her members. There is much creativity and talent within our group and I feel privileged to be a part.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”1988–1989 Sarah Clarke, President“]
Over the summer, we made a donation toward the purchase of a labeling machine at the Atlanta Historical Society. We felt this was particularly timely as the new guide to the Quarry Garden was being completed and published. 2,500 copies are being presented to the Historical Society, with all proceeds going to them. Jana Hall, Sandy Candler and Raleigh Bryans are to be thanked for their efforts on this project.
The Speech School Garden ran smoothly this year under the direction of Dee McElroy. It was decided that our responsibility would now be limited just to the garden; the playground will henceforth be the responsibility of the Speech School.
The Atlanta Flower Show was held February 12-19 at the Atlanta Apparel Mart, and Mimosa had good participation among its members, thanks in large part to chairman Penny Roberts. The Board decided that during a party year the Vice-President will be responsible only for the party; another member will be chosen to head up our Flower show efforts.
In March the Fuqua Conservatory at the Botanical Gardens was dedicated, and we expressed our appreciation of Dottie Fuqua by making a contribution to their new library.
Sally Allen did an outstanding job as Program Chairman this year. The highlight was our April bus rip to Gene Cline’s gardens in Canton, where we enjoyed a wonderful tour by Mrs. Cline and a picnic lunch.
As the year ended, the membership voted to change the inactive category to non-resident, and the by-laws reflected this change. It was also decided that a $25.00 fine would be imposed on those actives who do not meet their five meetings requirement.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”1987–1988 Nancy Glenn, President“]
In the fall some exciting work was completed in the Atlanta Speech School Garden. Under the direction of Sterne Landscaping, Inc. new plant material was added and a sprinkler system installed. This will make maintenance of the garden much easier and insure better care for the plant material.
Sandy Candler and Jana Hall continue tow work on a new guide for the Quarry Garden. We hope to publish this in 1988-89. In preparation for the American Horticulture Convention which was held in Atlanta this year, we had additional bark placed on the paths in the Quarry Garden. Raleigh Bryans continues to work hard there to keep the quarry beautiful.
We had another delightful “road trip” this year. Jean Wilson and Gayle Wilson hosted a bus trip to Callaway Gardens to see the new Sibley Center there. We enjoyed a picnic lunch in the gardens, returning to Atlanta in the early afternoon.
We made one by-lay change this year. The membership, on the recommendation of the board, voted to extend the term of Treasurer from one year to two years.
The revival of our Mimosa Garden Party this spring was the highlight of our year and a tremendous success. It was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Fuqua. The ticket prices were set at $15.00 and members were limited to 4 tickets each. Sarah Clarke and her committee helped to make this party the biggest success yet. The Silent Auction under the direction of Michele Mitchell was a wonderful addition to the party and a very profitable one. The party raised over $11,000. According to a vote of the membership at the February meeting, $8,000 of this amount will go to the Quarry Garden: $1,000 will be set aside for our next party, and the remainder will go into our general checking account.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”1986-1987 Michele Mitchell, President“]
[expandsub1 title=”1985-1986 Ann Gordon Bonner, President“]
Last spring the membership voted to try an assessment of our membership. Proceeds from this assessment would go directly to our two projects, the Atlanta Speech School Garden and the Quarry Garden at the Atlanta Historical Society, with no party expenses having to be deducted. The assessment of $80.00 per member was to be split evenly between the projects. (This amount was the same as the cost of tickets for our last party.) Well over 80% of the membership paid their $80.00 assessment this year in full. The remaining members chose to pay $40.00 this year as well as next. This enabled us to deposit $3,300 in our Quarry Garden money market account.
We contributed $400 to the Speech School in response to a request made to all garden clubs who in the past helped with their grounds. The total was used toward major renovation of the grounds. A beautiful new bench was purchased for The Quarry Garden (to replace a rotten and broken one) and is now a spot to sit and enjoy the beauty and tranquility of our garden.
In the fall Marian Hilsman was honored by the Shepherd Spinal Clinic for her dedication to their garden for patients. Many members attended the luncheon and presentation and Mimosa presented a check to the Spinal Center to help the work in the garden.
The Quarry Garden continues to thrive under the supervision of our curator. Raleigh Bryans. Penny Roberts, the Quarry Chairman, and our members worked tirelessly “weeding and cleaning.” In the spring we paid to have fresh bark spread on the path system. For next year work is already underway to print a new guide to the Quarry Garden.
Jana Hall and Sandy Candler were outstanding as our Program Chairmen. The highlight of the year was a bus rip to Madison, GA. We toured historical landmarks and enjoyed a picnic lunch. It was a delightful day, helping to bring the year to a happy close.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”1984-1985 Fran Hilsman, President“]
The 1984-1985 year in Mimosa was interesting and rewarding. In the fall, Dottie Fuqua was honored by the Shepherd Spinal Clinic for her dedication to their garden and for patients. Many members attended the luncheon and presentation. Mimosa presented a check to the Spinal Center toward the work in their garden.
Through the guidance of Mrs. Ivan Allen, Mimosa and the River Valley Garden Club sponsored a lecture and workshop by a well known English landscape architect and author, John Brooks. It was a tremendous success and as a result, Mimosa gave the Botanical Garden a check for $705,000.
In April, a questionnaire was sent to all members concerning the future of the Garden Party for 1986. After compiling the results, a discussion was held at the May meeting and it was decided to have a member-spouse cocktail party in 1986. The members hope we will return to the traditional party in a few years.
The Rock Quarry Garden continues to look beautiful under the leadership of Raleigh Bryans, and the members continued to work on a rotation schedule. The Speech School Garden underwent a few changes. We hope to replace plants that were damaged in the hard freezes.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”1983-1984 Tricia Allen, President“]
Our project at the Atlanta Historical Society, the Quarry Garden, progressed beautifully with the help of our curator, Raleigh Bryans and the additional help of our members who each worked two shifts during the year. Our spring party, “A Meadow Lark,” was held in May at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Allen. Ticket prices were raised to $10.00 to meet rising expenses. Frannie Hilsman, her committee, and our members made the party our biggest success yet. The party raised $11,000. We split the proceeds between our two projects, giving $5,000 each to the Rock Quarry Garden and the Speech School Garden.
[expandsub1 title=”1982-1983 Dee McElroy, President“]
Mimosa made a very smooth transaction into its first year of incorporation and was granted tax-exempt status by the IRS as a charitable organization in November.
We continued the maintenance program at the Speech School. Juniper was added to the sliding bank on the playground which effectively solved a problem we have had with keeping this area planted.
Our Quarry Garden at the Atlanta Historical Society was especially lovely this year under the supervision of Anne Spalding. In preparation for the Land Of Our Own exhibit at the Historical Society, new plant material and new markers were added, and the entrance to the Quarry at McElreath hall was enhanced with Christmas fern to provide a more significant path to the garden. To help in maintaining this special place and to continue to develop the collection of native Georgia plants, Raleigh Bryans was hired as “Curator of the quarry Collections.” The Quarry received recognition this spring in the form of a $100 prize for second place in the annual HANDS award competition.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”1981-1982 Tee Muir, President“]
Mimosa was honored on a National level this year by receiving the Lucille Droege Mauntel Certificate for Conservation from the National Council of State Garden Clubs, Inc. This award was given in recognition of the creation, continued development, preservation and protection of the Rock Quarry’s Natural Resources. We were also honored to receive from the Garden Club of Georgia, Inc. first place in the State Wildflower Award. A bronze perpetual trophy goes to the Club with the most effective wildflower activity for the preservation, protection, and propagation of wildflowers. Our Awards Chairman, Harden Powell did an outstanding job preparing the “books of evidence.”
Our Spring Party, “A Meadow Lark,” was held in the meadow of the Ivan Allen’s. It was an absolutely beautiful party and a tremendous success. Dee McElroy, her committee, and our club members all worked very hard to make this our largest and most successful yet.
The party netted $8,404.75 and we presented $7,404.75 to the Atlanta Historical Society for the Quarry Garden. Dee invested the remaining $1,000 for our 1984 party.
Our Executive Committee made several recommendations this year which were presented to the membership and unanimously approved: 1) Mimosa Garden Club has become incorporated. We have received our Corporate Minute Book. In it are the Corporate Seal, our Articles of Incorporation certified by the Secretary of State, and our By-Laws. Our lawyer Harden Powell, and myself revised our Constitution and By-Laws into the new Articles and By-Laws to reflect exactly the same purposes, policies and rules as our previous Constitution and By-Laws. The format has been changed slightly to fit the legal norm or to clarify in places. The Executive Committee voted to accept and adopt the Articles and By-Laws; 2) we have applied for a tax number so that we may realize interest from our Speech School maintenance fund as well as handle that account, our on-going party account, and our cookbook money; 3) we have a new membership election process; 4) By-Law change for inactive members clarifying their status; 5) hostessing changes; 6) the addition of these officers to our Board of Directors: A Third Vice President; an assistant Third Vice President; and an assistant Second Vice President.
All of these By-Laws changes will be reflected in our new and expanded 1982-1983 yearbook. Our entire Executive Committee has worked especially hard this year and I am very proud of them.[/expandsub1]
[expandsub1 title=”1980–1981 Blair Mann, President“]
Participation at the Rock Quarry this year was wonderful to behold as many members gave generously of their time and energies. Bravo Ann Spalding for her organization and enthusiasm!
A thoroughly studied dues increase was voted on and passed, raising our annual dues from $10.00 to $20.00. This was in addition to the existing $5.00 per member responsibility to the speech School Fund. An ongoing party fund was created by withholding $1,000 from our 1980 party proceeds and placing it in our Club account.
Though the efforts and care of Dee McElroy, Mimosa installed two new much needed swing sets at the Speech School. These are identical to the award winning existing sets in order that the original design intent of the playground be maintained. The garden has been well kept and looked lovely all year.
A special tribute was given to Pattie Boykin with much appreciation for her many past and continuing efforts on behalf of our club. A silver shell ashtray was given to her as a small token of our esteem.
[expand title=”1970s“]
1979-1980 Julian Williams, President
During the year, we donated money to several horticultural organizations. Also we maintained our ongoing project at the Atlanta Historical Society, the Quarry Garden, which is becoming more beautiful each year.
At our Atlanta Speech School gardens we had very heavy pruning done and added new shrubs and flowers in the gardens. We also made several improvements in the playground area. In addition, this spring we held our “meadow Lark” party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Allen. Blair Mann, Chairman, and her committee did a fabulous job and presented a check for over $6,864.50 to the Speech School representing the proceeds of the party.
1978-1979 Sallie B. Smith, President
Our project at the Atlanta Historical Society, the Quarry Garden, has matured beautifully. Gene Cline has added more plants which were bountiful this past spring. We printed a booklet, “A Guide to the Quarry Garden,” to explain the history and illustrate and describe the flora environs of the Quarry. We printed 2,000 booklets and the proceeds will benefit the Atlanta Historical Society.
1977-1978 Betty Glenn, President
In October, Mimosa presented a check for $500 to Mr. Bill Close, Chairman of the Board of the Atlanta Botanical Garden, becoming one of the first garden clubs to contribute to this beautiful project currently underway in Piedmont Park.
During the year, Gene Cline added several species of shrubs and wildflowers to the Rock Quarry. A handbook is being assembled under the direction of Mrs. Ivan Allen and Mrs. Norman Seiferie, Botanist, naming and describing the various wildflowers and shrubs. The booklet will serve as a guide to those who visit the quarry.
Our spring Party, “A Meadow Lark”, was held in May at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Allen, under the direction of Sallie Smith, Chairman. A check for over $6,000 was presented to the Atlanta Speech School representing the proceeds of the party.
1976-1977 Harden Powell, President
With the completion of the new Scottish Rite Hospital, Mimosa participated in a HANDS drive to supply trees to landscape the hospital grounds. An oak tree was chosen and planted with an accompanying plaque, signifying that it was given by Mimosa Garden Club. A large map showing the location of each tree and the donor has been hung in the hospital reception area.
An annual maintenance program for the Speech School garden and playground was investigated and approved by the membership. This will insure continuity and keep the garden looking its best at al times.
Through the tireless efforts of Gene Cline, work on the waterfall in the Mary Howard Gilbert Garden at the Atlanta Historical Society has been completed. A scrapbook prepared by Jane Sibley, Shelby Neely and Sallie Smith, on this garden project was submitted to the Fulton County Federation of Garden Clubs. At the annual FCFGC meeting in March, Mimosa was awarded third place and $200 for our project.
Mimosa’s cookbook continues to flourish under the able direction of Pattie Boykin.
1975–1976 Mrs. Jack Spalding, President
1976 saw the completion of Mimosa’s transformation of the Rock Quarry at Atlanta Historical Society into a unique wild garden extending over three acres and planted with wildflowers, shrubs, trees, bulbs, ferns and vines native to Georgia. The early completion as made possible when Mimosa was awarded a $25,000 grand from the Price Gilbert, Jr. Charitable Fund.
Under leadership of Mrs. Ivan Allen, quarry project chairman, Mimosa had devoted three years and almost $8,000 to the garden, which was named the Mary Howard Gilbert Garden and dedicated on March 23, 1976, to the memory of Mr. Gilbert’s mother, a founder of Mimosa.
On February 24, 1976, Mimosa presented $1,000 to the Atlanta Speech School, representing the first profits of the Mimosa Cookbook Project, due largely to continuing efforts of Mrs. P.S. Boykin, originator of the cookbook and its chairman throughout. The cookbook is much in demand and Mimosa has every right to expect more profits for the Speech School from this source.
In April, Mimosa participated in the horticultural division of Dogwood District’s Bicentennial Flower Show, winning many ribbons.
The highlight of 1975-1976 was Mimosa’s fund-raising garden party. A Meadow Lark, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Fuqua on May 19, under direction of Mrs. William Powell, party chairman. The party was once again a financial success, meaning more than $5,400 to Mimosa’s quarry garden.
Changes were made in the By-Laws to make it somewhat easier to elect new members.
1974–1975 Jean Wilson, President
This year marked the first time Mimosa Garden Club was honored on a regional basis when the club received the Hubert B. Owens Deep South School Grounds Improvement Award. This trophy was given in recognition of the creation and continued development of the Speech School’s Founders Memorial Playground. More equipment was added during the year and several areas were re-landscaped and re-planted.
Work on our other project – the rock quarry adjacent to the Swan House – was somewhat hampered by inclement weather and legal complications but plans are underway to start development shortly. A large part of the area has been cleared and the basic concept is to create a natural, restful setting for a contemplative garden amidst plants and shrubs indigenous to Georgia soil.
The Club’s By-Laws were revised and approved and a new system for electing members was instituted. The idea of a Mimosa trust fund was pursed but abandoned for pragmatic reasons. The sale of our cookbooks continued in a very successful fashion coupled with our advertising them on a national basis.
1973–1974 Babs Atkins, President
The year began with the introduction of Mimosa’s Hors d’Oeuvres Cookbook which has been widely and enthusiastically accepted. The project was spearheaded by Pattie Boykin who did an outstanding job. The proceeds will go to the Atlanta Speech School.
Work began on two new additions to the Founders Memorial Playground and we expect them to be completed by late summer.
Jean Wilson, party chairman, announced that Mimosa’s “Gala Affair” would be held at the home of Mrs. J.B. Fuqua and the club voted the project monies would go to the Rock Quarry at the Atlanta Historical Society. Due to the tireless efforts of the club, a check was presented in the amount of $6,600 to get this project underway.
1972–1973 Peggy Ridley, President
Programs were planned by the members for this year as a new venture for our Club. It brought us closer to some of our community problems and projects. A check for $1,888 was given to the Atlanta Historical Society for the development of the rock quarry. Dottie Fuqua, as a concerned citizen in creating and preserving our landscape, won the Association of Landscape Contractors of America Grand National Award for her garden. As members of the Dogwood District, we planted dogwood trees it the Botanical Gardens in Athens, Georgia. Our project, (the Speech School Playground) won a first place award of $300 from the Fulton County Federation of Garden Clubs. We also won a second place $5.00 award for our flower arrangements in the Federation of Garden Clubs Luncheon.
1971–1972 Margaret Hull, President
Because of the dedication and hard work of its members, Mimosa completed two major projects. The Georgia conservancy Library was put into working order. The Founders Memorial Playground at the Speech School was built and dedication ceremonies were held in May.
We ended the year with a most successful party held in the gardens of Mrs. John Ridley. Since our auction was so profitable before, we decided to repeat this idea; but in addition to painting, we auctioned many items donated by local merchants and friends. The proceeds went toward establishing two scholarships of $1800 at the Speech School.
1970-1971 Nancy Willcoxon, President
Mimosa cashed a bond of $1,500 to establish a woodland walk at the Atlanta Historical Society. At our November meeting a bronze plaque was placed on the walk, a natural wooded path, in honor of Louise Allen whose vision and effort have created beauty everywhere on Swan House grounds. Since 1966, when the new site was purchased, until the present time, Louise had been trustee, grounds chairman and coordinator of some twenty garden clubs who maintain sections of the landscape gardens. We were thrilled to honor her at this time.
On a field trip to Panola Mountain, Nancy Willcoxon presented a check of $5,500 to Alan Hart of the Georgia Conservancy. This was put into an escrow account until a full study could be made to determine how Mimosa could best fill then needs of the Conservancy.
A request came in February for the establishment of an ecology library. This was most appealing, as it would be the only one in the state and very unique nationwide. The demand for pamphlets and literature was great and we could provide this information to them as well as a full time employee and rental of a Xerox machine.
In the spring of 1971, the members voted to use the Mimosa funds at the Speech School to do the beginning layout for the playground. During the spring and summer, your playground committee, consisting of Mrs. I.S. Mitchell, Mrs. Charles Atkins, Mrs. Jack Glenn, Mrs. Errol Hay, Mrs. Gerry Hull, Mrs. John Maddox, Mrs. John Ridley and Mrs. Cleve Willcoxon, had plans submitted by the University of Georgia School of Landscape Design and the Atlanta Art School. The committee’s final choice was a plan submitted by Mr. W.F. Monroe who had also done the plan for our Mimosa Garden. His plan utilized the terrain to advantage and provided for many circular and separate areas that were in themselves unique. This plan also complimented and was an interesting and attractive addition to the existing garden.
It was originally planned to do the playground section by section as funds became available; however, this proved unnecessary when Mrs. Jack Glenn suggested the idea that the playground be built in honor of and dedicated to our founding members – many of whom had not only been interested in the Speech School, but had actively participated in its organization. It was felt that the families of these founding members would want to have a part in making such a playground a reality.
[expand title=”1960s“]
1969-1970 Jean Glenn, President
With our Speech School garden completed and the mounting environmental problems of utmost interest to all our members, we selected the Georgia Conservancy as the benefit for our spring fund raising project. Jean Glenn, President and Nancy Willcoxon, Party Chairman, announced that the party would be held in the meadow of Mrs. Ivan Allen’s. Our talented members were busy for months painting wildlife pictures that were sold. It was decided to auction them instead; and on paintings alone, we cleared $715.00. Net profits were $5,350.00
1968-1969 Claire Sherrill, President
This was the year of rejuvenation. Claire Sherrill and the committee revised the By-Laws for membership so that all members would play a more important part in Club activities. At Rich’s Daffodil Show, Mrs. Ivan Allen won many blue ribbons and other winners included Mrs. J.L. Riley, Mrs. Joseph Birnie.
1967-1968 Mrs. John Maddox, President
Mrs. John Maddox took over as President and undertook the task of finding a statute for the Mimosa Garden which was a gift of Mrs. Baxter Maddox. Jill Sanders was commissioned to do a bronze “Girl with Dog.” It was cast in Spain and arrived the summer of 1968.
A committee was set up to maintain the Garden at the Speech School with all active members giving 2 days of one month during the year. Price Gilbert donated four stone benches for the garden.
Our spring party – “A Yearly Affair” at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Yearly was again a financial success.
1966-1967 Betty Mitchell, President
Activity centered around plans for our proposed garden at the Atlanta Speech School. It is to be designed by Billy Monroe and planted by Frank Smith. The new school and garden are to be dedicated in the fall of 1967. Your committee worked the entire summer refining plans and choosing slow growing evergreen plants and ground covers that would make an interesting year round garden.
Price Gilbert became an honorary member of Mimosa. Betty Mitchell announced plans for “Fiesta Alfresco,” our spring party at the home of Mrs. James D. Robinson. Project chairmen were Frances Huber and Claire Sherrill. Mrs. John Wilson hand a Champagne Tea for the other Garden Club Presidents to promote the sale of tickets which were $2.00 each. Garden statuary, ornaments, plans and marvelous flower containers decorated by members were sold. Proceeds of $4300 went to the Mimosa Fund at the Speech School.
1964–1966 Rosa Hatch, President
Mimosa had a very successful year horticulturally at the Atlanta Flower Show and The Daffodil Show with Mrs. Alton Irby and Mrs. Phillip Alston having a number of prize winners. The Club took a chartered bus trip to Georgia State Hospital at Milledgeville to see the facilities and in what way we could participate in their Garden Therapy Program. We contributed one hundred dollars to buy seeds and bulbs for the patients to plan their own gardens. Our president, Rosa Hath, also engineered a very successful spring “potted Plant Party” at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Troutman on West Wesley Road.
1962-1964 Mrs. Jack Adair, President
Several amendments were made to the Constitution and By-Laws in 1962-1963, among the most outstanding: granting the vote to the associate members and raising the dues to $10.00 for active and associate members alike.
In 1963 we had a lecture by Miss Takahashi for the benefit of the Garden, making $765.50 from the proceeds plus some personal donations.
Mimosa helped with the Convention of the National Council of State Garden Clubs which was held in Atlanta during the spring of 1963.
The major accomplishments during 1962-1963 were:
(1) Creating a “fund” for the exclusive use of the Club’s civic project the Terrace Garden at the Atlanta Speech School.
(2) Revision of the Constitution and By-Laws.
(3) Rating third at the Atlanta Flower Show, Mimosa won 24 ribbons out of 50 entries in the Horticulture Division.
The Atlanta Flower Show Association made a profit from the April show that was divided equally among the club members and we received a check for $165.40 for our civic project.
Mrs. Jack Adair honored the original members at a Champagne Tea celebrating Mimosa’s 35th year. Mimosa held its first Spring Cocktail Party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Smith on Woodhaven Road. The theme “A Garden Allow” showed what could be achieved with indirect outdoor lighting and unusual garden lighting fixtures. The party raised over $2500 for the Atlanta Speech School Mimosa Fund.